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first world war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
first world war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Battle Of Verdun: First World War: Insane Waste Of Soldiers

 The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I and the world history. It was fought from February 21 to December 18, 1916, between the French and German armies around the town of Verdun, France. The battle involved more than two and a half million men and it developed in a space less that 8 sq miles and consisted of a ring of underground fortifications which the German attempted to take.


 Germans on the way to the front

The origen of the Battle of Verdun is in a letter sent by the German Chief of Staff Erich von Falkenhayn to the Kaiser Wilhelm II in December 1915. In the letter Falkenhayn recommended that Germany should fully attack on the Western Front not on the Eastern; Russia had internal problems and could withdraw from the war at any moment. He argued that if France could be defeated in a major battle, Britain would then seek terms with Germany or else be defeated in turn. Acting on Falkenhayn’s recommendation, the Kaiser ordered the implementation of a set-piece siege against Verdun, which was Falkenhayn’s choice of target.



Interesting Facts – Longest battle of WWI. One of the most devastating battles in human history. First recorded use of the flamethrower as a weapon (by German forces).

With the advent of trench warfare, achieving a clear cut victory on the battlefield became nearly impossible. In the past, two opposing armies had merely faced off against one another, and the victor was apparent when the opposing force either retreated or was overcome. In trench warfare, however, trenches and other fortifications slowed attackers significantly, which allowed defensive reinforcements time to arrive and strengthen the position, which very seldom allowed for attackers to make significant gains by capturing significant strategic positions. In early 1916, the German High Command sought to take advantage of the constant French reserve forces pouring into German offensives by attacking a point that the French forces would sacrifice every last man to protect. By attacking such a point, Germany created an opportunity to inflict massive casualties on French forces by forcing the French into a battle of attrition. The point of attack chosen by German High Command was Verdun, a city built within a loop of the Meuse River.

After a slow start, the German force broke through the main French defensive line, capturing over 10,000 prisoners. The initial onslaught of German artillery and manpower overwhelmed the French, and in several places the defensive lines collapsed as units broke rank and fled to the rear. Increasing the French woes was the fact that there was only one supply route in and out of the city, and it was utterly inadequate. French General Philippe Pétain immediately ordered the expansion of this route, drastically improving French supply lines. As the Germans continued their offensive, the tide began to turn in favor of the French, now well supplied thanks to their new supply line. When French General Robert Nivelle took command of French forces, the French took the offensive against the Germans for the first time. Although the Germans gained ground again at several points, they lost their overall momentum and were eventually driven out of the city. In the aftermath, casualties amounted to over 550,000 on the French side and 450,000 for Germany.



French POW

In early 1916, Verdun was poorly defended, despite its ring of forts. Half of the artillery in the forts had been removed from its turrets, including all 75mm guns. In February 1916, the French military strength was 34 battalions against 72 German. At first, the German High Command intended to launch the offensive on the February 12, but bad weather and strong high winds delayed the attack for a week. Finally, the Battle of Verdun started at 07:15 hours on the morning of February 21, 1916, with an artillery bombarment that lasted 10 hours, firing around one million shells by 1,400 cannons packed along the eight-mile front.


Under the command of Crown Prince Wilhelm, the German heavy guns quickly reduced the French trench system into isolated pieces, which forced French soldiers to fight in small groups with no tactical links. The attack drew French troops from other places on the Western Front to the defence of Verdun. Falkenhayn had stated that he wanted to bleed France white in the defence of the old fortress. The massive bombardment was followed by an attack by three army corps, the 3rd, 7th, and 18th. The Germans used flamethrowers for the first time in the war.


French attackers struggling with the barnbed wire

On February 22, German storm troops had advanced three miles, capturing the French front line trenches, pushing the French defenders back to Samogneux, Beaumont, and Ornes. The 56th and 59th Hunters battalions led by Colonel Emile Driant, who was killed in action, put up strong heroic resistance. By February 25, the Germans took Fort Douaumont. Under the command of Philippe Petain, French reinforcements arrived and managed to to slow the German advance with a series of counter-attacks.
During March and April there were ferocious fighting and fierce close quarters combats with bayonets, knives, and lineman shovels in the hills and ridges north of Verdun as heavy bombardment tore up the martial terrain, turning it into a surreal twilight zone from hell. Meanwhile, Petain organized repeated counter-attacks to slow the German advance, ensuring that the Bar-le-Duc road into Verdun remained open. This road became known as ‘the Sacred Way’ because it carried vital supplies and reinforcements into the Verdun front despite constant artillery attack.

