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Gym Music etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Gym Music etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster


you can be apart of it can be it.
"People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade."

 I was a guest on episode 4 of the Rockwell Barbell Strongcast a few days ago. Lawrence Scott the shot caller/owner/acting first sergeant/close friend is the host. Lars is a solid, strong, blue collar, dude with over 10 years of experience in powerlifting, personal training, and corrective training. Tune in and listen to him and I discuss the roots of Black Metal Fitness, training mentality, importance of mobility, and share stories/examples of our weightlifting journey. Subscribe to the podcast if you like what you hear because I will be featured on a few other episodes of the podcast in the very near future. Links are below.

iTunes Podcast page for Rockwell Barbell Podcast  

I have been on a self imposed ban of black metal and most genres of extreme metal. I do this because it consumes so much of who I am and my energy that I find myself in an endless wormhole of music. Like a junkie needing a fix looking for the next high. To combat this I taper of off music to build my tolerance back up. I find it cathartic to step away for an undetermined amount of time. Black metal sincerely resonates with me and is truly my favorite kind of music. It has a reaching impact into my daily life both positively and negatively. Surely some of you can relate. This is why I haven't posted any music recommendations or playlists in quite some time. The break allows my ears and head to clear, so when I dive back into the abyss I am able to experience it as a first time listener all over again.

You may be glad to hear I have lifted my self imposed ban and have resumed channeling my mental energy and thoughts back into the music. I expect this to have a profound impact on my weightlifting. I feel my inspiration and intensity reappearing. My violence of action in the weight room and in life has sharpened. So while I put the finishing touches on the Vol. III Black Metal Fitness Playlist I will share with you what albums have been in heavy rotation for me.

Cloak - 7"

This 7' is only 2 songs but they are reeeeeeally fucking good songs. Their sound is hard to pin down because it transcends genres. Watain, Khold, Tribulation, In Solitude, Shining, Reinkaos-era Dissection, Midnight.... If you like just one song from any of those bands, then you will like this band. It is already being pegged as"occult rock" but its much more than that. This is not that soft, "look we have a girl in the band", vaguely satanic but actually PG-rated new-age pagans with floppy hats and vests, pentagram-n-catholic candles garbage. This is sinister. These men practice the craft they sing about. Sean, their drummer, is a long time, basically childhood, friend of mine and has kept me in the loop about the workings of Cloak since its inception. I have been frothing at the mouth for tracks because I know how talented and sincere they are. I cannot stress enough how many times I have listened to both of these songs back to back. Its hypnotic, crushing, borderline arena rock anthems about all things Satanic are unmatched. It's littered with hooks, riffs, headbanging, and dark melody. This entire description still makes me feel like I sold this band short of what they truly offer. Its difficult to put into words how memorizing this 7' is and I firmly believe that is their intention. To pull you in and leave an impression that is felt not heard. They literally signed to Season Of Mist records last week so join the circle of Cloak now. Do not be late to this invocation.

Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii
Polish black metal. I shouldn't have to say anything else. Hard to find anything about this band since this record came out a few years ago but I hope they are in hiding creating another masterpiece for us black metal ultra nerds.

Furia - Nocel
Seriously the best kept secret in all of black metal. I cant seem to find anyone who is tracking this band. Once again Poland proving that they are ground zero for relevant black metal these days. Furia have many albums to choose from because they have been around since like '96. This is their most recent LP and is on rotation because of its high production value. Don't let the cover fool you this is not some arthouse, atmospheric, post black metal, interpretive garbage. This is punishing black metal. If you like Mgla this record this will curb your withdrawal symptoms. They have some connection to Massemord but I cant figure out exactly. They both promote letting the world burn with a shared logo.

Tragedy - Vengeance
The greatest opening track of any album ever recorded. It will give you chills. That down tempo shift half way through will give you a salted erection. The 3rd track is highly recommended.

Shining - V. Halmstad
One of the hardest album covers ever. Fitting for this flawless record of the most memorable riffs in black metal. You will want to kill yourself because its that depressing or because its that fucking good.

 Shining - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends
Some questionable tracks on this album but the ones that stick hit hard as fuck. Plus the title of this album is fucking grim. I want that on a T-shirt.

 Inquisition - Bloodshed Celestial
Their brand new record. Didn't think it was possible to top Invoking "The Majestic Throne Of Satan" but I was wrong. This is Inquisition's best work to date.

