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hampton court palace etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
hampton court palace etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Hampton Court Palace: A Place Like No Other

Hampton Court Palace is a palace situated in the south west of London, England. This palace is located near River Thames and Charing Cross. This place is indeed very historical since this is where the British royal family used to live until the 18th century. This is one of the two palaces owned by Henry VIII that survived up until now (the other one is St. James' Palace).

Hampton Court Palace has already been opened to the public. It is now a tourist destination. This palace is taken cared by Historic Royal Places – an independent charity.

At Hampton Court Palace, there's a place called Hampton Court Park, sometimes called Home Park. This is where Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and Hampton Court Palace Festival is held annually.

Hampton Court Palace Festival is a musical event held every month of June. During this festive event, artists coming from different genres present a concert to the crowd of people to continue the traditional entertainment.

Hampton Court Palace Flower Show started way back in 1990 and was originally organized by the Royal Horticultural Society. This event is held in 25 acres of the Hampton Court Palace Park. Other people much prefer to call this flower show as Chelsea Flower Show because this is one of the largest flower festival in the world.

There is also a tree named Mediaeval Oak, or Methuselah's Oak, in the southern part of the park. This tree is said to be 750 years old and has also become one of the attractions in the palace.

No wonder why this palace is a place like no other. It has already become one of the most famous
palace in the world. And it surely is a great privilege to have visited Hampton Court Palace!