German gains continued but slowly. By mid June they had assaulted and taken Fort Vaux, which was located on the east bank of the Meuse River. Encouraged by the success in capturing Fort Vaux, German troops almost succeeded in breaking through the French line, getting close to Belleville Heights, which was the last stronghold before the town of Verdun. At this stage Philippe Petain was preparing to evacuate the east bank of the Meuse River when the Allies’ offensive on the Somme River began on July 1, to the relief of the French as the Germans could no longer afford to commit more troops to Verdun. German units were shifted to the trenches of the Somme.

From early October to December 1916, the French regained the forts and territory they had lost earlier through a series of counter-attacks. Falkenhayn was replaced by Paul von Hindenburg as Chief of Staff as Philippe Petain became a hero, eventually replacing General Nivelle as French commander-in-chief. In the Battle of Verdun that lasted almost a year, 300,000 men were killed and almost 400,000 were wounded.

French troops detraining on their way to the Verdun front

Battle of Verdun: summary
Belligerents. France against Germany
Location. Verdun, France
Date. February 21 to December 18, 1916
Result. Stalemate with France retaining Verdun
Commanders. French: Philippe Petain/Robert Nivelle
German: Erich von Falkenhayn/Crown Prince Wilhelm

First World War In Brief For Beginners

World War I was an armed world conflict that took place mostly in Europe between 1914 and 1918 and it was fought by the Allies (Great Britain, France, Russia, and United States) on one side, and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire) on the other. The Allies were aligned under a common agreement known as the Triple Entente, and the Central Powers under the Triple Alliance. In World War I, or the Great War, new weapons such as the machine gun, the tank and improved artillery pieces made the use of the horse in the battle field irrelevant, causing the demise of the cavalry. Thus, this major military struggle is sometimes referred to as the first industrial war.

The machine gun gave the infantry a great volume of fire which caused a high number of casualties, forcing the armies to dig long systems of trenches and fortifications that ran for hundreds of miles, from the North Sea to the border of Switzerland. The space between two opposing systems of trenches was known as "no man’s land." During World War I airplanes were used for the first time, but they were limited to dogfight aerial combats and reconnaissance flights. Armored battleships and submarines were also used in naval theaters of operations.

 Map of Europe in 1914

Causes of World War I

The Armed Peace. The Armed Peace is the period between the German unification right after the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, and the beginning of World War I. It is a period characterized by an arms race among Great Britain, France, Germany, and Austria, and a series of diplomatic crises which increased the tension between nations of these opposing groups. The two important crises were the Moroccan Crises between France and Germany in which the latter country attempted to prevent French annexation of Morocco, and the Austrian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

System of Alliances. Although the roots of the Great War strike deeply into European history, one can get a fairly definite idea of its origin by beginning with the system of agreements that divided Europe into two armed camps before 1914. The German Chancellor Otto Bismarck virtually created the Triple Alliance in 1882, when he bound Germany, Austria, and Italy together in treaties that provided military cooperation in case of attack by France and Russia. In 1904, laying aside existing differences, England and France formed the Entente Cordiale, in which France recognized British primacy in Egypt in return for a British recognition of French interests in Morocco. This defensive agreement included Russia in 1907, forming thus what is known in history as the Triple Entente.

The Assassination of Archiduke Francis Ferdinand. The immediate cause of World War I was the murder of Archiduke Francis Ferdinand, the Austrian heir-apparent to the throne by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb, on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo. The Archduke was there to assert imperial authority over a disputed province. The assassination sparked the chain of events that led straight to military hostilities. As it was shown that Serbian officials knew of the impending assassination, the Austrian government sent Serbia an ultimatum which, among other things, demanded that Austrian officials be allowed to aid in the suppression of all hostile activities in the disaffected regions. The reply being unsatisfactory, an Austrian declaration of war followed on July 28, 1914.

Gavrilo Princip being arrested after having murdered Francis Ferdinand

Outbreak of Hostilities

Russia supported Serbia, and Germany favored Austria. After receiving unsatisfactory replies to ultimata that she had sent both Russia and France, Germany declared war on both on August 1, 1914. The English Foreign Minister, Lord Grey, endeavored to prevent a war through a conference of the powers, but he failed to indicate clearly what England would do if war should occur. Even after the conflict began, England remained out until the German army violated Belgian neutrality by invading Belgium on August 4. Therupon England declared war on Germany on the same day. Allied to both Germany and Austria-Hungary, Italy was able to avoid entering the war by citing a clause enabling it to evade its obligations to both.

