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Newsletters etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

TALA NEWSLETTER - September 2016

Tala newsletter                                                      September 2016 
Bills for this tax will be issued by the Government department in September.   Please note that after a lot of discussion, the tax will continue to be charged based on the 1980 valuations.   The tax will be the same as last year WITH A DEDUCTION SO THAT ONLY 25% WILL BE PAID PROVIDING PAYMENT IS MADE BY 31st OCTOBER.    As previously, payment can be made online on JCC Smart.

Those choosing to pay between 1st November and 31 December will pay 27.5% of the 2015 tax and those who pay after 31stDecember will face a 10% levy on the 27.5% figure.

Tax bills up to €10 will be waived. Tax bills received will show the same amount of tax as was paid last year.  However, when payment is made the amount will be discounted in line with the amounts quoted above.  The tax is likely to be cancelled in 2017.

Despite the intention to merge this tax with the Government Immovable Property Tax, the Government have belatedly advised that they will now continue taxation based on the current criteria [ie 1980 property values], and this tax will be payable, as in previous years, to the local Council.  

This tax is payable once you have your title deeds.   Demand notices are not issued and it is the responsibility of every property owner to settle their accounts.   Please note that payment must be made before 18th December to avoid payment of a 25% penalty.   Those who, through choice or necessity, have yet to have their house value included on their title deeds, only pay on the value of the land they hold title to.

If you have only acquired your title deeds this year, please take your title deeds into the Council office when you go to pay this tax.  As with the Government Immovable Property Tax, this tax is likely to be cancelled in 2017.


The amount payable for rates for 2016 will be the same as last year but without the additional €20 for the cemetery.   Notices have recently been issued.


The transfers from the Monastery and Leptos took place from 1st July.   For Tala supplied water, please bear in mind that your consumption will now be invoiced every 3 months and you should, therefore, exercise some caution, in case your consumption pushes you into a higher pricing bracket.   For those users affected, if you wish to continue payment by bank transfer, could you please note the following:

1  Water supplied by Tala

Please call into Tala Council office with a note of your bank details and IBAN number to allow payment by bank transfer.   You will also need to cancel your previous transfer to the Monastery or Leptos once your final payment for water consumed up until 30 June has been collected.

Those who are unable to visit the council office in person, can email the Council office to set up the bank transfer on a permanent basis.   It is important please that all the information stipulated is submitted, together with the wording granting permission.

Subject:  DANIEL – WATER
Full address [not box no for Kamares please]:
Name and address of Bank:
IBAN No for account you wish payment to be collected from:

I hereby authorise Tala Community Board by means of this email to collect payment for water and/or rates [please amend as appropriate] from my Bank Account until further notice. 

Please note that the above information has to be supplied to Tala Council office by email and not sent direct to your bank as the collection system differs from that used by Kili.

In the event of a problem with your Tala water supply outside office hours, please phone  Nikiforos 99 630613 or Vrasidas 99 468299.  During office hours, please phone Tala Council office on 26 652412

2  Water supplied by Kili

Members who wish to pay their Kili Community charges & Water bills by Bank Transfer may do so using the following instructions. 

Payee.      KINOTIKO SYMBOULIO KOILIS.  (Kili Community Council)

IBAN.          CY56 0070 2840 0000 0000 2734 9818

                         8 Gregoris Afxentiou Street, 1096 Nicosia.

BIC.           CCBKCY2N

Please note that a reference code, which in addition to the name of the payer, must be included in the instructions is, in the case of water bills, in the box at the top right on the invoice.


Following on from the Police presentation, security information and any security updates can be found by going to the right hand corner ‘Categories’ and clicking on Security on

Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.   This does not commit you to forming committees or patrols, but is an agreement to be the eyes and ears of the Police and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to them.   We have an undertaking from the Police to carry out regular vehicular patrols of the Tala area.   To maintain this service, as a community we need to show support to the Police and this can be done by signing up to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
To sign up you can either email your name, address, mobile number and email address to Cathi on toffee@primehome.comor call into the council office and provide this information to the staff there.  For the time being any security alerts will be by email.

