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Learn To Jump Higher With An Intense Workout

We have talked about the improvement zone, we go over it in detail but I want to do a brief fly by over it right here. When you are training intensity, you are not training in endurance. So that means if you want to reach higher level of intensity you have to train at a level that tells your muscles to compensate for the type of pressure your putting on it, for the type of stress. There are several different types of stresses and we want to put an intense enough stress on your muscles, on your body, on your central nervous system so that the super compensatory effect is higher intensity, greater strength, greater Nero signals. You want an all over body workout. That does not mean an all over body burn though.

Increase Your Stress On Your Muscles To Jump Higher

In order to do that you have to work on what I call the improvement zone. For example, if you have to work at intensity higher than this level to procure those benefits, above the improvement zone is what I am talking about. So if you work out below your improvement zone you are not going to initiate these gains even if you work below that level for years upon years upon years. If you're not above the intensity level you're not going to get those benefits, you're going to get some other benefits, probably not the ones you are looking for

Increase your improvement zone to get that intensity zones in the proper places, with the proper muscles, start getting benefits each time your work out, reach time you recover, you'll get the benefits you are looking for, the benefits you will see. If not you're going to be working hard and you're going to be procuring some other benefit other than higher intensities with the proper systems and at the proper places.

Each time you go into the weight room you need to work on being slightly above the improvement zone or intensity. I am not talking about repetition, I am not talking about getting the burn, and I'm not talking about sweating like crazy. I am talking about putting the proper stress level on your muscles and your nervous system and all the systems involved in vertical jumping in order to procure that super compensatory effect.

So remember it is not about feeling a burn, it is about pushing your muscles harder each time you do an intense workout.

Now hopefully you understand how to increase your workout through the improvement zone. You can learn new tips on how to jump higher.

Jacob Hiller is the creator of The Jump Manual and is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training.

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