Bayram Cigerli Blog

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challenges etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
challenges etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

2º - New on the blog! CHALLENGES

From next week we will have back the "blog-game"!It is called "Challenges"... and as you already know it consists of a weekly challenge for you... the best, or the first in guessing the answer, in solving the challenge... will obtain a card!So be attentive... Every week I will suggest you a new...

4º - Challenge 1!

CHALLENGES ARE BACK!!! So rewards are...Double task in this challenge!1- What is the meaning of the 3 colours flag of France??2- Could you describe briefly the republican calendar of the French revolution??We will check this challenge nex Wednesday... you have time enough to investiga...

The Spinning Jenny

The solution to challenge 6 was... THE SPINNING JENNY!It was used in the textile industry...

Challenge 6

Let's discover... what is this machine...???Investigate what is the name of the machine... and, in what pioneer industrial sector during the first Industrial revolution it was used...    I have a clue... One of your past teachers shared the name with the machine...

Challenge 5!

This new challenge is about originality, so take your time!If you were an archeologist, what would you like to find and w...

Challenge 2!

Challenge to is devoted to... MARIE ANTOINETTE!Tell us who was, and anything interesting from her life!The most amazing comment (in the blog or in class next day) wins a positi...

Challenge 1!

Here we go with the challenges... To start the topic "French Revolution" I propose you this challenge:What was the BASTILLE? Why was it attacked?Do all the changes start with a revolution...??Next Wednesday in class we will solve it...You can write in the blog comments or talk about it in class...