On www.talanews.blogspot.comunder Security there is a Get to Know Your Neighbour form.  This is available in English, Greek, Russian and Chinese.  If you are unable to print the form[s] from the blog, please email Cathi and she will send you the documents.   It is felt that by getting to know your neighbour, this will help make more people aware of the neighbourhood watch scheme, enable people to notice strangers in the area, or suspicious activity and thus reduce the number of thefts.  
There are also A5 stickers available for those who have signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  These can be obtained at Tala Council office at a cost of €1 for two stickers.   Proceeds will go to charity.

Suspicious activity should please be reported to the Police on 122.   Thereafter, it would be helpful if you could  let Cathi know what has happened by sending her a short email so she can liaise with the Police and/or alert the community if needed.


If you are interested in a free CPR training course, provided by the staff of Phoenix Ambulance Services, could you please email Cathi on to register your interest.  When emailing please advise whether your need is for a refresher course, or if such training would be new to you.   Please email by 30 September as the course will hopefully run during the month of October, when it is a little cooler, depending on the interest shown.


At the time of going to press, no final decision has been made as to whether the local elections will proceed in December.

As the cut off date for applications for a vote in these elections is the 30 September, if you wish to apply for a vote please contact Cathi at with a note of your address and she will send you the relevant form for completion.

If you already have a voting book, please note that no action is required.


Please note that exercise classes for seniors will resume at the Welfare Centre on 27 September.  Classes will be on a Tuesday and Friday morning, 1045 to 1130.   Fee for classes until the end of December for those aged 63 and above will be €15 in total.  Registration is essential.  Forms are available at the Council Office.

There will be a presentation on the above at the Kamares Club on 29 September, starting at 4pm.   Please reserve your place with Kamares Reception on 26 652277.   Please note that if there is insufficient support, this informative presentation will be cancelled so reservation is essential.

17/18                     John Coghlan’s Quo – Tala Amphitheatre
21                           Coffee Morning 10am to 12noon – Areti’s house
24/25/27              Re-Take That – Tala Amphitheatre
27-1 Oct               Plaza Suite – Stage One Theatre, Emba
29                           Presentation on Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease – Kamares Club           
30                           Droushia Dixie 7 – Kamares Club

1                              Papageorgio Quartet – Dance 2 Tango & Latin Music – Tala Amphitheatre
15                           Pick-up Litter morning in Tala – meet at the Cliff Bar at 9am [for 1 hr]                   
21                           An Evening of Songs & Laughter with Dino Cappuccino – Vatouthkia Taverna
22                           Animal Charity Event – Epsilon Taverna, Emba [for Tala Monastery Cats                                  Polis Animal Rescue and PDDS]              
31                          Halloween at Kamares Club – information available shortly

29-3 Dec               Wife Begins at Forty – Stage One Theatre, Emba

14                           Christmas Party at the Kamares Club with Whitemouse Duo – further information                                available in due course.       

Details of the above can be found on as information is released.

Events at Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club. 
* Tickets available from Computer SOS,  Hearns in Peyia and Kamares Club

For Amphitheatre events, tickets can be purchased online on  Tickets are also available locally at Visteria Kiosk and the Amphitheatre Cafe.  Tickets can also be reserved for payment and collection on the night via Cathi at

For Vatouthkia events, tickets can be booked via 96 818066, or at Vatouthkia Taverna, Carmine’s in Peyia, and PAWS in Chlorakas.

For Stage One events, please book direct with Stage One Theatre in Emba.

Next issue 1 December 2016

Areti Pieridou


Tala newsletter         June 2016   


The agreement with the contractor responsible for the works has now been signed and work is scheduled to start the week commencing 20 June.    The first phase [the actual square itself] will take approximately 8 months to complete.   The second phase will relate to the roads around the core of the village and the square.

A 3D presentation will shortly be available to show how the finished square will look.   Further information follows when available.

WATER – Supplies from Monastery and Armonia [ Leptos]

Both the Monastery and Armonia have promised the District Office and the Water Department that they will hand over the water supplies to Tala Council at the end of June.   Any question of compensation will be the subject of discussion between the Monastery and Armonia and the appropriate Government Department.   In the meantime,  you should please continue to settle your accounts direct with the appropriate supplier.

From 1 July the charges for water will be the same for everyone, ie as outlined under the Tala column below.   You may notice a slight increase in the cost as the Water Board have now stopped subsidising the energy cost of piping water and have passed this cost on to the Communities.

