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dave ramsey etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
dave ramsey etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Change your life forever with my Dave Ramsey Giveaway!

It is just as important to be financially fit as it is physically fit; I can't stress than enough. Recently I started reading a book that is steadily changing my life. I want nice things in life and more so, I want to be able to live a comfortable life. I am single and live alone, and it can be hard without anyone's else financial support. So I picked up Dave's book and I am so grateful at the knowledge I am learning when it comes to becoming financially stable. I posted a picture of my book on Instagram and Facebook, and was really surprised at the feedback I received. Dave Ramsey is incredible when it comes to budgeting and money. He has helped millions of people transform their lives.

Whether you are young, old, married, single, male, female, black, white, purple, or blue, The Total Money Makeover will change your life. If you still are not convinced, just check out the reviews.

There will be two winners from the giveaway! Both winners will receive a copies of the book with first place also receiving $25 PayPal giftcard. 

The contest is open to all residents of the United States. ALL entries entered into the giveaway will be verified. Winners will be chosen at random via and contacted via email once their entries have been confirmed. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway