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Lakshmi etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Lakshmi etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata - Vara Lakshmi Pooja vidhana

Varamahalakshmi Vratha is performed more commonly in the southern Indian States of Andhra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and also in parts of Maharashtra and Orissa. The glory of performing the VARALAKSHMI VRATA, narrated directly by Lord Shiva Himself, is elaborately discussed in the Skanda Puranam. This year the festival is on July 31st 2009.

Goddess Parvathi once asked Lord Shiva to recommend her a vratam, which would be beneficial for the womenfolk on earth who seek prosperity. Then, Lord Shiva preached her about Varalakshmi Vratam (as mentioned in Skanda Puranam). To illustrate the sanctity of this vratam, Lord Shiva then narrated the story of one Charumati (of Kuntinapura in the Maratha desham). Charumati was a true pativrata (devoted to husband in all sincerity). Pleased with her true and undivided devotion to her husband, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in her dream and advised her to undertake the Varalakshmi Vratam on the auspicious day of shrAvana shukLa shukRa vAram. Charumati performed this pUja with utmost devotion, the same day, in the dream itself (mAnasIka pUja). The next day she narrated this dream to her husband, and with his full consent, to all other women folk in town. On the auspicious day, she did not fail to perform Varalakshmi vratam as prescribed to her by Goddess Parvathi. Then some miracles took place. As the womenfolk stepped out of the house, they saw all houses decked with riches and gold, and a golden chariot awaiting them outside Charumati's house.


Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata - Vara Lakshmi Pooja vidhana

Varamahalakshmi Vratha is performed more commonly in the southern Indian States of Andhra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and also in parts of Maharashtra and Orissa. The glory of performing the VARALAKSHMI VRATA, narrated directly by Lord Shiva Himself, is elaborately discussed in the Skanda Puranam. This year the festival is on July 31st 2009.

Goddess Parvathi once asked Lord Shiva to recommend her a vratam, which would be beneficial for the womenfolk on earth who seek prosperity. Then, Lord Shiva preached her about Varalakshmi Vratam (as mentioned in Skanda Puranam). To illustrate the sanctity of this vratam, Lord Shiva then narrated the story of one Charumati (of Kuntinapura in the Maratha desham). Charumati was a true pativrata (devoted to husband in all sincerity). Pleased with her true and undivided devotion to her husband, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in her dream and advised her to undertake the Varalakshmi Vratam on the auspicious day of shrAvana shukLa shukRa vAram. Charumati performed this pUja with utmost devotion, the same day, in the dream itself (mAnasIka pUja). The next day she narrated this dream to her husband, and with his full consent, to all other women folk in town. On the auspicious day, she did not fail to perform Varalakshmi vratam as prescribed to her by Goddess Parvathi. Then some miracles took place. As the womenfolk stepped out of the house, they saw all houses decked with riches and gold, and a golden chariot awaiting them outside Charumati's house.