Devised by former army Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen, the Schlieffen Plan had been conceived to deal with a two-front war scenario. The outlined plan was to conquer France, knocking her out the war, on a wester front within five weeks, before Russia could effectively mobilize for war on an eastern front. But the German plan did not take into account of England’s entry into the war. So, following the Schlieffen Plan, Germany invaded Belgium on August 4, 1914, to strike France from the north on weak points. Thus, the Battle of Liege ensued. It lasted twelve days, from August 5 until August 16, 1914. It was the first land battle of the war.

At the beginning the German forces had great success, but Russia attacked in East Prussia and diverted German forces intended for the Western Front. Germany defeated Russia in a series of battles collectively known as the Battle of Tannenberg fought between August 17 and September 2. This diversion created problems of insufficient speed of advance from rail-heads; this had not been foreseen by the German General Staff, as the Schlieffen Plan originally called for the right flank of the German advance to pass to the west of Paris. However, the capacity and low speed of horse-drawn transport hampered the German supply train, allowing French and British forces to finally halt the German advance east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne that took place between September 5 and September 12, 1914.

African Campaign. Some of the first hostilities of war occurred in Africa, in the colonies and territories of the European nations. On August 8, 1914, combined French and British forces invaded the German protectorate of Togoland in West Africa. Shortly thereafter, on August 10, German troops based in South-West Africa attacked South Africa, which was part of the British Empire.

Serbian Campaign. The Austrian Army invaded Serbia in August, 1914, and fought the Battle of Cer against the Serbian forces, which threw back the enemy attacks over the next two week with the Austrians taking heavy losses. This dashed Austrian hopes of a swift victory. As a result, Austria had to keep sizable forces on the Serbian front, weakening their efforts against Russia.

The Pacific. Another British Dominion, New Zealand, occupied German Samoa on August 30, 1914. On September 11 Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on the island of Neu Pommern, which was part of German New Guinea.

Trench Warfare

After the First Battle of the Marne, both Entente and German forces began a series of outflanking maneuvers, in the so-called race to the sea. Great Britain and France soon found themselves facing entrenched German forces from Lorraine to Belgium’s Flemish coast. British and French forces sought to take the offensive, while Germany defended the occupied territories. As a result, German trenches were generally much better constructed than those of their enemy. Anglo-French trenches were only intended to be temporary before their forces broke through German defenses. Both sides attempted to break the stalemate using scientific and technological advances. In April 1915 the Germans used chlorine gas for the first time, opening a 6-kilometer gap in the Allied lines when British and French colonial troops retreated. Canadian soldiers closed the breach at the Second Battle of Ypres. At the Third Battle of Ypres, Canadian and ANZAC troops took the village of Passchendaele.

On July 1, 1916, the Battle of the Somme began. The British Army endured the bloodiest day in its history, suffering 19,240 dead and around 30,000 wounded. Most of the casualties occurred in the first hour of the attack. The entire offensive cost the British Army almost half a million men, as neither side proved able to deliver a decisive blow for the next two years.

Protracted German action at the Battle of Verdun throughout 1916, combined with the Entente’s failure at the Somme, brought the exhausted French army to the brink of collapse. Futile attempts at frontal assault, a rigid adherence to an ineffectual method, came at a high price for both the British and the French infantry and led to widespread mutinies, especially during the Nivelle Offensive.

Between 1915 and 1917 the British and the French suffered more casualties thant the Germans due both to the strategic and tactical stances chosen by the sides. At the strategic level, while the Germans only mounted a single main offensive at Verdun, the Allies made several attempts to break through German lines. At the tactical level, the German defensive doctrine was well suited for trench warfare, with a relatively lightly defended sacrificial forward position, and a more powerful main position from which an immediate and powerful counter-offensive could be launched. In the 1917 Battle of Arras the only significant British military success was the capture of Vimy Ridge by the Canadian Corps under Sir Arthur Currie and Julian Byng. The assaulting troops were able for the first time to overrun, rapidly reinforce and hold the ridge defending the coal-rich Douai plain.

Naval Warfare

Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, Great Britain started a naval blockade of Germany. The strategy proved effective, cutting off vital military and civilian supplies, although this blockade violated generally accepted international law codified by several international agreements of the past two centuries. Britain mined international waters to prevent any ships from entering entire sections of ocean, causing danger to even neutral ships. In 1916, the Battle of Jutland took place in the North Sea off the coast of Jutland. It was the largest naval battle of the war and the only full-scale clash of battleships during the whole conflict. The Kaiserliche Marine’s High Seas Fleet, commanded by Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer, squared off against the Royal Navy’s Grand Fleet, led by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. The engagement was a standoff, as the Germans, outmaneuvered by the larger British fleet, managed to escape and inflicted more damage to the British fleet than they received.

