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luxor etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
luxor etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Luxor: Home of Finest Egyptian Styles

Luxor in Southern Egypt is now a premier travel destination. From temples, royal tombs, deserts, beaches, museums, hotels, restaurants, it’s all here. In fact, the main purpose of this article is to tell you the six reasons why visit Luxor.

  • History Unfold. As you go into the Luxor Museum, you’ll see the best displays of antiques such as furniture, pottery, jewelry, statues, tombs and stelae.
  • Great Architecture. Luxor is the home of some of the finest Egyptian styles. The Luxor Temple, which is situated two kilometers long the Avenue of Sphinxes, is the beautiful holy place that signifies Opet Festival. Get here and you’ll be amazed by the intricate hieroglyphics.
  • Hot Air Balloon. Experience the great feeling and see the fantastic views of Luxor in aerial view. If your destination is going east, you’ll see the Karnak temple while on the west, you’ll witness the Hatshepsut Temple. Flight schedules vary depending on the weather conditions and weight limits.
  • Cruising. Take part on a 5-Day Cruise in Nile River. Sightseeing is never been this great once you get into the luxurious amenities of the cruise ship. All services (onboard restaurant, lounges, pool parties, laundry services etc.) and events (dinner parties, entertainments, music, etc.) are conducted in English. What’s great about it is; the itinerary route is based upon your preferences and demands.
  • Private Tours. For a span of ten hours, you can explore the great whereabouts of Luxor by hiring a private tour guide. Basically, this is a group excursion and pickup time is advised on confirmation. Physically-challenged people are allowed to travel but be prepared with some uneven surfaces in the site.
  • Vacation Packages. Getting to Luxor is not complicated once you find the vacation deals you seek for. You can find these deals and packages using the Internet. It’s also reserve hotels, apartments or rooms-for-rent in advance. Just make sure, find a 24-hour Customer Services upon the booking time to avoid fraudulent transactions.