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Events etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Events etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

PORK OR CHICKEN SOUVLA LUNCH - Kamares Club, Tala - 12 November

 PORK OR CHICKEN SOUVLA LUNCHKamares ClubThursday 12 November - 1230 to 1500€10pp - booking and menu choice required by Wednesday 11 November.  Please book at Kamares Club reception or on 26 880...

MICHAEL ANTONIOU - The Hickory Restaurant - 12 December

 MICHAEL ANTONIOUThe Hickory RestaurantSaturday 12 December - dinner 1900, show 1930€25 including 4 course dinner - booking essential on 26 653705 or 97 652...

DAVEY WOODFORD - The Village Inn, Kissonerga - 28 November

 DAVEY WOODFORDThe Village Inn, KissonergaSaturday 28 November - 2pm to 5pmBooking essential on 99 054710 with pre-order from menuMenu for the event:Bangers & Mash, served with gravy, fried onions and garden peas €8Beer battered Cod, Chips and peas €11Spinach, potato & goats cheese Quiche,...

THE VOCAL COUPLE - Martika's Kitchen, Tala Square - 5 December

 THE VOCAL COUPLEMartika's Kitchen, Tala SquareSaturday 5 December - 7pm to 9.30pm€25 per person - price includes three course pre-ordered meal - specially selected festive menu.  Booking essential on 96 134...

BBQ BUFFET & LIVE SINGER SARAH JANE - The Railway Inn, Chlorakas - 1 December

 BBQ BUFFET with live singer Sarah Jane The Railway Inn, ChlorakasTuesday 1 December - 1230 to 1530€8.95 all you can eat buffet.  Advance booking essential on  26 272...


 FESTIVE MUSIC LUNCH WITH BSHARP LADIES CHOIR & SPECIAL GUESTSThe Mulberry Terrace, MesogiSunday 6 December - 12noonTickets €25pp to include a fabulous meal and unlimited wine and beer.  Booking essential via Melanie on 96 552901There will also be fundraisers for CPSG on the d...


 PRE-CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH SINGER & GUITARIST GREG FREYThe Railway Inn, ChlorakasSaturday 12 December - from 1pm€12.50 Christmas turkey dinner, or €15 Christmas turkey dinner and dessert.Advance booking essential due to limited space - 26 272...

MASTERPIECES OF RUSSIAN MUSIC - Markideion Municipal Theatre, Paphos - 13 December

 MASTERPIECES OF RUSSIAN MUSICMarkideion Municipal Theatre, PaphosSunday 13 December, 1900Entrance: €15 / €10 (students) - membership cards not valid.  ONLY with tickets presales at Technopolis 20 venue. Tickets will NOT be available on the night of the event.Technopolis 20...

EIGHT MUSICIANS, ONE CONCERT - Markideion Municipal Theatre, Paphos - 10 December

 EIGHT MUSICIANS, ONE CONCERTMarkideion Municipal Theatre, PaphosThursday December 10 - 2030Entrance: €15 / €10 (students) - membership cards not valid.  ONLY with tickets presales at Technopolis 20 venue. Tickets will NOT be available on the night of the eventThe Classical Music...

ASH SOLO - Talalaland, Tala Square - 13 November

 ASH SOLOTalalaland, Tala SquareFriday 13 November - 7pm to 10pmDon't miss out buy or reserve your tickets now. Limited spaces available. Tickets 3.50 euro. Call 99202813 or collect the tickets in Talalala...

MUSIC COFFEE CAKE with Ivelina Ruseva - Technopolis 20 - 20 & 27 November

 MUSIC COFFEE CAKE with Ivelina Ruseva (piano)Technopolis 20 PaphosFriday 20 & 27 November 10amTickets: €5 including a drinkReservations essential: Tel: 70002420 (calls only). Limited number of seats are available.Enjoy your morning coffee and home-made cake with some background...

MUSIC COFFEE CAKE with Nikoletta Savvidou - Technopolis 20 - 13 November

 MUSIC COFFEE CAKE with Nikoletta Savvidou (piano)Technopolis 20 PaphosFriday 13 November 10amTickets: €5 including a drinkReservations essential: Tel: 70002420 (calls only). Limited number of seats are available.Enjoy your morning coffee and home-made cake with some background live...

AN EVENING WITH TINA CHESTER - Hickory Restaurant - 28 November

 AN EVENING WITH TINA CHESTERHickory RestaurantSaturday 28 November - dinner 1900, entertainment 1930€22pp including 3 course set menu.  Reservation essential on 26 653705 or 97 652...

ROCK N ROLL & ALL THAT JAZZ - ART & MUSIC EXHIBITION - Latin Parish Centre - 15 November

 ROCK N ROLL & ALL THAT JAZZ - ART & MUSIC EXHIBITIONLatin Parish CentreSunday 15 November - 6.30pmEntrance fee: €7The very talented Duncan Lamb will exhibit his truly amazing pieces. Fireshow and a free glass of sparkling wine upon entry. New Rules Duo will perform a semi acoustic set...

TALA CATS CHRISTMAS MARKET - The Duck Pond - 12 December

 TALA CATS CHRISTMAS MARKETDuck PondSaturday 12 December - 10am to 3pmFurther information Lynda 99 841...

ONE OF A KIND CHRISTMAS SHOW & SALE - Enplo, Paphos - 27 - 29 November

 ONE OF A KIND CHRISTMAS SHOW & SALEEnplo Gallery, Paphos [near the Harbour]27-29 November - 9am to ...

QUIZ - Mansion of Stavroula, Konia - 7, 14, 21 and 28 December

  QUIZMansion of Stavroula, KoniaMonday 7, 14, 21 and 28 December - 6.30pmFree entry, prize for winning team, lots of fun and highly recommended by regulars. Food and drink available. 99831...

QUIZ - Mansion of Stavroula, Konia - 9, 16, 23 and 30 November

 QUIZMansion of Stavroula, KoniaMonday 9, 16, 23 and 30 November - 6.30pmFree entry, prize for winning team, lots of fun and highly recommended by regulars. Food and drink available. 99831...

KARAOKE NIGHT WITH GARRY - Talalaland, Tala Square - 6, 13, 20 & 27 December

 KARAOKE NIGHT with GarryTalalaland, Tala SquareSunday 6, 13, 20 and 27 December - 6pm to ...

QUIZ - Talalaland, Tala Square - 7, 21, and 28 December

  QUIZ presented by Pauline RobinsonTalalaland, Tala Square, TalaMonday 7, 21, and 28 December - 7.3...