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 Evening Standard 10 November 2020 - by Nicholas Cecil and Ross Lydall

The Government has pre-ordered 100 million doses of the potential vaccine being developed by scientists at Oxford university and UK drugs firm AstraZeneca.

Interim findings from phase-3 trials are expected by “early December” if global trials, including in the UK, continue to see volunteers catching covid — enabling scientists to check that the vaccine is able to defeat the virus.

Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said yesterday’s breakthrough for the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine showed for the first time that it was possible to make a covid vaccine. He added: “Ideally we need several of these to be successful for the best possible results for humanity.”

The Oxford vaccine is being trialled in countries including the US, Brazil and South Africa.  

Professor Pollard told the Standard: “We are still hoping that we will be able to do the same sort of thing as Pfizer, do an interim look, before the end of the year. We are obviously going full speed to do that. But the science has to take its course. The combination of science and also the huge logistical challenge of pulling all the data together that will take some time to do. But we are making very good progress.

“I’m reasonably confident that we should get there before the end of the year, sadly because there is obviously so much disease in the various countries we are working [in].”

He declined to put a timetable for the phase-3 trial results.

The UK has secured early access to about 340 million vaccine doses from six potential candidates, including  40 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which requires two jabs per person 21 days apart — potentially giving immunity 28 days after the first injection.  

The others in the Government’s portfolio are being made by Novavax (currently in phase 2 clinical trials), Janssen (phase 2), GSK/Sanofi Pasteur (phase 1) and Valneva (pre-clinical trials).

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “We have got lots of irons in the fire. The other leading one is the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, which we also will be ready to deploy should the data come through on that in a similar way.”

The Pfizer vaccine is a mRNA vaccine — similar to the one that Imperial College London researchers are trialling — but different from the Oxford adenovirus vaccine, which uses a weakened version of the virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees.

Unlike the Pfizer vaccine, which must be stored at -70C for up to 48 hours prior to use, the Oxford vaccine does not need such “rigorous” cold storage.

Professor Robin Shattock, who is leading Imperial’s vaccine trials, said the Pfizer results were a breakthrough for vaccines in general and “also demonstrates the speed and utility of RNA vaccines technology”. He said it was “hopefully the beginning of global efforts to control this pandemic”.


 The Week 10 November 2020 - by Peter Weber

President-elect Joe Biden's transition team said Monday night it's considering legal action to compel the Trump administration to sign the paperwork freeing up federal resources and personnel to begin the peaceful transfer of power. Because President Trump has not conceded, the head of the General Services Administration is refusing to issue the paperwork.

The Biden team pointed to the law requiring those resources be released when there's "an apparent winner," but the GSA says it is following the letter of the Presidential Transition Act. "There are a number of options on the table, legal action is certainly a possibility, but there are other options as well that we're considering," a Biden transition official said.

If you weren't worried about a peaceful transfer of power, now might be a good time to start, CNN's Alisyn Camerota advised Tuesday morning. "The Trump administration is blocking the Biden transition, President Trump is President-elect Biden from getting intelligence briefings and critical funding, President Trump is installing his cronies into powerful positions like secretary of defense. The Biden team is now considering a legal fight."

Trump's refusal to concede is getting no public pushback from GOP leaders in Washington, and Attorney General William Barr is telling federal prosecutors they can disregard decades-old rules meant to keep the Justice Department out of uncertified elections.


 Filenews 10 November 2020

Three deaths of patients with coronavirus occurred during the night at Famagusta Hospital which functions as a Reference Hospital.

In particular, they are:

  • Woman aged 86 years, with underlying diseases, who had been taken to the reference hospital by Sokratio Melathron Nursing. The final cause of death is attributed to COVID-19 disease.
  • Woman aged 80, with underlying diseases. The final cause of death is attributed to COVID-19 disease.
  • A 62-year-old man with underlying diseases. The final cause of death is attributed to pulmonary embolism.

According to the data, the total number of deaths with the final cause of COVID-19 is 29, 18 men and 11 women, with an average age of 74 years.

To date, 38 deaths of people positive for SARS-CoV-2 have been announced in Cyprus, of which 76% (29 people) are due to COVID-19 and 24% (9 people) to other causes of death.


63 people are currently being treated at the Reference Hospital but some discharges are expected to be given to people whose retests for coronavirus were negative. Six people are also being treated in the Increased Care Unit.