I leave you with this is a short video from the YouTube channel The School of Life on how death is an important part of living a meaningful life. A life filled with uncertainty but ultimately enjoyed by understanding your insignificant place in this cosmic infinity of nothingness. I found it incredibly moving. It was exactly what I needed to hear during this incredibly challenging part of my life where many paths are crossing in front of me and the difficult decisions I must make. Its grim, its dark, and its very accurate.



After much delay on my part for trying to create a flawless and meticulous batch of  grim gym jams I finally said "fuck it, release the riff"! 

Again I was a little handcuffed by Spotify in what I could create. But to Spotify's credit they have an impressive selection of obscure shit. I guess some riffs are just too kvlt for the masses. I can respect that. You gotta earn that listen with some old fashion internet sleuthing. 


So from the break the title puts you in the right frame of mind for what to expect. Nothing but a staggered collection of certified, unholy, black metal, bangers that require no clothing.

Below is the playlist with some commentary on what kinda feels the track will have you feelin' or what time frame wait for to make all that marinating worth it. The tracks listed in bold are your creators personal favorites. 

1. Svartsyn - Revelation In The Waters [Opening track that is set to 11 from the gun. No warm up ambiance massage bullshit. Were are running and jumping into the depths of hell from the start.]

2. Pest- Holocaust

3. Astaroth - Seth

4. Svarttjern - Code Human [1:00 mark. "Running in place on the double bass."]

5. Sarkom -Infected 

6. Lja - Til Avsky For Livet

7. Paul Sabu - At War With The Weights [If you are not familiar with the 80's Bodybuilder-Buddy Comedy "Twin Sitters" then I suggest you YouTube the trailer time now. They don't make em' like they use to. This was as song written specifically for the film. The heaviest song that is unintentionally heavy. Opening line "Racks of iron, Bars of steel. Our pains of labor, On this battlefield." Fucking chorus sounds like Biohazard man. Those gang vocals "AT WAR WITH WEIGHTS, HOO!"

8. Bastard Sapling - My Spine Will Be My Noose - [2:55 mark "My spine! Will be! My noose!" Ough!] 

9/10. Taake - Fra Vadested Til Vaandesmed / Du Ville Ville Vestland [Had to pick two songs from this album because I couldn't decide. No one should ever complain about hearing more Taake. Especially off this album. One of my all time favorite black metal albums.]

11. Sargeist - Empire of Suffering [A wall of sound that hammers home the intensity. The lead riff over most of the track is incredibly memorable.]

12. Watain - Outlaw [That nu-metal flavored lead is juicy. This album was disappointing. One of the few highlights from their mostly mediocre recent release.]

13. Haemoth - Slaying the Blind [Stick around for the whole song. The tone of this recording resonates with me]

14. Chalice of Blood - Shemot

15. Dodheimsgard - Vendetta Assassin [GRAAAAAAAH!]

16. Abbath - Count the Dead - [Abbath went solo and its fucking good. Much better than expected. That lead riff is savage. You can just see his scrunched up face bobbin' side to side with a goofy smile as he hammers.]

17. Youth Code - For I Am Cursed [Changing up the pace. This is a heavy hitting industrial electro track from a real life couple.]

18. 1349 - Slaves [Frost on drums. Nothing further needed]

19. Impaled Nazarene - Hardboiled and Still Hellbound [one of the cheesier songs from this bands catalog. Cant help but enjoy it. Hope it finds you at the right time in your lift.]

20. Belphegor - In Death [So much headbangin'. on the front half of this. Blackened Death Metal is always expectable in the weight room.]

21. and 22. Khold - Ravenstrupe / Sommens Arme [2:20 mark and onward. Diet Mgla.] [Second track is banger through and through. But really pick up the skulls of your enemies at 2:11. HAILS! Two songs because even though the first song is solid it doesn't really capture the Khold style in full. All mid tempo stuff.]

26. Samael - Sons Of Earth - [From one of black metals most under appreciated records "Ceremony of Opposites" comes this punishing selection. The first 40 secs. sets you up with that "Stadium Lick" AKA "Arena Riff". Then the last minute of the track seals the deal as the best song of the playlist. Feel that gnarly tom roll playing you off the battlefield. Just writing about it got me sweating. 

Give is a spin and lemme know what riffs paired well with your lifts.