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In My Queue etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
In My Queue etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

In My Queue

I recently joined the local library, right after I went to the thrift store and bought about 400 books. Okay, maybe it was more like 10, but still. Now I have a queue of books on "hold" at the library AND I am lugging around 400 books on top of that. It's a disease folks. And I like it. Except when I have to lug around 400 books. Having a spare book (or 400) around makes me feel good. Kind of like going to the grocery store and buying food I know I don't really need makes me feel good. If there is ever a natural disaster and I am out of power for a while, I will be fine. I have food and books. What else does a person need?

On top of already having a large queue and boxes of thrift store books in my possession, I can't stop finding more books that I need to have. My Goodreads "to-read" shelf is overflowing. And every day someone I know tells me that I should read this or that or the other. And I want to! Someday.

Have you ever heard of NoveList? It is like, the coolest thing ever. If you like a book, lets say...John Grisham, it will tell you what you should read next based on whether what you like is the setting (the south), the topic (law) or the author. It's pretty cool. I think it knows me. Or you can describe a book, like "San Francisco, WWII, love" and it will tell you which one you were looking for. Neat, huh!?

So, I guess you are probably wondering, with so many books out there, and in my queue, and in my VERY heavy suitcase, what books will I read next!?

First, here is what I am reading now:
The Scent of Rain and Lightning - Nancy Pickard (blogger book club book) 
Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer (audio book) 
Secrets of an Old Typewriter - Susie Duncan Sexton

What's next?!

Room - Emma Donoghue
The Paris Wife - Paula McLain
On Writing: The Memoir of the Craft: - Stephen King
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins

You can go to my Bookshelf to see what I have read this year and where I stand on the Bookmark Break Challenge. So far this year I have read 45 books, but the top reader is at 115!!

I got this idea on Ruby's Reads "In My Mailbox" but then I googled it and original credit may go to The Story Siren. I will link to both of them. 

**If you haven't already entered, don't forget to enter my giveaway, where you can use the scrapbooking software to make buttons, headers, photo albums, calendars, birthday cards, and MORE! Enter HERE!!**

So tell me, have you read any of the above books? What are YOU reading right now? What's in your queue? you know of any books that I MUST read?