Amalia Hatzigiannis, Scientific Director of The General Hospitals of Larnaca – Famagusta, said that after the discharges that will be given later today, it is expected that about 15 beds will be vacated, which will be prepared in order to accept, if necessary, other patients with coronavirus.

38 deaths, 76% [29 people] due to Covid-19, and 24% [9 people] to other causes.  68% of cases are men, 32% women.  34% of deaths are in the age group 75-79.

Men shown in blue.  Women in red.

Source: eyenews


 Filenews 10 November 2020 - by Angelos Nikolaou

The detection of a significant number of cases in a single operation at the Cypra slaughterhouse in Kato Moni has demonstrated the nakedness of the system and invalidates all health protocols that, if applied, might not reach the current situation. At the same time, we saw all those involved in the show set up in the media handing out responsibilities to others, without considering their own responsibility. Investigations underway by government agencies may solve the whole issue. The reality is that cases of coronavirus in slaughterhouses have occurred in many other countries and one would say that Cyprus would not be an exception. And yet, if the measures of the health protocols were strictly taken, it would certainly not close the largest slaughterhouse in Cyprus today and risk the market being left without local meats.

As of early morning, the Director of Veterinary Services, Christodoulos Pippis, was trying to renounce responsibility, pointing out that the health services have control of the protocol even in slaughterhouses. The answer was given by the Minister of Health himself, Konstantinos Ioannou, speaking before the parliamentary Finance Committee, who referred to a meeting with all the relevant government departments, all ministries on 30 September. "There was a meeting, there was a division of work, each department took over the spaces within its competence. The control for slaughterhouses belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Health has nothing to do with slaughterhouses," he said.

On the other hand, responsibility was placed on the health minister and the company itself, stating characteristically "when you have 140 employees and 90 are positive, we see that almost no one complies with the measures and protocols". Therefore, for the current situation, the Protocol is responsible for the slaughterhouse manager to apply it and for the veterinarian responsible to check that it is being properly applied.

The company itself, however, is in turn not to admit liability, since, as it is allowed to be said, it has followed all the protocols and is responsible for the state's policy of imposing on undertakings the recruitment of asylum seekers. It appears that the undertaking in question employed more than 50 asylum seekers. These persons, unlike the other foreign workers, did not live in slaughterhouse accommodation.

The only ones who are certainly not responsible are the employees of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health and the private laboratory which carried out a laboratory check on slaughterhouse staff last Friday.

Let's take things in time. The first symptoms of coronavirus have occurred to veterinary services staff since 1 November, and confirmation was made on Wednesday 4 November. The three positive cases concern veterinarians, some of whom visited both slaughterhouses in nicosia province for work. Over the next few days, slaughterhouse workers were checked and 92 cases were found from 146 samples at the Cypra slaughterhouse. Of these, six are veterinary officers. The slaughterhouse has been closed since last Friday.

A total of 75 workers were transferred to a quarantine hotel in Pissouri. The rest remain confined to their own space.

Yesterday, the Veterinary Services in a communication clarified that no slaughterhouse can operate without the presence and inspection of veterinary officers of the Veterinary Services. Staff shall carry out the veterinary checks provided for by Union and national legislation along the slaughter line for meat production for human consumption. The Veterinary Services shall ensure that they act in accordance with the provisions of the Decrees of the Minister of Health. They state, however, that they are 'not in a position to check compliance with protocol provisions in premises of food businesses other than the animal slaughter line'.

The Director of Medical Services of the Ministry of Health, Elizabeth Konstantinou, says in turn that most workers at the slaughterhouse are foreigners and there are problems of consultation due to language. He added that in the areas where the workers were living there was overcrowding, there was no strict adherence to the protocols, they did not wear masks, the space was not well ventilated and distances were not kept.

Multiple outbreaks of Covid-19 slaughterhouses in Europe

Since the first wave of the pandemic, there has been a major problem with cases of coronavirus in slaughterhouses in many European countries, but also in the USA. As can be seen from the increased incidents, slaughterhouses are among the most dangerous workplaces for the transmission of coronavirus, since the working environment can make a significant contribution to the possible exposure of workers working side by side for too many hours.

Cases were reported in Germany, Belgium and Denmark, while thousands of cases were also recorded in the US, leading the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to issue specific guidelines for workers.