Meanwhile German U-boats endeavored to cut the supply lines between North America and Great Britain. The nature of submarine warfare meant that attacks often came without warning, giving the crews of the merchant ships little hope of survival. The United States launched a protest, and Germany modified its rules of engagement. After the infamous sinking of the passenger ship RMS Lusitania in 1915, Germany promised not to target passenger liners, while Britain armed its merchant ships. But early in 1917 Germany adopted a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, realizing the Americans would eventually enter the war. Germany sought to choke Allied sea lanes before the U.S. could transport a large army overseas.

By 1915 the Western Front was clearly a bloody stalemate. Allied strategy was under scrutiny, with strong arguments mounted for an offensive through the Balkans or even a landing on Germany’s Baltic coast, instead of more costly attacks in France and Belgium. These ideas were at the beginning sidelined, but in early 1915, as the Russians found themselves threatened by the Turks in the Caucasus, the British decided to mount a naval expedition to bomb and take the Gallipoli Peninsula on the western shore of the Dardanelles, with Constantinople as its objective. By capturing Constantinople, the British hoped to link up with the Russians, knock Turkey out of the war and possibly persuade the Balkan states to join the Allies.

Although naval attack began on February 19, bad weather conditions caused delays as the attack was abandoned after three battleships had been sunk and three others damaged. Military assistance was required, but by the time troops began to land on April 25, the Turks had prepared adequate fortifications and the defending armies were now six times larger than when the campaign began. Nevertheless, against determined opposition, Australian and New Zealand troops managed to win a bridgehead at Anzac Cove on the Aegean side of the peninsula. The British, meanwhile, tried to land at five points around Cape Helles, but established footholds in only three before asking for reinforcements. Thereafter little progress was made, and the Turks took advantage of the British halt to bring as many troops as possible onto the peninsula. This led to a standstill which dragged on with heavy casualties. After a political crises in London over Gallipoli, the whole operation was cancelled and the troops were withdrawn from the area.
Italian Envolvement

Italy had been tied to the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary since 1982. But as the country had its own interest on Austrian territory in Trentino, Istria, and Dalmatia, Italy had signed a secret pact with France in 1902, thus nullifying its alliance with the former nations. Encouraged by the Allied invasion of Turkey in April 1915, Italy joined the Entente and declared war on Austria-Hungary in May. Fifteen months later, it declared war on Germany.

Although Italy had numerical superiority, this advantage was lost, not only because of the difficult terrain in which fighting took place, but also because of the strategies and tactics employed. Field Marshal Luigi Cadorna, a staunch proponent of the frontal assault, wanted to break into the Slovenian plateau, take Ljubljana, and threaten Vienna. It was a Napoleonic plan, which had no realistic chance of success in an age of barbed wire, machine guns, and indirect artillery fire, combined with hilly and mountainous terrain.

Eleven offensives were ordered by General Luigi Cadorna north-east of Trieste along the Isonzo River, with total disregard for his men’s lives. All eleven offensives were repelled by the Austro-Hungarians who held the higher ground. In the summer of 1916, the Italians captured the town of Gorizia. After this minor victory, the front remained static for over a year, despite several Italian offensives. In the autumn of 1917, thanks to the improving situation on the Eastern front, the Austrians received large numbers of reinforcements, including German Stormtroopers and the elite Alpenkorps. The Central Powers launched a crushing offensive on October 26, 1917, spearheaded by the Germans, attaining a victory at Caporetto.

But the Austro-Hungarians failed to break through in a series of battles on the Asiago Plateau. The front stabalize for a while, then the Italian finally and decisively defeated the Central Powers forces at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto in October of that year. Austria-Hungary surrendered in early November 1918.

Eastern Front

As the Western Front reached stalemate, the war still went on in the East. Initial Russian plans called for simultaneous invasions of Austrian Galicia and German East Prussia. Russia’s initial advance into Galicia was largely successful, but they were thrown back from East Prussia by Hindenburg and Ludendorff at Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes in August and September 1914. Russia’s less developed industrial base and ineffective military leadership was instrumental in the events that unfolded. By the spring of 1915, the Russians had retreated into Galicia, and in May the Central Powers achieved a remarkable breakthrough on Poland’s southern frontiers. On August 5 they captured Warsaw and forced the Russians to withdraw from Poland. This became known as the "Great Retreat" in Russia and the "Great Advance" in Germany.