                                                                           Tala               Monastery                          Armonia

Fixed charge                                                     7.00                         11.96                                     5.39

1-20 units                                                          0.85                           0.85                                     0.85

21-50 units                                                        1.00                           1.00                                     1.00

51-60 units                                                        1.70                           2.00                                     1.70

61-70 units                                                        1.70                           2.50                                     1.70

71 units and over                                               2.00                          3.00                                      2.00

Tala invoice out every 3 months, as opposed to the 2-monthly billing previously carried out by the Monastery and Armonia.   Those previously on Monastery and Armonia water should therefore receive their final bill for payment in July and thereafter invoices will be issued by Tala from the end of September onwards [to cover the period from 1 July] .   Please do not cancel any direct debits/standing orders until your final payment has been made to the Monastery/Armonia.   Tala Council office will be contacting all those Monastery/Armonia customers paying their water by direct debit/standing order where new forms are required.


The Government are proposing to scrap the local Immovable Property Tax paid to local councils and municipalities and charge one Immovable Property Tax based on the 2013 property valuation and at a rate of 0.05 per mille.

It is likely that a generous discount will be given for early payment of the tax.  

This is a proposal at this stage and once further information is available details will be posted on


Following a visit to site, the plans for this area by the Government have changed.   The area where there is the bend in the main road is to be widened, with a wall built, and pavement installed.  This was felt to be more beneficial for residents as it is very dangerous for pedestrians on that stretch of road.    Work started on Monday 13 June.     The project is being carried out by Government contractors.


As the planned local authorities restructuring has yet again been put on hold, plans for a new hall will be shelved.

However, we have a commitment from the Government to:
- paint the Elementary school, inside and out

- convert two adjoining classrooms into one [there is already a stage in place in one of these rooms] so that at least there is a large enough space for indoor games, sports, plays and the like.


Just a reminder – if you notice that street lighting is either not functioning at all, or has an intermittent fault, please phone the Electricity Board direct on 1800. 

You can also phone the Electricity Board if you have concerns regarding tree growth encroaching on electricity cables.


The pedestrian path leading from the end of Ay Georgios up to St John Prodromos has been cleaned and cleared.   Dog walkers are please reminded to pick up after their dogs when using this path.


I am delighted to say that the building permit for the Multi-cultural centre has finally been released so we have a ‘mature project’.   We will now explore funding options for the centre which will be built on the area beyond the car park behind the square, and after the childrens play area.


Following on from the Police presentation, security information and any security updates can be found by going to the right hand corner ‘Categories’ and clicking on Security on

Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.   This does not commit you to forming committees or patrols, but is an agreement to be the eyes and ears of the Police and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to them.   We have an undertaking from the Police to carry out regular vehicular patrols of the Tala area.   To maintain this service, as a community we need to show support to the Police and this can be done by signing up to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

To sign up you can either email your name, address, mobile number and email address to Cathi on or call into the council office and provide this information to the staff there.

For the time being any security alerts will be by email.

On under Security there is a Get to Know Your Neighbour form.  This is available in English, Greek, Russian and Chinese.  If you are unable to print the form[s] from the blog, please email Cathi and she will send you the documents.   It is felt that by getting to know your neighbour, this will help make more people aware of the neighbourhood watch scheme, enable people to notice strangers in the area, or suspicious activity and thus reduce the number of thefts.   

There are also A5 stickers available for those who have signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  These can be obtained at Tala Council office at a cost of €1 for two stickers.   Proceeds will go to charity.

Suspicious activity should please be reported to the Police on 122.   Thereafter, it would be helpful if you could  let Cathi know what has happened by sending her a short email so she can liaise with the Police and/or alert the community if needed.


Regrettably, the planned restructuring of local authorities has been put on hold.   This means that local elections will take place in December 2016.

If you already have a voting book no action is required.  If you do not yet have a vote and would like one, please contact Cathi on for the appropriate form.   The cut off date for applying for a vote will probably be 31 October so if you are going to be away over the summer months, it is advisable to submit your application before you go!



Thanks to the efforts of the congregation at the Anglican Church and various Tala residents, Alpha Mega stamps have been donated recently allowing for the acquisition of towels and bedding for needy families in the area.