According to the CDC, the risk of professional transmission of coronavirus depends on several factors. In addition to the cold and humid environment that necessarily exists in these areas and which appears to favour the transmission of the virus, other distinct factors affecting include the reduced distance between workers, duration and type of contact. In particular, workers in such establishments often cooperate with each other on processing lines. They may be close to each other and at other times such as during breaks. It is possible that exposure to the coronavirus may result from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, such as tools, workstations, or tables in the break rooms. They also often have prolonged proximity to their colleagues (e.g. for 10 - 12 hours per shift). Usually in these areas there are noise-causing refrigerators, so workers are forced to speak loudly, which increases the likelihood of transmission of the virus.



 Filenews 10 November 2020 - by Alekos Michaelides

It is commonly accepted that decrees concerning the compulsory use of masks outdoors are unclear, resulting in constant questions being created among citizens who want and must observe them.

In communication with the police spokesman, Christos Andreou, it became clear that the competent authorities of the Republic are in consultation on the measures in force so that there is no abuse of power, although it happens in very few cases.

In particular, the use of a mask during a pet walk is not mandatory, even if the decrees do not clarify this. On the contrary, if a police officer acts according to the letter and not with the spirit, he should impose a fine of €300 on someone who walks with his dog in a deserted neighbourhood.

The official police make it clear, however, that in exceptional cases, such as walking with a pet or when a citizen carries out agricultural work on his own and there is no possibility of meeting another person, it does not fall under the decree for mandatory use of a mask. As Mr Andreou explained to Associated News, in order to clarify this in police circles, there was a consultation with the Ministry of Health.

However, for several cases, doubt remains among citizens and may need further clarification. Very few members of the police force go beyond the burnt out, which can be seen from the number of complaints.

For example, from 1 August to 8 November, 95,943 checks were carried out on citizens and premises and 2,438 complaints of non-use of masks (indoors and outdoors) and 724 complaints of premises emerged.

Chief's initiative for trafficking after 23:00

Regarding the decree banning traffic from 23:00 to 05:00, the Chief of Police also took the initiative in exceptional cases.

According to the body's spokesman, Christos Andreou, this is the case where a citizen (parent, relative, friend) has to pick someone up from the airport. In this case, he will not be fined, as long as he proves that he "broke" the curfew for a specific reason.



 Filenews 10 November 2020

In recent days there has been a flare-up of fraud through telephone calls to extract money from bank accounts. The Police recommend special attention to the public for protection against such phone calls made to citizens and aimed at the posting of details of their bank accounts, as well as other personal information.

According to an update received by the Police from a number of citizens, telephone calls appear to be made from telephone numbers in Cyprus which are however false. It is believed that telephone calls are made from abroad and to hide the actual telephone numbers of the perpetrators, they are used as a name, telephone numbers similar to telephone numbers of Cyprus. In other cases, instead of a telephone number, the name of banking institutions is displayed on the citizens' telephone screen.

The perpetrators, in their conversation with citizens who answer phone calls, say they are the operators of banking institutions where citizens maintain bank accounts and claim that there is a problem in the operation of citizens' bank accounts. To solve the problem, the perpetrators request the details of citizens' bank accounts, as well as other personal information.

Using these citizens' data and their bank accounts, the perpetrators of the fraud are able to extract money from citizens' bank accounts.

The Police recommend special attention to the public who receive these phone calls and not to report to any person by telephone, any bank account details and other personal data.

Source: eyenews


 Cyprus Mail 10 November 2020 -by Reuters News Service

Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a heavy defeat in parliament’s upper chamber on Monday evening over proposed laws which would allow him to breach Britain’s EU exit treaty – a plan that has been criticised by U.S. president elect Joe Biden.

The Internal Market Bill is designed to protect trade between Britain’s four nations after Brexit. It contains clauses ministers say are needed to protect Northern Ireland’s delicate status as part of the United Kingdom, but would also break international law in a “specific and limited” way.

The House of Lords voted to strip those clauses from the bill in a series of defeats for the ruling Conservative Party. The government does not have a majority in the Lords and even some high-profile Conservative members opposed the clauses.

“The government should see sense, accept the removal of these offending clauses, and start to rebuild our international reputation,” said Angela Smith, the opposition Labour Party’s leader in the Lords.

But ministers are not backing down and intend to try to force the clauses into law later in the legislative process.

The publication of the bill in September provoked criticism with some saying it would wreck Britain’s international standing. Biden tweeted on Sept. 16 that anything which endangered the peace accord between the Irish republic and Northern Ireland would threaten Anglo-American trade.

