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Fires etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Fires etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Massive East 12th Street Market Fire

Located at 12th and French Streets, the 12th Street Market opened in 1927 and operated until it was destroyed by fire in 1951. People came from all around the city to shop at the 12th Street Market. They also came in droves to the market’s conflagration, when it was struck by lightning. Eleven fire department companies fought the consuming fire. Twelfth Street was jammed with people, almost from curb to curb, as the many clubs in the area were emptied of their members; and the late movie had just ended at nearby theaters. Daylight brought even more people to the scene. About 15 policemen were on duty keeping thousands of curious people out of the gutted structure. Traffic on 12th Street was in a continual snarl due to motorists who drove by to see the burned-out shell of a building.

The Massive East 12th Street Market Fire.
The Massive East 12th Street Market Fire.

An aerial view of the market after the fire.
An aerial view of the market after the fire.

The market after the fire at the corner of 12th and French Streets.
The market after the fire at the corner of 12th and French Streets.

The market after the fire at the corner of 12th and French Streets.
The market after the fire at the corner of 12th and French Streets.