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lose fat etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
lose fat etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Number One Exercise for Fat Loss

Granted there are many great fat burning exercises, but in my personal opinion since the exercise I will be discussing today combines multiple movements, muscle groups, and joint movements into one full body exercise, it is far superior to any other. This exercise will get your heart pumping and have you breathing like a freight train by the time your done.

Remember when doing any type of exercise to burn fat, it's all about the intensity of the workout not how long. For instance, did you know that performing exercises such as HIIT (high intensity interval training) can burn 900% more body fat than traditional cardio/aerobics.

Another advantage of doing high intensity exercises is that it cuts down on exercise time drastically. A 10-12 minute exercise incorporating HIIT burns just as much if not more than an hour of running. This is very beneficial for those that live a hectic lifestyle.

Next time you exercise try incorporating some form of interval training with weight or just plain sprinting using HIIT.

Enough talking, let's get down to business.

Instructions for Man Makers:

First, grab two dumbbells that you can manage effectively. You may need to go up or down in weight after your first set depending on the ease of the routine. My favorite and most versatile weights for exercise are PowerBlock Dumbbells (now available in kettlebells as well). This one unique set of dumbbells replaces as many as 34 different dumbbells which saves room and money.

Get in push-up position while grasping the dumbbells in each hand. Perform a push-up then row one dumbbell towards your midsection while balancing yourself on the other dumbbell, then lower back to the ground. Then do another push-up and repeat a row with the other dumbbell.

While still grasping the dumbbells jump your feet up towards the dumbbells (at this point you should be in a squatting position, feet outside your hands while still grasping the dumbbells).

Next, swing the weights up to should height, go down into a squat (upper legs should be parallel or slightly lower to the floor) and then stand up and shoulder press the dumbbells to full extension over head.

Return to push-up position. This is 1 rep. You should try to complete 10 reps.

Man Maker Steps:

#1 Push-up position (while grasping dumbbells)
#2 Push-up
#3 Row one dumbbell towards midsection and return to floor
#4 Push-up
#5 Repeat step #3 with the other hand
#6 Jump feet toward hands while still grasping dumbbells (you should be in a squat position at this point)
#7 Swing dumbbells to shoulder height
#8 Squat down at least parallel to floor
#9 Stand up
#10 Press dumbbells to full extension over head

This completes one repetition. Complete 10 reps for one set. Please note* Be careful not to do this exercise too fast as this can cause you to use bad form causing injury to the back or bodily injury.

Good Luck and remember to keep progressing forward. If you can't complete the full 10 reps, try decreasing the weight. If 10 reps is too easy, increase the weight.

If you prefer to work out at home, I highly recommend the Powerblock dumbbells. You can take a closer look at these revolutionary dumbbells in my FREE REPORT at my site listed below.

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Be Motivated To Lose Unsightly Fat

Do you want six-pack abs with no fat in sight, as seen in magazine-type TV shows and movies? Are you dragging your feet every time you decide today's the day to change? Have you started on a fitness plan but have lost interest?

The problem it seems is that you are not motivated enough. You are interested in getting the sexy body you want but not committed enough to go the distance. What you need is inspiration or reasons to achieve what you want. Think hard on your objectives. Some scenarios are provided below to help you along:

Motivational Reason #1: Health

If your doctor recommends a lifestyle change, don't say okay but don't follow through. You'll then realize later that you should have listened and made the changes.,You are facing a lot of health risks. Don't wait for a stroke or heart attack to happen just to get you to do something. This includes: lack of exercise, bad diet and bad habits (i.e. smoking and drinking heavily). Be aware, accept, and change will take effect.

Motivational Reason #2: Confidence

Unresolved insecurity is not good. Negative feelings such as not being able to make it happen or finding the task impossible, are definitely not helpful in achieving your fitness goals. Believe in yourself. Be positive. Convince yourself that you can do it and sustain that thought. Don't let other people get you down.

Motivational Reason #3: Affairs of the Heart

Love is motivating. If you want to get the attention of you lady love, be the man she is looking for. She just may not be into you because of how you look. Check out that ugly fat. Women generally like physically attractive men. If you aren't, do something about it.

Motivational Reason #4: Clothes Fit

If you've been spending longer hours going over clothes and looking for the right outfits that hide your excess fat, you need to lose weight. 'Homer Simpson' with his fat is not sexy. Go for a 'Baywatch' figure that allows you to dress in many different clothing in standard cut that don't need alterations.

You should also think of occasions that you can show off your bod such as beach trips or pool parties. In these activities, you'd need to dress down. A large, sagging bulge over your swim shorts is a fashion no-no. It is not attractive to look at. Motivate yourself to flatten your belly, to get washboard abs that look good in any type of beach wear.

Once you have achieved the fitness level you want, enjoy the welcome changes. You may even feel lighter, stronger and more self-assured. Motivating yourself every day allows you to take many steps forward without prodding. Keep up the momentum. Sustain your fitness level and maintain your new-found figure. Keep in mind always that you can. Believe it!

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