Johnson says the clauses are there to act as a safety net in case ongoing negotiations with the EU fail to work out how goods can flow between Britain, the British province of Northern Ireland, and across the open border with EU member Ireland.

Many instead saw the bill as a negotiating gambit to win concessions from the EU in trade negotiations. Brussels has launched legal action against Britain over the proposals.

“EU cannot ratify a new deal while U.K. is legislating to break a previous agreement,” Irish foreign minister Simon Coveney said on Twitter. “Trust & Good Faith Matters.”

The final wording of the bill has to be agreed by both houses, and typically the unelected Lords does not permanently block laws supported by the directly elected House of Commons.

However, the clauses may no longer be needed if talks with the EU on how to make the Irish border work are successful.


 in-cyprus 10 November 2020 - by gavriella

DnaNudge, the firm that has developed the rapid, portable, lab-free CovidNudge test now in use in the NHS, has announced the consumer launch of the DnaNudge COVID “Bubble Test” – offering highly accurate COVID-19 group testing on one cartridge for “bubbles” of up to 10 people who do not have symptoms of coronavirus infection.

The UK Cypriot DnaNudge CEO and co-founder Regius Professor of Engineering at Imperial College Chris Toumazou said that “by making this transformative test more widely accessible, at very low-cost, our aim is to help improve the detection of asymptomatic yet infectious individuals and to support the huge effort to bring this virus under control and move us all forwards towards safety and a return to normality as soon as we possibly can.”

The rapid DnaNudge RT-PCR test is now open for online booking and is available by appointment only from DnaNudge’s flagship store in London’s Covent Garden, and will be available as an at-home, by-post service throughout the UK within weeks.

Up to ten people in a work, friends, family or other close contact bubble can be tested at the same time – on the same DnaNudge testing cartridge – at a cost of £10 per person, with results delivered within 90 minutes.

The DnaNudge COVID testing service is available specifically for people without symptoms looking for reassurance about whether they could be infectious – including essential workers – or who require PCR test confirmation of their COVID-19 status before travelling abroad.

The test accurately detects the presence of SARS-CoV-2 from individual nasal or saliva swab samples, which are processed in a cartridge containing “bio-marker” microchips.

For the DnaNudge COVID Bubble Test, sputum (phlegm) samples are provided in-store by all individuals in the testing pool – up to ten people at a time – and processed by DnaNudge on-the-spot in a single DnaNudge testing cartridge, using DnaNudge’s NudgeBox RT-PCR analyser.

For the soon to be launched at-home service, samples will be able to be provided securely by post. If a positive result is detected for the pool, swabs from each individual retained from the initial sample collection are processed to identify the positive case (or cases) within the ‘bubble’.



 in-cyrus 9 November 2020 - by gavriella

The Health Insurance Organization announced that the registration of health providers to the National Health System will be done gradually.

Consequently, as of Wednesday 11 November occupational therapists and dentists can start submitting their applications for registration to the National Health System.

All interested parties must proceed with a written application and the application will be submitted online through the link

For more information, those interested can either call the National Health System’s call line 17000 (free call), visit the website of the Health Insurance Organization or send email to



 Filenews 10 November 2020

All possibilities are on the table at the moment before the final decisions tomorrow of the Cabinet, which do not exclude even a universal lockdown, or local lockdown in areas with serious problems.

The announcement of the decisions is expected to be made by the President of the Republic Nikos Anastasiades himself, addressing the people.

A role in deciding what will prevail is also expected to play today in terms of the number of cases of coronavirus to be recorded.

The prevailing scenario is reportedly to impose local lockdown on Limassol and Paphos by tightening measures in the rest of Cyprus.

In the event of a local lockdown in Limassol and Paphos, residents of the two provinces will be prohibited from moving to other cities and schools and retail outlets are expected to remain open while other high-risk restaurants and businesses are closed.

However, universal lockdown is not excluded in view of the situation, as recorded in the health system. The aim is to reduce the number of cases so that the market can function before Christmas.

Another possibility is the further tightening of existing measures.

In statements to the CYPE, the member of the Scientific Committee, Professor of Microbiology/Molecular Iology of the Medical School of the University of Nicosia Dr. Petros Karagiannis was sparing in saying that the final decisions will be taken by tomorrow's Council of Ministers.