In June 1916, there was a successful Russian offensive in eastern Galicia. However, dissatisfaction with the Russian government’s conduct of the war grew. There was reluctance of some Russian generals to commit their forces to support the victory. In March 1917, demonstrations in Petrograd culminated in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the appointment of a weak Provisional Government which shared power with the Petrograd Soviet socialists. This arrangement led to confusion and chaos both at the front and at home, as the army became increasingly ineffective.

The Russian government became more and more unpopular as discontent led to a rise in popularity of the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin who promised to pull Russia out of the war and was able to gain power. The triumph of the Bolsheviks in November was followed in December by an armistice and negotiations with Germany. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed on March 3, 1918, took Russia out of the war and ceded vast territories, including Finland, the Baltic provinces, parts of Poland and Ukraine to the Central Powers. This allowed Germany to ship troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front.

United States Entry Into The War

America’s long standing policy of isolationism left the United States reluctant to get involved with what was popularly perceived among the American people as a European war. But, in 1915, 128 American citizens died when a German U-boat sank the British liner Lusitania; President Woodrow Wilson demanded an ends to attacks on passenger ships. But in January 1917 Germany resumed its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.

Early in February 1917, the Britishsecret Royal Navy cryptanalytic group, Room 40, broke the German diplomatic code. They intercepted a proposal from Berlin to Mexico to join the war as Germany’s ally against the United States, should the U.S. join. The proposal suggested, if the U.S. were to enter the war, Mexico should declare war on the United States and enlist Japan as an ally. The American press published it on March 1, 1917, and stirred up public indignation. This German secret message, known as the Zimmermann Telegram, plus the unrestricted submarine warfare led to a final break of relations with the Central Powers. After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, President Woodrow Wilson finally requested that Congress declare war on Germany. The American Congress declared war on April 6, 1917.

German Spring Offensive of 1918

German General Erick Luderndorff devised plans for a major attack that took place in the Spring of 1918 on the Western Front. This Spring Offensive attempted to divide the British and French armies in a series of maneuvers, assaults on fortifications, and advances. Kaiserschlacht was the German name for the the Spring Offensive, in which there were three separate German attacks, codenamed Michael, Georgette and Blucher-Yorck. The operation began on March 21, 1918 with an attack on British forces near Amiens. The German army advanced 60 kilometers on this first attack.

By this stage of the war, Germany had refined its tactics and developed stormtroopers to infiltrate and bypass enemy front line units, leaving these strong points to be attacked by follow-up waves of friendly infantry troops. The stormtroopers’ objective was to assault and disrupt enemy headquarters, artillery units and supply depots in the rear areas, as well as to rapidly occupy territory. This new infiltration strategy was called Hutier tactics, after General Oskar von Hutier.

The front advanced to within 120 kilometers of Paris. Three heavy Krupp railway guns fired 183 shells on the capital, causing many Parisians to flee. The initial offensive was so successful that Kaiser Wilhelm II declared March 24 a national holiday. Many Germans thought victory was near. After heavy fighting, however, the offensive was halted. Lacking tanks or motorized artillery, the Germans were unable to consolidate their gains. The sudden stop was also a result of the four Australian Imperial divisions that were rushed down to the front, thus doing what no other army had done, stopping the German advance in its tracks. During that time the first Australian division was hurriedly sent north again to stop the second German breakthrough.

Following Operation Michael, Germany launched Operation Georgette against the northern channel ports held by the English. The Allies halted the drive with limited territorial gains for Germany. The German Army to the south then conducted Operations Blücher and Yorck, broadly towards Paris. Operation Marne was launched on July 15, attempting to encircle Reims and beginning the Second Battle of the Marne. The resulting Allied counterattack marked their first successful offensive of the war.

By July 20 the Germans were back at their Kaiserschlacht starting lines. Following this last phase of the war in the West, the German Army never again regained the initiative. German casualties between March and April 1918 were 270,000, including many highly trained stormtroopers. Meanwhile, Germany was falling apart at home. Anti-war marches become frequent as morale in the army fell. Industrial output was at 53% of the 1913 levels. German reserves were inadequate and the German High Command advised their government to give up the war.

