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Qigong Energy Workout etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Qigong Energy Workout etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Qigong: The Energy Workout That Boosts Health And Vitality

What is Qigong?

Qigong (pronounced chee-gong, which means "energy work") is a powerful system of healing using our life energy. It is made up of gentle and repetitive movements, and breathing techniques to circulate and harness life energy (qi) in our body. Qigong practice has been shown to provide a tranquil state of mind and lower stress hormone levels. It can lead to better health and vitality.

Benefits of Qigong:
  • It conquers stress. If you always feel being stressed out, qigong can help you to control your reactions to stress and lower your risk of high blood pressure.

  • It boosts immunity. Study has shown that people who practice qigong 3-4 hours a week produced more antibodies.

  • It helps you to sleep better at night. Practicing qigong helps to suppress stress and anxiety. It enhances your nervous system activity and gives you tranquility. People who have trouble sleeping will drift off easier and faster.

  • It eases stress-related headaches. Qigong is a very effective drug-free relief for headaches due to stress. A study showed that women who affected by severe headaches reported less pain after practicing qigong.
If you're interested to learn more about the qigong energy workout techniques, please visit: