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Historiography etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Historiography etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Quiroga-Villamarín on the Material Turn in the History of International Law

Gated, but very interesting: Beyond Texts? Towards a Material Turn in the Theory and History of International Law, by Daniel Ricardo Quiroga-Villamarín, in the Journal of the History of International Law, from a master’s thesis on Shipping Containers, Materiality, and Legal History:While the history of international law has been mainly dominated by intellectual history, the neighboring humanities...

Legal Histories and Historians in Socialist East Central Europe

Socialism and Legal History: The Histories and Historians of Law in Socialist East Central Europe, edited by Ville Erkkilä and Hans-Peter Haferkamp has been published in the series Routledge Research in Legal History:This book focuses on the way in which legal historians and legal scientists used the...

Stern on Proximate Causation in Legal Historiography

Simon Stern. University of Toronto Faculty of Law, has posted Proximate Causation in Legal Historiography, which is forthcoming in History and Theory (2020):The variety of legal history published in general-interest law journals tends to differ from the variety published in history journals. This study compares the two varieties by examining footnote references in five general-interest law journals,...

Balkin on Lawyers, Historians, and the Constitution

Jack M. Balkin, Yale Law School, has posted Lawyers and Historians Argue About the Constitution, which is forthcoming in Constitutional Commentary 35 (2020):Lawyers and historians often quarrel about how to use history in constitutional interpretation. Although originalists are often involved in these disputes today, the disagreements predate the rise of conservative originalism. Lawyers attempt to...

Tacitus: The Continuing Message - The Iron Curtain did not flutter. No masses chipped the wall that scarred Berlin and symbolised the restrictions and repression endured by millions in Eastern Europe. When History Today published Irene Coltman Brown’s article Tacitus and a Space for Freedom in 1981 informers organised by the Stasi in the German Democratic Republic still spread uncertainty and fear. Tacitus (AD 56-117)...