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Tala Council Newsletter - September 2014

Tala newsletter                      September 2014   

IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX 2014  - Payable to the Tax Authorities in Paphos

The tax will remain the same as last year, despite the promises that everyone will pay less, however, more missing properties have been added to the register.

A 15% discount will apply if the tax is paid by 31st October.   Otherwise the tax must be paid by 30th November and a 10% penalty, interest,  administrative fee and ‘other charges’ will be applied if you have not paid after this date.

For those who have not yet received their title deeds [and please read to the end of this notice as there is an update], you will no longer pay the tax to your developer [with the usual add ons for ‘administration’ etc].  This means that you will pay a lower tax than you would otherwise [as the developer would be paying the tax at 1.9%].

 Property developers are required to provide the authorities with details of properties they have sold but which have yet to be transferred to the purchasers:

·         The distinctive features of the sold unit
·         The name and address of the purchaser or transferee or beneficiary of the unit
·         The date of sale or assignment
·         The date of completion of the building
·         The date of delivery of possession of the building

This then enables the Land Registry to assess the 1980 value of the property in question and the Inland Revenue can issue an IPT notice to the purchaser.

The law contains provisions that remove a purchaser’s obligation to pay IPT if their development company is in liquidation or if the delay in issue of the title deeds is the fault of the owner [developer] . 

Immovable Property Tax rates:
Assessed 1980 property value
Tax rate
Cumulative Tax
€1 to €12,500
€12,501 to €40,000
€40,001 to €120,000
€120,001 to €170,000
€170,001 to €300,000
€300,001 to €500,000
€500,001 to €800,000
€800,001 to €3,000,000
€3,000,001 onwards

*Those owning property where the total value is in excess of €12,500 will pay tax on the total 1980 value.

The Inland Revenue will issue notices during August/early September – but please note that non-receipt will not be accepted as an excuse for non-payment!   If you do not receive a notice, please go down to the Tax Office in Paphos to collect it.

Payment can be made to the tax department in Paphos,  through, or any local bank.  Please note that to pay via jccsmart you will need to quote the reference shown on your 2014 tax notice.  For payment via the banks, you will need your tax assessment, your identity card [might be an idea to have your passport with you as well] and payment.

 Objections can be raised by 30/9/2014 by visiting the Inland Revenue personally, through your agent, or the IPT division of the District Office where your file is kept, by taking your notice.  For those currently abroad, you should contact the following office and state clearly the reason[s] for your objection.   Paphos -

Anyone wishing to telephone the office in Paphos should please contact 26 804342 or 26 804337.

For those without title deeds:
·         Ensure your developer has your correct postal address and contact details so that the Inland Revenue send your IPT notice to the correct address.

·         Do not pay 2014 IPT to your developer. 

·         If you believe the 1980 valuation shown on your IPT notice is too high you may query this with the Inland Revenue

·         If you believe the IPT has been incorrectly calculated by the Inland Revenue you may challenge this

Where the property of a deceased person has not yet been transferred to the legal heirs, the legal heirs have an obligation to pay the correct amount of tax to the Inland Revenue by incorporating their share of the property inherited on their tax declaration.

For those without title deeds, please note that the information shown may be subject to change as we understand that there may be a problem extracting the information from the developers for people where title deeds have not yet been issued and where the developer is deemed responsible for the non-issuance of title deeds – as in the case of properties sold while encumbered with a mortgage already taken out on it.  Regrettably, if you don’t have title deeds and don’t receive a tax notice in August, you will either have to contact your developer or go down to the Inland Revenue office.  

IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX – LOCAL – Payable to Tala Council

This tax is payable to Tala Council once you have your title deeds.   Demand notices are not issued and it is the responsibility of every property owner to settle their accounts.  Please note that payment must be made before 18th December to avoid payment of a 25% penalty.  The amount payable is set annually by the Community Board up to a ceiling of 1% of the 1980 based valuation as recorded on individual title deeds.    Those who, through choice or necessity, have yet to have their house value included on their title deeds, only pay on the value of the land they hold title to.

