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Zelda Fitzgerald etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Zelda Fitzgerald etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

H.B.Fieldtrip #1-Old St. Mary's Church & Cemetery

This Memorial Day weekend, a friend and I trekked out to Rockville, Maryland to Old St. Mary's Church and Cemetery to see Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s grave. They share a headstone inscribed with the words, "So we beat on, boats against the current borne back ceaselessly into the past," the last sentence of The Great Gatsby.

People who've visited have left tons of mementos-flowers, coins (mostly pennies), copies of his books, and movie ticket stubs. But what I thought was most…bizarre, confusing, f-ed up, was that so many people left booze!

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Episode #2: Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald

Husband F. Scott Fitzgerald called her his “barbarian princess from the South,” other folks just called her crazy! Tune-in to discover more about the tumultuous life of dancer, author, and artist Zelda Fitzgerald.

Episode #2: Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald (Show Notes)

She was famous for being famous before it was a “thing.” Dubbed “the First American Flapper,” Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald embodied the Roaring Twenties. Speeding down 5th Avenue on the roofs of cabs, leaping fully-clothed into fountains, and dancing on random folks’ table tops, Zelda’s exploits were made for Page Six.

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