Asked what happened yesterday at the presidential meeting, Dr Karagiannis said that "there was an extensive discussion and everything came on the table, from the most simple measures to the strictest" and that epidemiologists cannot pre-understand the decisions that will be taken by the government.

Professor Karagiannis said the situation as recorded at the moment is serious. "It's serious in terms of seeing our hospitals fill up. New chambers are opening. If it remains unchecked, the situation will become even more stressed. We cannot know how many will be admitted but the ages of those infected are increasing and as they increase, so does the number of nurses," he noted.

Asked to comment on the context in which decisions on the measures would be taken, he said it depended on how worrying the current results in the number of cases would be.

"Today if 300 cases are recorded again, what will happen?" he wondered.

Meeting under President Anastasiades on pandemic issues at the Presidential

A meeting under the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades takes place from about 11.00 at the Presidential on issues related to the treatment of the Covid-19 pandemic in Cyprus.

Several Ministers are also taking part in the meeting, whose areas of competence are affected by possible measures to be decided by the Cabinet tomorrow, Wednesday.

Source: eyenews/KYPE


 Filenews 10 November 2020

The Ministry of Health informs that out of a total of 2,111 laboratory diagnoses, 111 new cases of COVID-19 disease have been identified.

In detail, today's cases emerged as follows:

  • Of 336 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 42 cases were identified.
  • Of 354 samples taken through a private initiative, 39 cases were identified.
  • Of 243 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 15 cases were detected.
  • Of 968 samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 9 cases were identified.
  • Of 210 samples taken under the referral programme by Personal Physicians and special teams control through the Public Health Clinics, 6 cases were identified.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases is 6,098.

It is noted that due to the previous weekend, the number of laboratory tests is clearly reduced. Of the total examinations, 968 concerned the airport inspection programme from which 9 cases have now occurred. This means that the remaining 102 cases were detected from just 1143 samples, i.e. the proportion is one in 11 positive and these are purely domestic infections. The ratio between cases and examinations through the tracing process (one in 8) has been stable in recent days.

In terms of the number of people hospitalized, we have a new record after they reached 85. At Famagusta General Hospital, 68 people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including five in the Increased Care Unit. In addition, a total of seven patients are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital, one of whom is off the ventilator. Another ten people are being treated in a COVID-19 ward at nicosia General Hospital.

Source: eyenews




Healthcare for UK nationals living in Cyprus

How to get state healthcare if you live, work or study in Cyprus.

Stay up to date

This guidance will be updated if anything changes to how you get state healthcare in Cyprus.

Sign up for email alerts.

This information is about living in Cyprus. There’s different guidance if you’re just visiting Cyprus.

If you live in Cyprus or move there before the end of 2020, your rights to access healthcare in Cyprus will stay the same for as long as you remain resident.

This guidance explains what you need to do in Cyprus depending on your circumstances.

State healthcare in Cyprus is not free. Healthcare costs are covered by both the state and through patient contributions. These are known as co-payments.

Cyprus has a new General Healthcare System (GHS). At the moment, UK nationals usually access Cypriot healthcare in one of these ways:

  • using a UK-issued European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for temporary stays
  • as a UK national working in Cyprus
  • using a Cypriot residents’ medical card
  • registering as UK S1 holder with the GHS

The S1 form entitles you to access to state healthcare on the same basis as an insured Cypriot citizen. You’re entitled to an S1 if you receive a UK State Pension or certain other benefits. Find out more about the S1 form.

Healthcare if you live and work in Cyprus

You must register as a Cypriot resident if you’re living or working in Cyprus for more than 3 months.

If you’re working in Cyprus, you must also register with the Cyprus Social Insurance Services and pay healthcare contributions.

Once you’re a resident, you can register with a Cypriot doctor through the General Healthcare System (GHS). You must be registered with both the GHS and a doctor to access state healthcare in Cyprus.

Once you’re registered with the GHS, you’ll be able to access state healthcare services.

You may need a referral from your doctor or a specialist for certain services.

If you’re on a low income, receive certain benefits or have an S1, you can apply for a medical card. A medical card means your co-payments will be lower or free when you access state healthcare services.

You cannot use your EHIC once you’re a resident.

If you live in Cyprus or move there before the end of 2020, your rights to access healthcare in Cyprus will stay the same from 1 January 2021 for as long as you remain resident.

