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Franz Schubert etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Franz Schubert etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Franz Schubert: Octet in F major – Musicians of Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra – Megaron Athens Concert Hall, Dimitris Mitropoulos Hall, 11-13.03.2021 (Premiere: 11.03.2021, 20:30, Live streaming)

Like comparable works by Spohr, Hummel and others, Schubert's irresistible Octet is a late offshoot of the eighteenth-century tradition of serenades scored for mixed wind and strings. And together with the B flat Piano Trio, D.898, it comes closer than any of his other late instru­mental works to the...

An unforgettable Christmas: Johann Sebastian Bach, Gustaf Nordqvist, Engelbert Humperdinck, Franz Schubert, Martin Luther, Irving Berlin, Kalle Moraeus, Nino Rota, Emmy Kohler, Leroy Anderson, Lars-Erik Larsson – Sara Trobäck, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra's Brass Ensemble, Tomas von Brömssen (HD 4K)

Musicians from the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra play atmospheric Christmas music with actor Tomas von Brömssen as guide.Immortal music that is recycled in Sweden every Christmas: Schubert's "Military March", "White Christmas", "Christmas, Christmas, glorious Christmas" and many more. Melodies we long...

Yekwon Sunwoo plays Franz Schubert (Piano Sonata in C minor) & Maurice Ravel (La Valse) – Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Quarterfinal Round Recital (HD 1080p)

Gold medalist of the Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, 31-year-old Korean pianist Yekwon Sunwoo plays Franz Schubert's Piano Sonata in C minor, D.958, and Maurice Ravel's La Valse, M.72, transcription for Piano Solo. The recital recorded at the Fifteenth...

Franz Schubert: Arpeggione Sonata in A minor, arr. for Viola and String Orchestra – Richard O'Neill, New York Classical Players, Dongmin Kim (HD 1080p)

Accompanied by the New York Classical Players under the baton of the South Korean conductor Dongmin Kim, the American violist Richard O'Neill performs Franz Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata in A minor, D.821, arranged for Viola and String Orchestra by Dobrinka Tabakova. The concert...