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Schallkanone etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Schallkanone etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Nazi Secret Weapons: Schallkanone -The Sound Gun

Schallkanone. Also called the Sound Gun. This weapon has little mention anywhere. The idea was to produce high frequency waves that would burst the ear-drums of enemy soldiers. Charming.

It was also called  Pressure wave anti-personnel device: sound acoustic cannon.

Men of Hitler's war machine were studying different ways of killing a man. One way to harm a person - a strong influence on low frequency sound (infrasound). The first experiments were carried out on, of course, prisoners.  Under the infrasound, they panicked, they felt dizziness, pain in the internal organs, and had diarrhea.

This effect the Nazis tried to translate into an acoustic gun. But the infrasound stubbornly refused to extend the beam in a given direction, which is why all its impact was felt  first on the staff of this sonic cannon, Schallkanone - they themselves had panic attacks and sudden diarrhea.

Nowadays every schoolboy knows that the sound waves of low frequency can not be a direct beam. Focus can be given only to the sound of very high frequency (ultrasound), but it  does not have such a negative impact on our body.

German engineer Richard Valaushek who invented this type of weapons, apparently knew little about it and stubbornly continued to improve his invention. But as they say, "perseverance and a little effort" - in January 1945, that is already at the end of the war, he introduced the "Commission on research and development," his infernal machine. After the test, the device members of the commission said that a normal machine gun worked much more effectively, and cost less. As a result, the sound the gun was not introduced in the German army and become a formidable "weapon of retaliation" Wehrmacht.

After the war, a prototype of this acoustic weapon fell into the hands of the Americans. In the secret documents of that time it states that "sample acoustic cannon emits a loud sound that makes people closer than 50 meters from the source to lose consciousness, and at a closer distance could be fatal .." The Americans thoroughly investigated all captured specimens of Nazi secret weapons, but about the sound cannon, they also recognized that a simple machine gun shoots further than 50 meters, and in general, it is easier to deal with, even though it does not have such a formidable mental effect.

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