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Lose More Weight Exercise In The Winter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Lose More Weight Exercise In The Winter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Lose More Weight Exercise In The Winter

Yes, you can lose more weight if you exercise in the winter. This is because the heat generated by your body will dissipate faster. Hence, you can work harder without feeling tougher.

If you usually walk or jog outdoors, get a warm hat. The best approach to dressing for outdoor exercise is with layers. You can take the top layer off as you warm up and put it back on if you get cold. But wear just enough so you feel slightly cool when you step outside. For wet weather, wear additional lightweight rain-resistant jacket.

Make sure you do a proper warm-up because cold weather can make your muscle tight and get cramped up more easily and hence you're more prone to injuries. Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water as the cold temperature tends to have drying effect.

If the weather is getting too miserable and you don't feel like going outdoors then I suggest you try jumping rope, it's great for a high-intensity cardio exercise. You can also invite friends to come over, put in your favorite DVD and follow along together with your friends.

For more information on indoor workouts without using any equipment, go to home turbulence training.

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