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motivation for exercise etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
motivation for exercise etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How To Stay Motivated During Your Exercise Journey

I think we can all agree that the hard part with exercising is staying motivated. I totally understand and I go through this every so often. I try to remind myself by following a few simple rules that allow me to keep on track of my goals so I can continue to be encouraged with my exercising. Some of them start with short term goals or taking baby steps. As you begin to approach these smaller goals or accomplish them, you will build confidence. You will then become motivated since accomplishing anything is very rewarding. By knowing how much time and effort you've invested feels great when you begin to see results. So, let me discuss the rest of the points on how you can stay motivated.

1. Write down your short and long term goals. Next, acknowledge it by saying it to yourself or someone close to you such as a friend or spouse. By admitting it, you have taken action in implementing these goals. We tend to think about our goals in our mind but it was just a thought that passed by us so saying it aloud is a commitment we just made to ourselves.

2. Reflect back on previous attempts that have made you to stop exercising. Do you see the same pattern that you are heading or what are ways you can do things differently this time? Were you exercising too much the first few weeks and you decided it was just too much work? Start off with the basics and work out a schedule that you can handle and slowly progress from that stage. Lets face it, these days everyone has a busy lifestyle with their career, family and friends. Try to find a routine that is simple, quick, and consistent that works for you!

3. Be patient with your exercising. Most of us exercise so we can lose weight, tone up, stay healthy, etc. Seeing results isn't anything that is overnight or the first week. There are no short cuts in life and that goes for exercising as well. If you want to see results you have to be patient with yourself. If you are burning more calories than you eat, your body is continuing to change. Even if its slower than you expected, results are still present but at a slower process than you want. As they say good things come to those who wait!

4. Be around people who have similar interest as yourself. Get a training partner whether you are training at home, gym, etc. Having someone who can motivate you when you are down or tired helps a lot! I've gone through that road many times and having that training partner helped me immensely. Of course, some of us may not have a training partner and that is when your determination powers through to finish that work out. Also, talk to fitness professionals in the health industry and they can assist you or hire a qualified personal trainer.

5. Constantly monitoring your weight does not help at all. By getting on that dreaded scale, it can definitely discourage your progress if you haven't lost any weight. There are so many things that can play a factor such as attaining more lean muscle, water retention, etc. Muscle does weigh more than fat and I like to think things out from a logical point of view. If you feel and look better in your clothes then you are making great progress. Focus more attention about losing fat loss rather than weight loss.

6. Always educate yourself. Go to a book store, library, or surf the internet and read as much material on health and fitness. As they say knowledge is power!

7. Rewarding yourself is another bonus. Go to that much need massage after exercising hard since you've done a good job the past few weeks. Other ways to reward yourself can be going away for a day with a friend or spouse, check out a movie, buy yourself a small gift such as running shoes or workout clothes. We all need to feel self appreciated and this can definitely jump start yourself by knowing you deserve it!

8. Try to stay positive. I know each day is different and you may not feel the same way as you did the previous work out. Find ways to stay positive by remembering that you always feel great after exercising, finishing this workout will allow me to do my other things such as watching TV, you ate some junk food today so need this workout to balance the calories, etc. Sometimes being competitive can be good as well and the days you don't want to exercise, you can think to yourself that you don't want your training partner to being one step ahead of you!

9. Keep track of your progress. A simple way to keep motivated is to see how far you've come when you first started or what areas do you still need to improve. Keep a diary and log your exercise routine and training regimen. Set up your own progression chart on a set schedule by taking measurements of your body, weighing yourself, evaluating your body fat percentage. This can be done every 3-4 weeks to evaluate your progress.

10. Your determination and perseverance is the key to success. There are no gimmicks or tricks on this last point as success only come from within. It is up to you to succeed in life whatever your short or long term goals are.

So, here you have it and I just mentioned a few points on staying motivated. Really, there aren't any excuses for you to discontinue exercising besides it benefiting your overall health, reduced stress, and disease prevention to name a few!

Richard Chan is a Health and Fitness Life Coach, promoting good health internally and externally. For more information you can visit Richard Chan at regarding exercising, training or nutrition.

7 Ways To Get Motivated For Exercise & Fitness

7 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Workout
By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

There will be days (everyday?) when you don't feel like doing your workout.

Sometimes you don't want to get out of bed.

Sometimes you don't want to leave your office because you feel like there are too many deadlines (but this is when you need a workout the most!).

Sometimes you don't want to end story time with the kids only to head down to the basement gym.

It even happens to me.

But I knew how I'd feel like a million bucks after the workout.

And in the end, I know I can't let myself become "soft" and start skipping workouts. I have to lead by example.

But if you are set on achieving a goal, then when it's workouttime, come heck or high water you've got to bear down and do the job.

So here are 7 ways to get motivated for your workout and to get you inspired to get through your workout.

1. Reward yourself. Finish your workout and treat yourself to a magazine, a TV show, some extra time with your family, some new songs for your IPOD, or even a little extra time for yourself.

2. Or set up a punishment for missing workouts. Skip the workout, put $20 into a jar to spend on home repairs. Make sure your spouse controls the jar.

3. Review your goals everyday and every night. Keeping your goals fresh in your mind will help you stay on track.

4. Realize that the hardest part of the workout is often getting your butt to the gym. Once you get 5 minutes into the workout, you will be over the hump. So tell yourself, "I'll just go in and do 1 set of the first 2 exercises, then I can go". Next thing you know, you'll have done the entire workout.

5. Visualize yourself doing a great workout and finishing strong. Get yourself mentally prepared and you will literally have better workouts each time.

6. Crank the tunes. Seriously, nothing motivates like music.

7. Get social support. If you have a workout partner, you'll feel like crap if you let them down. Or become accountable to everyone in the Turbulence Training workout forums...if you don't post your workouts, they'll track you down and demand to know why you've fallen off track! So online or offline, get everyone on your side!

Now get out there and kick the fat to the curb.

Craig Ballantyne,