This means you’ll:

  • continue to get state healthcare in Cyprus on the same basis as a Cypriot resident
  • still be entitled to a Cypriot EHIC for travel, including visits to the UK

You may also have the right to apply for a UK S1 if you start drawing a UK State Pension.

How to register

Create an account with the GHS. You can either register online through the GHS Beneficiary Portal, or in person with your doctor.

Once you have a GHS account you must register with a GHS-listed doctor.

How much you’ll pay

State healthcare in Cyprus is not free. You may have to pay some of the cost of any treatment or service, for example:

  • 1 euro for a prescribed medicine or medical product
  • 6 euros to see a specialist with a referral from your GP
  • 25 euros to see a specialist without a referral from your GP
  • 10 euros to go to A&E

Depending on your age, you’ll get a number of free visits with your registered GP each year. Your GP can tell you how many visits you’re entitled to.

Once you’ve used up your free GP visits, you’ll pay up to 15 euros per visit.

If you have a medical card, your co-payments are less.

If your UK employer has sent you to Cyprus temporarily (‘posted workers’)

posted worker is someone who is employed or self-employed in the UK, but temporarily sent to another European Economic Area (EEA) country.

Currently, posted workers can use an EHIC or an S1 form to access Cypriot healthcare.

HMRC has a helpline for National Insurance enquiries from non-UK residents. They can answer questions about posted worker status and explain which documents you’ll need to get healthcare while posted.

There will be no changes to healthcare access for posted workers in Cyprus before the end of 2020.

You can continue to use your EHIC or S1 during this time.

UK-funded healthcare: using an S1 form in Cyprus

You may be entitled to Cypriot state healthcare paid for by the UK if you live in Cyprus and receive either:

  • a UK State Pension
  • some other ‘exportable benefits’

Not all UK benefits that can be claimed while abroad entitle you to UK-funded healthcare. Read more about claiming benefits if you move abroad or contact Jobcentre Plus to ask about a benefit.

You may also be entitled to an S1 form if you’re a posted worker or a frontier worker. You must contact HMRC National Insurance enquiries to find out if you’re eligible.

Once you have an S1 form, you must register it with the GHS.

This will mean you and your dependants will be entitled to healthcare in Cyprus on the same basis as an insured Cypriot citizen.

How to get an S1 form

If you have a UK State Pension, you must request an application form by phone from NHS Overseas Healthcare Services.

NHS Overseas Healthcare Services
Telephone: +44 (0)191 218 1999
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Saturday, 9am to 3pm

How to use an S1 form in Cyprus

You must get an S1 form, then register with the GHS. You can either register online, or through your local doctor.

Watch the video to find out how to register for Cypriot healthcare as an S1 holder.

Once registered, you will be issued with a Cypriot medical card. This will mean you’re entitled to reduced co-payments for state healthcare on the same basis as a Cypriot citizen.

Show your medical card when you visit a doctor.

UK-funded healthcare using an S1 from 1 January 2021

If you’re living in Cyprus before the end of 2020, your rights to access healthcare will stay the same from 1 January 2021 if you’re either:

  • receiving a UK State Pension
  • receiving some other ‘exportable benefits’
  • a frontier worker (someone who works in one state and lives in another)

This means that you’ll get:

  • continued access to healthcare in Cyprus using your UK-issued S1 form
  • a UK-issued EHIC for travel
  • planned treatments in other EU countries via the S2 route
  • access to the NHS in England, Scotland and Wales when you’re visiting the UK

EHIC if you have a registered S1

You need to get a new UK-issued EHIC that’s valid for travel from 1 January 2021.

Apply now for your new EHIC on the NHS website

Please note that access to the site will be in stages - access currently for S1 holders only.  Please also note that if you have not obtained your S1 from the UK Government and submitted this in Cyprus, you will be unable to apply for the EHIC.

Studying in Cyprus

If you’re in Cyprus on 31 December 2020 because you study there, and your course continues beyond 2020, you need to apply for a new UK-issued EHIC.

Your EHIC entitles you to medically necessary healthcare until the end of your study period in Cyprus.

From 1 January 2021, your EHIC will only be valid in Cyprus. Make sure you have travel insurance to cover the duration of your course.

Moving back to the UK

If you return to the UK you’ll be able to use the NHS like any other UK resident.

Read more about using the NHS when you return to live in the UK.

Published 23 September 2019
Last updated 9 November 2020