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Handstands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Handstands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Handstands and Push Ups

To do a headstand push up, one has two options. They can either jump into a handstand on the wall, or go stomach to the wall. To jump into a handstand with a wall, you first begin in a push up position with your head about 6 inches from a wall, your hands the same. Now, after your body is perpendicular with the wall, bend one leg so that the knee comes up to your chest, and kick up with it. If you do this correctly, your feet should sail up to the top of the wall, and you should be in a handstand. From this position, lower your head to the ground, and then press back up. If you complete this, you have done a handstand push up.

To perform a headstand push up with your stomach to the wall, begin in a push up position, but this time with your feet near the wall. Slowly climb your feet up the wall as you move your hands back towards the wall also. Once your feet are up the wall and your hands are a few inches from the wall you may begin the push up. As a side note, if you begin to lean forward too much, don't worry, simply roll into a ball and somersault down. If you have any doubts, watch the videos I'm about to post.

If you are able to manage one of these, congratulations! They take a lot of strength. If these are just out of your reach, I'll be posting some exercises that will get you there, so don't worry!

If the above exercises described are not possible, you can try these to gain strength.

If you can get into a handstand, but can't push up, you can perform handstand negatives. These are an exercise meant to get you from a handstand to a handstand push up, and are easy to do. Just kick up into a handstand on the wall in either of the ways described earlier, and lower your head to the ground as slowly as possible. Once you get to the ground, just pop back up into a handstand position and repeat!

Another exercise to increase your shoulder strength is elevated push ups. To perform these, simply put your feet on a chair or table, and do push ups with your hands on the ground. This raising of the feet puts more stress on your shoulders during the push up, so the higher your feet are, the harder it will be, and the more your shoulders will benefit.

After a few weeks of these, you should be ready for that headstand push up, so don't give up and get ready to be amazed.

I am a fitness enthusiast located in Georgia. I especially am interested in body weight exercises for building strength.

Check out my blog at

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