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Republic of Albania etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Republic of Albania etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Vlora - What to See in Albania's Second Largest Port City

Vlora is a coastal city on Albania's Adriatic Coast. It is reputed to be one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean region and in recent years has become an important tourist center. With nice sandy beaches, the summer time is an ideal time to visit Vlora. You can swim in the sea beginning...

Albania - A Destination Not Spoiled by Tourism

For those that travel often, it is no secret that some of the most popular destinations to visit are tainted by the tourists that travel there. Many of these places begin to cater towards these visitors and much of the authentic vibe becomes quickly lost. However, there are places like Albania that...

Pongradec in Albania

Pogradec (Albanian: Pogradec or Pogradeci) is one of the finest tourist sites in Albania, because of its location near Lake Ohrid, famous for its crystal clear water, natural habitat of the Koran fish, similar to trout. Beyond the beautiful beach, a holiday in Pogradec is made more interesting...

Beach Holidays In Albania

Albania has a long coastline on the Adriatic and Ionian seas. Much of it is very pretty with many sandy beaches, virtually untouched by main stream tourism. Identifying beach resorts in Albania and obtaining sufficient information about them to plan a vacation is still not easy. The Albania beach holiday...

Tirana’s main square

Tirana’s main square, Sheshi Skënderbej, is that vast expanse of asphalt where you‘ve got to dodge both Mercedes and plastic kiddie cars. The square was large even before World War II, but the Communists made it absolutely massive (and in the process, cleared away an old bazaar).Started in 1958, the...

syri i kalter (blue eye)

Syri i Kaltër (the name is in Albanian, in English means "blue eye") is a karst spring located on the western slopes of Mount Mali Gjerë in Albania. It has a capacity of 6 m³/s, making it the richest source of the country. The water flows at a temperature of 12.75 °C, the depth of the source has...

Pyramid of Albania

The pyramid, as it's popularly known, opened in 1988 as a museum dedicated to the Albanian dictator-cum-pharaoh Enver Hoxha. Designed by Hoxha's daughter Pranvera, the building was reportedly the most expensive ever erected in Albania. After the regime collapsed, the place became a conference center...