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Somatotype etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Somatotype etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Somatotype - What Type Am I?

ByJordan S Scheller

Created around the 1940's by a psychologist by the name of William Sheldon, somatotypes are gaining in popularity. There are three common somatotypes: endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. Sheldon created this system to discover a link between body type and temperament. Most people will not completely fit into one somatotype. Instead, they will normally show characteristics of a few. In this article, I hope to explain to you the characteristics of each of the somatotypes.

The first I mentioned was endomorphs. The endomorph body type is usually considered the least desirable body type in the system. These body types normally have a tough time losing weight, and they gain weight rather easily. That being said, with training, they can exhibit high levels of strength and size. This category seemed to exhibit personalities that were more focused on having fun and pleasure rather than physical fitness. As for body shape, endomorphs will normally have a pear or apple-shaped body, and they are usually considered big boned. This group may not sound like the group to be in, but with some determination, endomorphs can easily attain muscle gains and healthy shape.

For the second somatotype, I mentioned mesomorphs. These people are considered to posses the most desirable body type. Without even working out or training, they normally exhibit muscle definition and low levels of body fat. Their structure is considered thick and wide boned. Girls in this category have the desirable hourglass shape, while men will have wide shoulders. These individuals tend to excel in sports such as football, competitive lifting, and wrestling. Their personalities are competitive, outgoing, and adventurous. Mesomorphs can gain muscle mass and definition through a variety of workout programs and diets.

The last category that I mentioned was ectomorphs. This somatotype is will exhibit low levels of strength and muscle mass without training. Thin bones, tall, skinny are some words that describe this category. While football, wrestling and other strength activities may not be for an ectomorph, endurance activities will normally be a strong point. Endurance activities include swimming, cross-country, track and various others. Fast metabolism is also another characteristic of this category. This attribute can often make it difficult for gaining mass and size. Although, this also will tend to lead to a very unhealthy diet, as ectomorphs do not have to watch what they eat. Their personalities tend to be socially awkward, timid, and intellectual. This body type needs a complex diet with a heavy weight lifting program to attain results that they are seeking.

Knowing your somatotype can be beneficial when it comes to attaining your physical fitness goals. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily discover which workout routine and diet is right for you.

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