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russian-georgian war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
russian-georgian war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Russian-Georgian Ossetian War Of 2008

Georgia forgot the first law of relations between nations. "Big boys will always bully little boys." That is what Russia did to Georgia in Russian-Georgian Ossetian War of 2008 that lasted a few days.

Georgia under Saakashvili perhaps understood this but it dared take on the Russians believing that since it was an US ally Russia would not retaliate. Also if Russia did so, its friend the US would bail it out. This did not happen as America had Iraq and Afghanistan on its plate and was not going to war against Russia just because silly Georgia got too big for its boots.

Georgia attacked South Ossetia and got hammered by Russia. It was only after the intervention of the West that Russia backed off and withdrew from Georgia.

That is the Russian-Georgian Ossetian War of 2008 in a nutshell.

Moral of the story. Little weakly boys should not challenge big boys for a fight.

A Georgian soldier. An over-confident but stupid Saakashvili took on the Russians


Saakashvili. The man who started the war

Georgian troops had better weapons and equipment supplied by the US and Israel

Georgian missiles fire on South Ossetia

Russia felt hurt. A wounded Russian soldier. How dare a small neighbour take it on?

The Russian bear awoke and was very angry. A Russian soldier

Russian troops move in.

A Georgian tank destroyed

That is what remained of a Georgian convoy

Georgian soldiers taken prisoner

Georgian soldiers fleeing from Gori, a Georgian city, after Russia attacked it

Georgian POW

This is how Russia felt about the whole affair

This is how Georgia felt after it was thrashed by Russia. A woman Georgian soldier