Regarding Immovable Property Tax, the Land and Survey Department has assessed the value of your property as at 1 January 2013.   You can now view this information - and check for your valuation.   Please note that this value will not be used for the tax for 2014 but will probably be used in 2015 as the Government moves towards current valuations rather than 1980 valuations for property taxation.

If you disagree with the value, you may object by sending a written letter to Mr Kyriakos Tsoulakis [Survey Department Deputy] within six months from the date of posting of the listing.   His telephone number is 22 804881 and his email address is     Any additional information may be obtained by phoning 77 777730 - Petros Foutas the Council Executive Secretary.   Contrary to what has been shown in the local press, no charge is made to handle the appeal [although a charge may be levied for any appeals after the expiration of the 6 month deadline].

To find your property valuation:

1. Go to the land and surveys page via
2. Choose the English language on the top-left side of the page
3. Click on “locate your parcel” [aerial map of Cyprus which changes to become Locate Your Parcel]
4. Choose your language again (English)
5. Tick on the box  “I agree to the above terms of use”
6. Select area; click Paphos and then Tala
7. Select advanced search (sheet and plan ref: it is displayed on your contract with your developer, or as shown on your title deeds].   Press Ok.
8. You can then view your plot.  Various pieces of information are shown.  On the last row of the column, click on Valuation and you will see your plot value.

If you need to go down to the Paphos Land Registry to appeal against your valuation, please note that if you approach the Land Registry, go into the entrance where the lift doors are facing you.   To the right of the lift there is a door, go through this and you will find an office with four ladies in specifically to deal with appeals.   There is a lengthy form to complete [in Greek] which they assist you with and your appeal could take up to 6 months to be dealt with.

If there is, in fact, a typing error on your title deeds, be prepared to be passed to another person in the building and, again, you will have to wait for a period, whilst a full investigation is carried out.


Invoices are in the process of being issued and should be received shortly.   For 2014, the taxation bands will be as follows:
A – Community Tax/Rates:
1.Luxury Villas [300m or more with a pool]                                                  € 200- € 500
2.Detached House                                                                                        € 170
3.Maisonettes, or houses over 2 sites on shared plot                                      € 120
4.Single room stone village house within the village                                         € 50
5.Apartments                                                                                                € 110
6.Pensioners with low income [less than €700 total per month*]                     € 80
7.Underpriviledged familes                                                                             €80
8.Land Plots/parcels.  Co-owners charged accordingly                                   € 60
9.Owners of more than one piece of land                                                        € 100
10.Small companies                                                                                        €100 - € 500
11.Large companies                                                                                       €850 - € 10000
12.Radiostations, tv stations, masts/aerials, etc                                                 €500
13.Houses under construction                                                                          €100

 B – Refuse Collection/Cleaning Tax and Business Tax
1.For each residential unit                                                                                €100
2.Small shops, small supermarkets                                                                   €150
3 Restaurants, pubs, tavernas                                                                          €250
4.Coffee shops                                                                                                € 50
5.Periptero,  So Easy                                                                                      €500
6.Pharmacy                                                                                                     €300
7.Cooperative Bank                                                                                         €500
8.Monastery cafeteria                                                                                       €250

*Anyone who falls into this category must prove their income to the satisfaction of the Council.   Original bank statements [for UK and Cypriot accounts] will be required, as will written confirmation from any pension providers.   Additional documentation may be required, depending on circumstances.  If you fall into this category, please submit your details in writing to the council office.

In addition to the above:
1.Large families are entitled to a 25% discount and families with 3 children10% for both assessments providing no other category of deduction applies.
2.Vacant homes and homes under construction are excluded from the refuse tax.  Houses uninhabited for some time will be judged individually.
3.For each additional vacant house to the main residence, an additional € 50 is payable if the taxpayer is taxed already for another house. (eg  an owner is taxed on the residence where he lives € 170 tax for community services and € 100 refuse. If he has another house which remains vacant the owner  will pay another amount for community services  of € 50.)
4.Single adults who work and live with their parents € 50. Those who are unemployed or are students are excluded.

