Bayram Cigerli Blog

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  • Web Siteye Reklam Ver

    Sende web sitemize reklam vermek veya ilan vermek istiyorsan. Tek yapman gereken sitenin en altında bulunan yere iletişim bilgilerini girmen yeterli olacaktır. Ekip arkadaşlarımız siziznle iletişime gececektir.

  • Web Sitemizin Yazarı Editörü OL

    Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni

project etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
project etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Project continues...! Second part: ORAL PRESENTATIONS

In the second part of this project you will be the teachers for a while!Each group has its part from the book to prepare their lessons... If you have any questions about it, please ask me.Team 1 (ANDREA-FRAN) - Spanish War of Independence (p. 78-79)Team 2 (EVA-NATALIA) - The Parliament of...

Project on going! - First part: NEWS

Hi guys,We are starting a new project... it will count on your marks for the second term.This will be a Historical newspaper!You have all the information in MOODLE, including the assessment sheet...These are the parts you will use to choose what your news are about...Team 1 (ANDREA-FRAN) - Spanish War of Independence (p. 78-79)Team 2 (EVA-NATALIA) - The Parliament of Cadiz (p. 80-81)Team 3 (JAVI-JESÚS-GUTY)...

Project 1 - Unit 1 Art

Each group will present to the class their work in a speaking presentation.You can use different resources (storyteller, narrator, online presentations, videos, poster...).You have to choose and divide the different parts, so each member of the group participe equally.GROUP 1 - GOYAIdeas:BiographyWork by stages:   1- First years (Zaragoza). 2- Tapestry cartoons (Madrid), 3-Portraits (Madrid),...

I Need a Distraction

Word Play - First Word: Bored (donated by Ruth)Bored: (wikipedia definition: Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the opportunities surrounding them. The first record of the word boredom is in the novel Bleak House by...

Word Play

It’s not that I don’t have anything to write about, but I wanted to branch out, to write about something other than travel, food or weather. Yup, most of my blogs are about one of those three topics, either directly or indirectly. So, I thought, why not get some suggestions from someone else, to see...