Allied Victory

Allied counteroffensive, known as the Hundred Days Offensive, began on August 8, 1918. The Battle of Amiens developed with the Fourth British Army on the left, the First French Army on the right, and the Australian and Canadian Corps spearheading the offensive in the centre through Harbonnieres. 414 tanks of the Mark IV and Mark V type, and 120,000 men were involved in the Battle of Amiens, which signaled the beginning of Germany’s downfall. September saw the Germans continuing to fight strong rear guard actions and launching numerous counter attacks on lost positions. However, towns, villages, heights, trenches, and outposts of the Hindenburg Line continued to fall to the Allies.

The Allied attack on the Hindenburg Line began on September 26, 1918, with 260,000 Americans participating in the military operations. French units broke through in Champagne and closed on the Belgian border. By October, it was evident that Germany could no longer mount a successful defence as they were increasingly outnumbered, with few new recruits. Rations were cut.

Having suffered over 4 million casualties, Germany moved toward peace. Prince Max von Baden took charge of a new government as Chancellor of Germany to negotiate with the Allies. Negotiations with President Wilson began immediately, in the vain hope that better terms would be offered than with the British and French. Instead Wilson demanded the resignation of the Kaiser, who had just abdicated and fled to Holland on November 9, 1918. A republic would be proclaimed in Germany, the Weimar Republic.

The fighting in World War I ended when an armistice took effect at 11:00 hours on November 11, 1918. This armistice treaty between the Allies and Germany was signed in a railway carriage in woods near Compiègne on November 11, 1918, and marked the end of the First World War on the Western Front. Principal signatories were Marshal Ferdinand Foch, Allied Commander-in-chief, and Matthias Erzberger, a representative of the closest thing left that Germany had as a government.

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, one of the events that had triggered the start of the war. Although the armistice signed on 11 November 1918 ended the actual fighting, it took six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. Of the many provisions in the treaty, one of the most important and controversial required Germany and its allies to accept full responsibility for causing the war and, under the terms of articles 231-248, to disarm, make substantial territorial concessions and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers.

The Treaty of Versailles was a lengthy document, which was a punitive instrument of peace imposed by the victors, and pertained solely to Germany. To complete the settlement officially ending the war a separate treaty was framed for each of the nations that along with Germany had constituted the Central Powers.

The treaty compelled Germany to assume the responsability of having caused the war. By its provisions Germany was committed to 1) surrender Alsace and Lorraine to France and German border areas to three other surrounding nations; 2) transfer all of its colonies to a mandate system under which they would administered by various Allied powers; 3) reduce its army to 100,000 men; 4) relinquish all warships of substantial size, all military planes, and all heavy guns; 5) make reparations for the entire cost of the war, which was subsequently fixed at approximately $56.5 billion.

Furious protests by German leaders over the treaty provisions brought no modification in them, and on June 28, 1919, representative from Germany in a sullen mood signed the document.

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Suggested Reading For Beginners


The Eastern Front 1914-17 by NORMAN STONE

The First World War: Trench Warfare

The Western Front during World War 1 stretched from the North Sea to the Swiss Frontier with France.
Both sides dug themselves in ending any possible chance of a quick war; this caused a stalemate, which was to last for most of the war. Over 200,000 men died in the trenches of WW1, most of who died in battle, but many died from disease and infections brought on by the unsanitary conditions.
The first thing a new recruit would notice on the way to the frontline was the smell, rotting bodies in shallow graves, men who hadn't washed in weeks because there were no facilities, overflowing cess pits, creosol or chloride of lime, used to stave off the constant threat of disease and infection. Cordite, the lingering odour of poison gas, rotting sandbags, stagnant mud, cigarette smoke, and cooking food. Although overwhelming to a new recruit, they soon got used to the smell and eventually became part of the smell with their own body odour.
Rats were a constant companion in the trenches in their millions they were everywhere, gorging themselves on human remains (grotesquely disfiguring them by eating their eyes and liver) they could grow to the size of a cat.
Men tried to kill them with bullets shovels or anything else they had at hand, but they were fighting a losing battle as only 1 pair of rats can produce 900 offspring in a year.
Some soldiers believed that the rats knew when there was going to be a heavy bombardment from the enemy lines because they always seemed to disappear minutes before an attack.
Lice were a constant problem for the men breeding in dirty clothing they were impossible to get rid of even when clothes were washed and deloused there would be eggs that would escape the treatment in the seams of the clothes.
Lice caused Trench Fever, a particularly painful disease that began suddenly with severe pain followed by high fever. Recovery - away from the trenches - took up to twelve weeks.
It was not discovered that lice were the cause of trench fever though until 1918.
Millions of frogs were found in shell holes covered in water; they were also found in the base of trenches. Slugs and horned beetles crowded the sides of the trench. Many men chose to shave their heads entirely to avoid another prevalent scourge: nits.
The cold wet and unsanitary conditions were also to cause trench foot amongst the soldiers, a fungal infection, which could turn gangrenous and result in amputation. Trench Foot was more of a problem at the start of trench warfare; as conditions improved in 1915, it rapidly faded, although a trickle of cases continued throughout the war.
Death was everywhere in the trenches, at any time of day or night it could be your corpse laying in the mud, whether through the shell bombardment, poison gases, disease or a random bullet from a sniper.