C – Cemetery Tax
An amount of €20 per household is payable this year towards the new cemetery.  

As you are aware the current village cemetery was full and a small extension was granted.   In view of the lack of space, as previously advised, regrettably until the new cemetery is constructed, spaces can only be allocated to Cypriots .   This is not intended to be discriminatory, but reflects the importance Cypriots place on being buried with their family members in their home village.   However, as mentioned in previous newsletters, Tala urgently needs a new cemetery that will accommodate all christians in the community.  
Under Cyprus Law, a cemetery cannot be funded out of the payments received for rates, but a separate tax has to be levied.   This tax is then paid into a separate account, specifically for the building of the new cemetery.  By charging the tax now, once the necessary permits and permissions are received, we will be in a position to start building the new cemetery immediately.    As it stands currently, payment of the tax entitles residents to purchase a grave in the new cemetery [once built] at a cost of €850 per grave.
We are still awaiting planning permission and various permits for the new cemetery.   If, therefore, planning permission or the various permits are not forthcoming, then the amount taken as tax will be refunded.

These taxes can be paid in instalments.   Please contact the Council Office before 18thDecember to discuss.

For those who have elected to pay by direct debit,  payments will be taken on or around the 20th October.  An exact date cannot be given as once the Council apply to the Bank, control is out of our hands.

Please note that there wil be a public meeting regarding the cemetery tax, in October,  once people return to Cyprus.   Details will be circulated in due course.

The Council owns a plot of land behind the old car park, across the ravine from Vrasidas Taverna.   A sponsor , Mr Sotiris Hadjimina, has come forward and very generously agreed to fund the architects fees for drawing up plans and obtaining building permits  for a multi-cultural centre.    Once plans have been agreed, we will then apply for EU funding for the project.

It is intended that the centre will be multi-purpose and will allow Tala to provide permanent facilities for the artists in the community, and a room or rooms for functions and events. 

As most of you will know, the above has been closed down following yet another fire at the premises.   For the time being, therefore, garden waste should be taken to the tip at Marathounda.   If you are unable to take the waste yourself, or the volume is too large, please contact the council for collection.   A small charge will be made for the service.

The Government is under pressure to meet EU targets in respect of refuse disposal and recycling and has paid some €7m in penalties to the EU due to lack of recycling facilities.  Therefore, as a step towards improving this situation, the Government is funding  a number of Green Point Recycling Centres across the island.   Such sites will be official legal sites, meeting all EU regulations  [as opposed to the many illegal garden waste sites which have been created by necessity by many councils and which are fire and health hazards – as proved by the problems at Tala].    Once we know where the sites will be, and when they will be opening, further information will be provided.

As you are aware, the contract with the previous refuse collectors was due for renewal and, working with other local communities, the contract was put out to tender.   There were problems over the course of the first month or so, but now that the route has been established, we appear to be back on track.  I apologise for any inconvenience that has been caused to those affected by non-collection.

What has come to light is that a number of people are leaving out a large number of sacks of garden waste.  The council is only required by law to remove household waste and  priority will always be given to that waste.   The refuse collectors will not take any more than 2 bags of garden waste, and that will only be taken if space permits on the wagon.  For collection of anything in excess of 2 bags, please phone the council to arrange for collection.  A small fee may be charged, depending on the number of bags involved.

There is limited spare land and space in landfill sites across the island and everyone is asked to please recycle as much of their refuse as possible.   There are bins around the village for glass, paper/cardboard and plastic waste and it would be helpful if efforts were made to use them.

You may have read in the press that the Government is proposing to reduce the number of municipalities across the island and centralise many functions currently undertaken by local councils.   We do not know, at this stage, exactly what is proposed, but have been told that it is hoped to have the centralisation completed by the end of 2016.   As far as we are aware, each community will retain a council, but with limited decision making, and that council will need to apply to the central body [Paphos in our case] for funding and purchasing.     As further information becomes available, you will be advised.

There is little additional information to provide you with at the present time.   The matter is still with the Government for a formal decision.    