There is currently a promotion for cookware and donations of stamps would again be much appreciated.   These can either be left in the Council Office [there is a container on the counter for these] or at the Welfare Centre in an envelope for Cathi.  Alternatively,  the stamps can be handed to members of the Anglican Church congregation.


There has been a great improvement regarding the responsible disposal of garden waste .   As a reminder, however, the following options are available for the disposal of garden waste:

The Government operated site for garden waste recycling  [Green Point] is  now open at    Akoursos, in an old quarry on the left hand side of the road to Akoursos village.   No charge is made for using the site.  However, it is only open on the following days:

Monday                                              0800-1800

Wednesday                                         0800-1800

Friday                                                  0800-1800

Saturday                                              0900-1500

Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday CLOSED

Options for garden waste:

1                     Branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings - Taken by the householder to the free site above

2                     Collection of up to 2 bags of garden waste [excluding branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings] by the refuse collectors.   Note, however, that priority will be given to household rubbish and garden waste may not always be taken if refuse levels are higher than usual.

3                     Purchase orange Tala Council bags at the Council office if heavy duty bags are needed.   They should then be left out for the refuse collectors who will remove up to 2 bags at a time, or taken to one of the private sites, or collection arranged by Andreas.  Any blue Tala Council bags which you already have should be disposed of in the same way.

4                     Take any bags to the private garden waste centre in Tala [Andreas] – a charge will be made of  €1 for the first bag, and €0.50 for each additional bag.  The site is open Tuesday 0900-1200, and Saturday 0900-1200 and 1400-1600].  However, if you phone Andreas beforehand, arrangements can be made to open up outside of these times, if required.

5                     Arrange for collection by the above private garden waste collector – the charge will depend on the volume/vehicle required.   

Please also bear in mind that the private garden waste collector will pick up domestic appliances free of charge.  There is a drop off fee for wooden furniture items, and home pick-up is offered for a supplementary charge.  

6  A new garden waste site has opened on the site of the former Tala Council site on the Kissonerga road, operated by NIPA Enterprises Ltd.  This is a processing and collection site for garden waste only and no home collection service is available.   This site will be open:

Monday – Friday                                              0800 to 1600

Saturday                                                              0800 to 1200 and 1400 to 1600


Large trucks over 7.5 gross tons                                                                 €25

Vans and trucks up to 7.5 gross tons and skips                                    €15

Small trucks or single cabin pick up trucks up to 3.5 gross tons     €10

Double cabin pick up trucks                                                                         €5

Saloon cars                                                                                                         €3

Private garden waste collector offering home collection – Andreas 99 327262

New garden waste site – NIPA Enterprises – Panayiotis 99 647883


Following the very dry winter, please be on the look out for fires in the area.   Small fires should please be reported to Daniel on  99 699125, or Nikos on 99 630613 in the first instance.

Larger fires should be reported to the Emergency Services on 122 or 199.



18/19     Il Divo tribute from Spain – Tala Amphitheatre


3              Shirley Bassey tribute from the UK – Tala Amphitheatre

16/17     Jersey Boys from the UK – Tala Amphitheatre

22           Twistin Round the Pool  – Kamares Club


9              Polis Charalambous – Evagora of Cyprus[the history of Cyprus from 410BC to 1960 - in Greek      with English translation] – Tala           Amphitheatre

9              Starlight Soiree for the Cyprus  Kidney Association – Kamares Club*

10/11     Abba Revival from the UK – Tala Amphitheatre

17/18     John Coghlan’s Quo from the UK – Tala Amphitheatre

24/25     Re-Take That from the UK – Tala Amphitheatre

30           Papageorgio String Quartet –  Dance 2 Tango & Latin Music -Tala Amphitheatre


1              Droushia Dixie 7 Jazz Band – Kamares Club – details available in due course


Details of the above can be found on as information is released.

Events at Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club. 

* Tickets available from Computer SOS,  Hearns in Peyia and Kamares Club

For Amphitheatre events, tickets can be purchased online on  Tickets are also available locally at Visteria Kiosk and the Amphitheatre Cafe.  Tickets can also be reserved for payment and collection on the night via Cathi at

Next issue 20 September 2016

Areti Pieridou

TALA NEWSLETTER - June 2015 issue

Tala newsletter                     June 2015   
Tenders for the new cemetery have now been received and the contract has been awarded.   Work will start imminently.   For Phase 1 of the project, around a hundred plots will be constructed, together with a boundary wall, paths and basic car parking.  The work is likely to take around 2 months to complete.
If plots are needed, these should be available from August.  More details will be supplied in the September newsletter regarding pre-purchasing plots.

