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lake annecy etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
lake annecy etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Lake Annecy – France

Among the many places of interest known to man, The Great Lake Annecy, certainly deserves to be on the list. Situated in a picturesque setting in the Haute-Savoie region in the eastern part of France. This second biggest lake in France is among the “popular” destination for swimmers and water sport adventures.

Back in the years past the 1950's, Lake Annecy was once an “ugly duckling”. The lake was used as a place where surrounding communities used to drop their used and dirty waters. Thereby, the lake was almost condemned to remain unhealthy forever. But on 1957, upon the joint efforts initiated by Dr. Servettaz and Charles Bosson (Mayor of Annecy then), the SILA (Inter-municipal Union for Lake Annecy) was created. A main sewer linking all the villages was built so that all water released into the lake is treated and checked. Today, the water of Lake Annecy is bacteriologically drinkable and notable fish populations have been restored. At present day, the lake is hailed as Europe's “cleanest lake”. The resulting fresh and clean water of Lake Annecy have become a home to activities all year round.

The gorgeous Lake Annecy provides the centerpiece for the wooded wonderland flanked in alpine, snow-capped mountains. With mountains - Mont Semnoz and Entrevernes on the east bank, Mont Veyrier Dents de Lanfon and Tournette on the west bank, provides that stunning backdrop that enhances the overall ambience of this part of the land.

When at Lake Annecy, there are far better ways of spending your time than gazing over the clear water and admirable landscapes for a quiet meditation. Lake Annecy offers the enjoyment of life. The artful design of the lake and nearby mountains make it favorable for a great range of leisure and outdoor activities.

Lake Annecy provides a wide variety of activities for lovers of the outdoors including kayaking, para-sailing, lake sailing and boating of all sorts. There are five rowing clubs spread around the Lake – which offers training for competition and high level practice or simply just for fun. Although, lake fishing is the most popular activity in the area. Summertime on the lake includes all the usual activities such as water skiing, wakeboarding, sailing, swimming and diving. First class ski resorts in the mountains nearby Lake Annecy offer winter sports at very affordable prices.

Unlike other French and Italian lakes, Lake Annecy has never been famous for water activities...until recent years. Thus, what was once an “ugly duckling” is an ugly duckling no more. The beauty of Lake Annecy does not only reflect what the eyes can see, she is an exceptional beauty because she is respected and cared for by the people.