After initially electing to proceed with the road-based mains sewerage, Peyia have had a change of heart.   They asked for a years grace before payment was started towards the project.   This was rejected and a 2 month extension provided.   They have now decided that they would prefer not to be included in the project at all and have advised SAPA accordingly.   As you may remember, Peyia are in a slightly different position to Tala in that the residents have to fund 100% of the project [as opposed to 80% Government funding for Tala] and Peyia also have to consider pollution of the coastal waters.

The  Council receives more complaints about dogs than anything else.   Two of the most common complaints are dogs wandering free, and also dog fouling.   If you have a dog, please ensure that this is only allowed out of your premises on a lead and that you pick up after your dog.   We will now be fining those who have ignored warning letters.

Barking is another area of concern to residents.   If any owner has a problem with their dog barking, please contact Cathi [] and she will put you in touch with a lady who offers a service to solve this. 

If anyone needs the services of a nurse, eg following an operation, or if you have become housebound and need minor medical attention, please note that the Government  provides Agency Homecare.  
Examples where help can be provided :

·                     Sample collection
·                     Injections
·                     Changing or inserting catheters
·                     Changing of dressings
·                     Care of pressure ulcers
·                     Wound care, or care of diabetic foot
·                     Oxygen administration through a ventilator
If help is required, please contact Katerina Haralambous on 97 796200, or 26 803497.

Just to make you aware, under Cyprus law, anyone conducting security services must be licensed.  Failure to comply can result in a fine of up to €30,000 and/or a term of imprisonment.   The courts also have the power to make clients of such illegal companies pay the fines if they cannot pay or if they disappear.   You could also be invalidating your insurance by using illegal companies.      To protect yourself, please insist on seeing a copy of the installers licence.

Computer lessons - from this month onwards it is hoped that if there is sufficient interest, computer lessons can be provided.   Details of the courses available can be found on   Please register your interest with Daniel on   If you have specific areas where you would like help, again please contact Daniel and he will see if a course can be put together to address your needs.   

WHAT’S ON [At the Amphitheatre, unless shown otherwise]
5 & 7                                      – Sister Act and Supremes Motown Magic
9                                              - Collegium Cyprus with Soprano Chryso Makariou [Classical music]
18                                            - Cyprus Symphony Orchestra
19,24 & 27                              – Jersey Boys    

3                                              - Starlight Dance Party in aid of Tala Monastery Cats.   
                                                   Chris King, Stevie Dean and Ben Mills perform as themselves. Top hits from                                                           1960’s to 1990’s.
9                                              - Vatouthkia – Movies, Musicals & More in aid of Cyprus Kidney Association 
31                                           - Church Hall – Paphos Voices
31                                           - Vatouthkia – Halloween with Kendall & Morrelli

15                                           - Kamares Club – Kamares Christmas Bazaar
21                                           - Vatouthkia – Barry White direct from the UK

13                                           - Vatouthkia – Top of the Pops Xmas with Kendall & Morrelli

Tickets for Amphitheatre and  some of the Vatouthkia events are available at SoEasy Kiosk in Tala.  Tickets can also be purchased at Vatouthkia for events there.   For most shows, tickets can be reserved on

Please also see www.talanews.blogspot.comregarding other events in the Paphos and Tala area which may be of interest.

Next issue 15 November                             

Areti Pieridou


TALA NEWSLETTER              June 2014   

I don’t have anything to update you on for the time being.    SAPA appear determined to include Tala in the scheme [even to the extent of suggesting excluding parts of the village from the mains sewerage installation, but making everybody pay, even those excluded!].   What has come to light is that Cyprus has been given until 2025 to complete their sewerage installations by the European Union and we remain excluded until the end of 2016.    We continue to press the case for our total exclusion and I will keep you posted.

We are currently looking at various proposals so that we can finalise the project and apply for EU funding.

I regret to advise that our application to have a cemetery on the proposed land has been rejected by the Ministry of Agriculture on the basis that the land in question is in an agricultural area.
I am trying to gain access to the Minister of Agriculture to try and have this decision reversed.
We have also looked at coming to an arrangement with another cemetery in the area, whereby Tala expats would be able to be interred at a special rate.  Unfortunately, the ‘special rate’ they were looking for was very expensive so talks have come to a halt!