Phase 2 of the cemetery project will involve ashphalting the car park and building a covered area for shade/weather protection and a cemetery tax of €20 will be levied on each household for 2015 to raise the money to enable us to do this.  

Regarding the cemetery tax, I apologise as, despite the earlier advice given by the District Office, legal opinion is that the tax is payable by everyone regardless of any personal arrangements or preferences.  As mentioned in a previous newsletter, due to the costs involved, the council will not take measures to pursue payment.  However, if the tax remains unpaid, a non-payment penalty will apply each year, and the tax will have to be settled at the time of any property sale.   

You may remember from the April issue that we were trying to negotiate with SAPA regarding the payment they required to reimburse them for any outlay or share of costs relating to Tala as the first part of our exit from the mains sewerage system.   SAPA have refused to budge from the initial figure quoted of €40,798 and Tala Council has, therefore, made the first payment to them of €20,000.  The balance will be paid in 12 months time and the Council is left to battle with the Government to obtain the 80% funding promised.

As a result, finally, those of you who have been forced to pay sewerage fees to allow transfer of property  will now be reimbursed.  Rather than sit and wait for this reimbursement, I would suggest that you apply to SAPA directly or via your legal advisor.

It would also appear that we have made some progress with the Government who now accept that septic tanks are acceptable under the EU directive – however it is likely that an inspection schedule would have to be put in place to check that these are not leaking or polluting.   Such an inspection [possibly every 5 years] would incur a charge but this would be nothing compared to the costs which we would all have had to pay for the mains sewerage system.  However, we still need the Minister of the Interior and the Government to make a decision as to whether we still have to be included in the main sewerage or whether we are excluded and I have no timescale for this.

I am hoping to have a meeting with the Minister of the Interior in the very near future and will keep you posted regarding developments.

The new toilets behind the old church in the Square have now been completed.   We are also hopeful that the necessary EU funding will shortly be in place to allow the work for the pedestrianisation of the square to start in the last quarter of this year, possibly as early as September.

Provisional planning permission has been received for the multi-cultural centre.   This is proposed to be built on the land at the far end of the car park [on the road leading out of the village to Vrasidas Taverna].   We will be applying for EU funding for the project and anticipate that we will hear whether those funds are available in 2016.

The Government operated site for garden waste recycling  [Green Point] has now been  opened at    Akoursos, in an old quarry on the left hand side of the road to Akoursos village.   However, this site is only open on the following days:

Monday                                            0800-1800
Wednesday                                       0800-1800
Friday                                               0800-1800
Saturday                                           0900-1500
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday CLOSED

However, according to rumour it appears that this site can only take wood cuttings [branches, trunks] for recycling.  We are trying to obtain further clarification  and additoinal information will be supplied in due course.    We understand that there is no charge for using the facility but that all the Councils and Municipalities may be required to contribute a [considerable!] sum for this facility. 

Options for garden waste:
1                     Branches and tree cuttings - Taken by the householder to the free site above [to be confirmed]
2                     Collection of up to 2 bags of garden waste [excluding branches and tree cuttings] by the refuse collectors.   Note, however, that priority will be given to household rubbish and garden waste may not always be taken if refuse levels are higher than usual.
3                    Purchase blue Tala Council bags at the Council office, and advise the office when you have bags ready for collection.   Collections will be done the week of the first Monday of each month [Monday – Kamares;   Tuesday – Stephanie/Lofos ;  Wednesday – Melisovonos & Monastery ;  Thursday – Village and South of Milt. Stylianou].   No charge will be made for collection of these blue bags.
4                    Request uplift from the Council office – a charge will be made depending on the volume of waste.
5                    Take any bags to the private garden waste centre in Tala – a charge will be made of €1 for the first bag, and €0.50 for each additional bag.  The site is open Tuesday 0900-1200, and Saturday 0900-1200 and 1400-1600]
6                    Arrange for collection by the private garden waste collectors – the charge will depend on the volume/vehicle required.   
Please also bear in mind that the private garden waste collector will pick up domestic appliances free of charge.  There is a drop off fee for wooden furniture items, and home pick-up is offered for a supplementary charge.  
Council office – 26 652412
Private garden waste collector – Andreas 99 327262

We are receiving reports of occasions when the refuse men are omitting to collect from some households.   These omissions are erratic and there appears to be no pattern to them.  It is, however, important that you advise either the council office, or email Cathi [] with a note of your name and address, no of bags omitted and dates of non-collection so that I can use this as ammunition against the contractor.    