Trench Warfare developed due to the failure of the Schlieffen Plan. When Germany realised that they would have to fight a war on two fronts, and that this meant that they would have to split their already small army in two, Count Von Schleiffen, Chief of the German General Staff, devised a plan which would solve this problem. The plan involved invading France through neutral Belgium and catching them off-guard. They would then defeat France within six weeks and be ready to fight Russia, who by this time should have mobilised their army. However, the plan failed, and this led to the introduction of trench warfare.

Trench Warfare was a form of field fortification, consisting of parallel rows of trenches. During World War 1 trenches had begun to appear by late 1914. On the western front, trenches ran from the Belgium border to the Swiss Border, and they soon became home to millions of soldiers.

The front line directly faced the enemy, who would usually be between 200-800 metres away. The space in between the front lines of the defenders and the attackers was known as "No Man’s Land".

The front line was protected by barbed wire, which was secretly erected or amended during the night.

Behind the front line were the "reserve trenches", also known as the "second line" or the "support trenches". These were the second line of defence and they were used if the front line was captured by the enemy.

Sometimes, there was even a third line of defence. These were known as the "communication trenches" and they ran over 1km back to safety. All things going up the line, such as fresh troops, water, food, mail, ammunition, etc, had to use these lines. Also, wounded soldiers went in the other direction to hospitals.

Almost all trenches were deep enough for a man to stand up straight without being seen by the enemy. However on the occasions when they weren’t deep enough the men had crouch or crawl all day long, for if enemy snipers saw so much as a hair on the soldiers head, they would blast the soldiers head right off.

The mud that was dug out of the trench was piled up in front to form a parapet, which helped to protect from bullets. Sandbags were also used as reinforcements.

The "firing step" was another feature of many trenches. These were used only at night, for obvious safety reasons, by sentries, but they were also used in battle when troops were shooting.

Trenches were formed in zigzags, as opposed to straight lines. This was to prevent attackers from shooting straight down the trench, and it helped to reduce the effects of blasts from shells. It also meant that it was more difficult for the trench to be captured as the enemy had to fight round each corner to capture more and more of the trench. Another method of slowing down the process of the enemy capturing the trench, were barbed wire doors, which were common in trenches. When open they fitted into gaps in the side of the trench, but when they were closed they were lethal. They were situated at intervals along the length of the trench.

Wet weather made the trenches become very muddy, very quickly, so flat planks of wood called duckboards were laid end-to-end along the ground, and were then nailed together. These helped to provide a floor, which could cope with the soldiers walking on them from day-to-day. As these did not sink into the mud, they soon became a common sight in British trenches.

Living conditions in trenches were very basic and extremely unhygienic. The troops slept in little holes cut out of the side of the trench known as "dug outs".

Planks and sandbags were used to support the roof of the dug out in an effort to make them safer, as there was a huge risk that the roof could fall in on the soldier. This risk was greatly increased if shells had weakened the trench. Planks were also placed on the ground in the dug out to provide a hard wood base for the soldier to use as a bed. Blankets were hung over the front of the dug out to give the soldier a bit of privacy, but they did not however, give any protection against shell splinters.

Living conditions for the soldiers were also very wet. The soldiers often had to stand with water up to their ankles, sometimes even their knees, and this caused them to suffer from a condition called "trench foot". This was a condition in the feet where they started off by wrinkling up like when you’ve been in the bath too long, but as time goes on, blisters developed and the pain for the soldiers was immense. Although the troops were advised to rub whale oil on their feet regularly it didn’t do a lot of good. They were also supposed to change into dry socks regularly, but rain and mud just made them wet again.

The trenches were a perfect place for germs to thrive. Any diseases caught by soldiers were spread easily from one to another.

Likewise, there were no antibiotics for the wounded, and their wounds often went septic. This in turn led to gangrene.