 [Not to be confused with the similarly named tax which is paid to the tax authorities in Paphos]
Anyone who has their title deeds is now due to pay this local tax at the Council Office.  Demand notices are not currently issued and it is the responsibility of every property owner to settle their accounts.  The amount payable is set annually by the Community Board up to a ceiling of 1% of the 1980 based valuation as recorded on individual title deeds.    Those who, through choice or necessity, have yet to have their house cost included on their title deeds, only pay on the value of the land they hold title to.
It is hoped that with the new computer system reminders will be issued in the future.

This is the tax that until last year was only payable by those whose property in 1980 was valued in excess of €178,600.   At the time of writing, central Government is looking to overhaul property taxes generally, but has said that as they have now identified many properties that were not included in the tax last year, everyone will pay less this year.    Government hopes to advise what the rate of taxation will be shortly [if you remember the date for payment in 2013 was changed numerous times and was eventually by early November!]

Could I ask that everyone be on alert for fires.   Due to the very dry winter, the Fire Office have warned us that the risk of fires is likely to start earlier this summer.   As in previous years, the ‘fire watch staff’ will patrol around Tala so that they are immediately available should a fire break out and also to act as a deterrent to arsonists.  Should you spot any sign of fire, please ring Daniel on 99 699125 or Nikos on 99 630613 for immediate attention.

Tala, works with the councils at Emba, Chloraka and Kissonerga regarding refuse collection.    We have recently put the refuse collection service out to tender and, as a result, the service is with a new supplier from 1st June.   Collection dates for Tala will remain unaltered, ie Monday and Thursday.

If you have a dog, please remember that the licence fee is payable annually.  Currently no reminders are issued.
Dog owners are required by law to:
-         - register the dog – failure can incur a heavy fine
-        -  microchip the dog – again failure can incur a heavy fine
-        -  take the registration certificate and health book to the council office to obtain their dog licence. 
-         - display a sign on their gate to indicate that there is a dog on the premises

This is just a reminder that if you have garden waste to dispose of you should contact the council office and make arrangements for the site to be opened for you, or to collect the key from the council office.  

You can access the council website on– click on the Union Jack and type in Tala for the relevant information. 
There is also where you can subscribe if you wish to be notified of updates – at the top right hand corner you will see Follow by email – type in your email address and press submit and you will be notified when anything new is added to the site.    From this site you can also reserve tickets for the various shows at the amphitheatre and pay and collect tickets on the door on the night. 
Cyprus Sport Organisation would like to run a programme of exercises for people with the above [cervical syndrome, spine problems, problems with joints, ie shoulder, elbow and/or knee].   All classes will be taught by a trainer qualified in rehabilitation and special orthopaedic and muscular disorders.

The purpose of the programme is to provide general improvement, immediate or gradual restoration of one of the cited conditions, reduction in pain and psychological improvement.

Classes would start in September, but if you are interested you are asked to complete the attached form and return this to the council office.   It is intended that classes will be held twice a week, after 5.30pm but we need to see how much interest there is.   Registering an interest does not commit you to attending, but please let us know now if the classes are of interest to you.    If you are overseas but wish to register an interest, the form can be completed, scanned and emailed to Cathi on

Participation fees would be €15 per month, or €45 per quarter [September to December, January to April] reducing to €25 for the third segment of May and June.     Those over the age of 63 can join the programme free of charge by presenting their ID card.If you have questions on the scheme, please contact the Cyprus Sports Organisation between 0800 and 1300 on 26 936937.  Alternatively, the head teacher, Mr Renos Georgiou, can be contacted on 99 211900. 

The Football Club are organising bingo in the square, every Wednesday at 8pm.   All are welcome.


