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Cycling: etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Cycling: etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Cycling: An Easy Way To Keep Fit

When many people think of exercise, they tend to think of slogging away in a hot and sweaty gym for hours on end with no enjoyment, slow results and no other benefit. Cycling is a way of exercising and improving your cardiovascular health while getting out and about, and seeing nice countryside while you do it, and is a world away from that de-motivating gym environment. Not only can you improve your fitness, you can also lose weight by cycling. A large percentage of the UK's population are now overweight or obese, and getting on your bike can also either ensure you don't slip into this category, or help you to achieve a healthy weight.

Many people these days like to get private health insurance, and in order to get comprehensive low-cost health quotes, it is very helpful to maintain a healthy weight as insurers will charge higher premiums, or even add exclusions, to unfit or unhealthy individuals.

A particularly long or hard ride can burn hundreds, or even thousands, of calories, however you don't need to push the boundaries of your body's capability to reap the health and cost benefits. Riding slowly will still help you lose weight and improve your fitness, however the faster you go and the longer you ride for, the more energy you will use up.

Outside of keeping fit, cycles have many uses; many people who own bicycles use them purely for recreational purposes, either to cycle around their local area or hauled on the back of cars to a further flung destination. In the UK, there is the National Cycle Network, a series of routes designed with cycles in mind that criss-cross the country. These routes enable anyone with a cycle to traverse long distances without the need to constantly consult a map, and the further you go, the more exercise you will get. For those with small children, seated cycle trailers can be attached so they need not be left behind.

Cycles can also be used for day-to-day commuting and transport. On the surface, a cycle may not look like a suitable vehicle for carrying your weekly shop, however there are a plethora of cycle accessories available to tailor your cycle for whatever you need. This includes panniers which are bags fixed to the side of the bicycle; it helps to have one pannier on each side for balance. For security, locks can be used to chain your bike to a solid item such as a pipe or road sign.

Finally, cycles do not need fuel nor emit noxious fumes, and are a sustainable form of transport.

T. Robert Taylor is a cycling enthusiast and is interested in keeping healthy.
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