Unhygienic living conditions in trenches were to blame for many deaths. Probably the main cause of death due to living conditions in trenches was the rapid spread of disease, but wounds infected with gangrene could also be fatal.

In the trenches, each day was much the same as the last. Nothing really ever changed, unless there was a battle.

At first light, the order "Stand down!" was given and knowing that the threat of a night raid was over, the sentries could relax.

Breakfast for the troops usually consisted of, if not bacon, at least a cup of tea. The cooking in the trenches was done on small fires made of scraps of wood found usually in local ruins.

The troops were rarely hungry, unless due to shell damage, the communication trenches were damaged and the ferrying of food up and down the line was temporarily prevented. However although there was usually enough food to go round, the choice was rarely varied.

The usual selection was tinned "bully beef", a loaf of bread to be shared among up to 10 men, and jam, which was usually Tickler’s plum and apple flavour, which the men soon got fed up of. Occasionally there was an abundance of cheese, but this caused constipation and the men thought that it was a deliberate attempt to ease the problem of trench toilets.

In case of an emergency, there was always a supply of hard biscuits, but these were like cement and caused immense problems to men with false teeth – they had to soak them in water!

By mid-morning most of the troops were at work. The day-to-day work consisted of repairing damage to the trench, filling sandbags, carrying supplies, running errands, etc… The most common task carried out by soldiers was cleaning their weapons. Every soldier possessed a Lee Enfield rifle and it was their duty to keep this thoroughly clean to prevent it from jamming at a vital moment.

Daily medical checks were also part of the soldier’s daily routine. Every soldier was crawling with lice – in their hair, on their body, in their clothes. Occasional de-lousing took place but this rarely did any good because the lice always seemed to find a safe hiding place in the folds of clothes.

Another problem which soldiers dealt with was water. In the trenches water was usually brought to the front line in petrol cans, and chloride of lime was added to kill off bacteria. The chloride of lime however, gave the water an awful taste.

In winter, water was less of a problem because snow and ice could be melted. Occasionally, however, bodies were found frozen in the ice, and this could cause the soldiers distress.

Obviously, when asked what the most life consuming aspect of the soldier’s daily routine in the trenches was, the reply would have to be the battles. But these were not daily occurrences. Also life threatening, however was the risk of catching disease from contaminated food and water.


In World War 1, there were three main ways of attacking.

The first tactic I am going to discuss is bombardment. This was probably the most common tactic. The idea of bombardment was that the attackers used shells to destroy the opposition’s communication trenches as well as the front line – this was to prevent reinforcements from reaching the front lines. They then went "over the top" of their trenches and approached the opposition across No Man’s Land in the hope that when they reached the opposition’s trenches, all the enemy soldiers would be dead, the barbed wire would be destroyed, and they could successfully capture part of the trench.

However this was rarely what they found. The reality was that the German’s had dug their trenches so deep that they had sufficient protection from the shells. The Allies had not predicted this and were surprised to find the German’s still alive, the trenches and the barbed wire still intact and the German artillery not destroyed.

Another method used was called the "Creeping Barrage". This was a very well developed tactic, which comprised of the British firing guns and shells, and the soldiers went creeping behind the shells. The shellfire caused the Germans to be too scared to leave their trenches, allowing the British to capture part of the trench. However there was one drawback to this tactic - if the cannon was not on target then some of the British men might be killed.

The third tactic that I am going to mention involved the soldiers digging a tunnel under No Man’s Land in an effort to reach the enemy without being seen and therefore catching them off guard. However, this was not a very effective tactic due to the fact the opposition could hear the digging and they too began to dig. This led to them meeting in the middle, and a battle was fought underground.

These tactics all resulted in many deaths from shell fire, machine gun fire, etc… But they were necessary for the war to eventually come to an end. Perhaps, if the plans had been made more carefully, then fewer deaths would have occurred, but no one could foresee the extent to which the deaths went.


First World War:: Shellshock

Another First World War dubious invention: Shell shock. When the bombs went boom boom day after day for years the noise got on the nerves of the soldiers crouching in the trenches. That is shell shock.

Between 1914 and 1918 the British Army identified 80,000 men (2% of those who saw active service) as suffering from shell-shock. Early symptoms included tiredness, irritability, giddiness, lack of concentration and headaches. Eventually the men suffered mental breakdowns making it impossible for them to remain in the front-line. Some came to the conclusion that the soldiers condition was caused by the enemy's heavy artillery. These doctors argued that a bursting shell creates a vacuum, and when the air rushes into this vacuum it disturbs the cerebro-spinal fluid and this can upset the working of the brain.