14 – Ian G With Strings Attached – octet playing popular music, eg Beatles, ELO, Dire Straits, Metallica, etc.    Tickets €10.
15, 16, 17 & 19 – Greek comedy.  Tickets €15 for two persons.  Starts 8.30pm.
18 – Barrie Rowe – from Glen Miller to Motown .  Tickets  €10.
20 & 22  – Rod Stewart tribute – back from the UK by popular demand.  Tickets €12.50.
25  – Music tribute to Greek cinema.    Tickets €7.00.
27 & 28  – ‘Moon Dust’ classic and modern dancing by School of Arts.  Tickets €10 for adults, or €5 for children.  Starts 7.30pm.
29  - Charity Dancing Festival from Aphrodite, Geroskipou.  Tickets €5.

11 & 14 - Bee Gees tribute from the UK –   tickets €12.50.
18 - Greek theatre.  Tickets €8.   Starts 8.30pm.
25 - Greek theatre.  Tickets €8.   Starts 8.30pm.
26  - Roxy Music/Bryan Ferry tribute direct from the UK,  together with Karen Kendall Covers.  Tickets €12.50 available shortly.

3 - Greek music and dance by Aenaon.  Tickets €15 for 2 persons.  Starts 8.30pm .  
7  - Greek theatre.  Tickets €15 for 2 persons.  Starts 8.30pm.
8  - Simon & Garfunkel  tribute from UK.  Tickets €12.50 available shortly.
12 – Greek theatre.   Entrance €5
29 - Papageorghiou String Quartet putting a classical spin on modern music .  Tickets €10 available shortly.
31 - Andreas Artemis – Greek music.  Tickets €10.

5 & 7 - Sister Act and Supremes Motown Magic direct from the UK.  Tickets €12.50 available shortly.
18 - Classical concert by the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra.  More information available in due course.
19, 24 & 27 - Jersey Boys – back by popular demand.  Tickets €12.50 available shortly.

4 -  Cliff Richard and the Shadows from the UK.  Tickets €12.50 available shortly.  Show will start at 7.30pm.

Amphitheatre shows – tickets can be pre-booked with Cathi on toffee@primehome.comor via talanews.blogspot – click on Book tickets on the header.  Tickets also available from SoEasy Kiosk in Stephanie.

Start times of shows – doors open 7pm and shows start 8pm unless shown otherwise.

Next newsletter 15 September

Areti Pieridou

[Cervical syndrome, spine problem, problems at joints – shoulder – elbow – knee]

Cyprus Sports Organisation would like to inform you that within the programme ‘Sports for All’ it will be running the programme ‘Exercise for people with musculoskeletal disorders’, which will be taught by a trainer qualified in rehabilitation and special orthopaedic and muscular disorders.

-          Generally to improve the problem
-          Immediate or gradual restoration of one of the above cited conditions
-          The improvement of psychology
-          Reducing pain
The above programme will begin in Tala village and it will be held at a place which will be agreed, on days and times also to be agreed.    The days and times will be advised as soon as the required number of entries is completed.  The classes will be held twice a week after 5.30pm.

Head teacher of physical education and rehabilitation is Mr Renos Georgiou, Tel No 99 211900.

Participation fees [September – December] €45 per quarter, or €15 per month.

If you are interested in participating in the above programme, please fill in the application form and take into Tala Council office.


Members above the age of 63 years old can join the programme for free by presenting their ID card.


Full Name/Surname        ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Birth                      ………………………………………………     Age   …………………………………………
Postal Address                  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone No                            …………………………………….  Email ……………………………………………………

Health Condition – Please declare if you are facing any health condition problems

I declare that I am a permanent resident of ………………………………….  Municipality/Village and I do not participate in any other Cyprus Sport Organisation programme that the Community/village are sponsoring.

ID Card No …………………………………   Signature …………………………………………….Date …………………..
First semester [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec]
Second semester
[Jan, Feb, Mar, April]
Third – 2 months [May & June]
Monthly Fee
Exercise for people with musculoskeletal disorders

€45 per quarter

€45 per quarter

€25 for 2 months

€15 per month
For more information and enquiries please apply to:
Cyprus Sport Organisation – between the hours of 0800 and 1300 – Tel 26 936937