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Crime and Criminal Law etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Crime and Criminal Law etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Richman and Seo on Federalism and the FBI

Daniel C. Richman and Sarah Seo, Columbia Law School, have posted How Federalism Built the FBI, Sustained Local Police, and Left Out the States, which is forthcoming in the Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 17 (2021):Diplomacy Ceremony, National Police Academy (LC)This Article examines...

De and Evans in Legal Histories of Empire

 [We have the following announcement.  DRE]Legal Histories of Empire Symposium: Rohit De and Catherine EvansPlease join us for the first of several planned symposia in 2020 and 2021 for Legal Histories of Empire and for the celebration of a special birthday of the founder of the Legal Histories of Empire Conferences.Our speakers:Rohit De: "Brown Lawyers, Black Robes: Decolonization, Diasporic...

Selden Society Prizes to Papp-Kamali and Kennefick; Honorable Mention to McSweeney

[We have the following announcement from the Selden Society.  DRE] David Yale PrizeInstituted in 1998, this biennial prize is awarded for an outstanding contribution to the history of the law of England and Wales from scholars who have been engaged in research in the subject for not longer...

Abrams on the Mail Fraud Statutes

Norman Abrams, UCLA Law School, has posted Uncovered: The Legislative Histories of the Early Mail Fraud Statutes:The federal crime of mail fraud is generally viewed as the original federal auxiliary jurisdiction crime—that is, not made a crime because it serves to protect direct federal interests against harm, but rather as an auxiliary to state crime enforcement. Mail fraud is also a crime that scholars,...