I am pleased to advise that the new changing rooms and disabled toilet at the amphitheatre were completed ready for the start of the new season.
We also have a new tenant at the amphitheatre kiosk – Andreas Onisiforou.

We are just finalising a form which we will be using alongside the new computer system.  This form will ask for email addresses and mobile phone numbers and will also be used as a check to ensure that the information we have on the system regarding your name and address is correct.
Once the form is agreed, Cathi will be circulating this and supplies will be available in the council office.
We are still waiting for confirmation that we have been accepted onto the JCC link which will allow payment of rates and Tala water bills online.   We will continue to press for this and hope to have it in place before the end of this year.  We are in the hands of JCC for this and understand we are ‘on the To Do list’.

There has been a long outstanding problem of accessing some water meters in Tala.   Those of you who have problem meters will have received a letter asking you to relocate your meter to a more accessible position.   The deadline for moving the meter has now expired, and the Council will now proceed to move those necessary and a charge will be imposed on the water bills of those affected.
LOCAL IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX payable at Tala Council office
Please note that this tax no longer applies from this year and will be incorporated into the Government Immovable Property Tax.  The rates for the Government tax have not yet been agreed and it is possible that the 2013 property value will be used as the basis for this tax.  Further information will be circulated once available.  
PAFOS 2017
We have approached Paphos 2017 with a view to having a number of walls around the village included in their Community Projects as part of the Pafos 2017 initiative.  The walls in question are:

-         -  The car park at the amphitheatre
-         -  The wall above the amphitheatre fronting onto the road
-        -   The verandah wall at SKE [Welfare Centre]

Would any artists who would like to be involved in the design and/or co-ordination of these projects please email Cathi [] with their name, email and mobile phone no.    Also, if anyone, or any company, is interested in sponsoring these projects either financially or to offer materials, or discounted rates for materials, could they please contact Cathi .

Subject to acceptance, the projects are scheduled for Spring 2016.  

Just to remind you that a hot meal delivery service is available which will be delivered direct to your door.   This will be ideal not only for anyone who is housebound, but for those recovering from an operation, temporarily on their own,  unable to leave the house for any reason, on holiday or wanting to entertain and save themselves the hassle of cooking – or avoid the heat in the kitchen over the summer months!   If needed, additional meals can be provided suitable for freezing or keeping in the fridge but in the initial stages the hot meal delivery will be restricted to Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.   The menu for the week will be emailed out each week and will be available on

Working under the auspices of SKE [Welfare Centre], Marie and Emma will initially be providing a lunch on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.  This will consist of a main course and a dessert.  Special dietary requirements can be catered for if needed.  The meal on a Sunday will be a traditional Sunday lunch.

The cost of the lunch will be €7.50 per person with free delivery to residents of Tala.   Anyone outside of the Tala area will be charged €1 for delivery.  
For further information or to order lunch, please contact Marie and Emma on 97 725903 or email:   Please bear in mind that you will need to give 24 hours notice of your order.

21                 Hollies tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
16                 The All New Jersey Boys from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
18                 The All New Jersey Boys from the UK – at the Amphitheatre – tickets now at kiosk
11                 Fleetwood Mac tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
13                 Fleetwood Mac tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
20                 Papageorgio String Quartet – at the Amphitheatre
25                 Bee Gees tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
27                 Bee Gees tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre

Details of the Cypriot music and plays will be available shortly and will be circulated.

Tickets for most events are available at  the Visteria [formerly SoEasy] Kiosk in Tala.   For most shows, tickets can be reserved on   Any events at the Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club. 

Please also see www.talanews.blogspot.comregarding other events in the Paphos and Tala area which may be of interest.

Next issue 20 September            

Areti Pieridou