August 17, 2011 -- After two and a half weeks working at Kibbutz Lahav I finished washing my last dish and dodging my last grad rocket and decided to head south via bus from Beersheba to Israel's Grand Canyon -- the small town of Mitzpe Ramon overlooking the massive Ramon Crater/Makhtesh.The bus traveled...
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Beersheba etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Beersheba etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Summer 2011: Beersheba, Israel
Abraham's WellAugust 7 and 11, 2011 -- Beersheba is the largest city in the Negev desert of southern Israel and is often referred to as the "Capital of the Negev." I was able to visit the city a couple of times during the day while working at nearby Kibbutz Lahav.My initial impression upon visiting...
Summer 2011: Kibbutz Lahav, Israel
By bayramcigerli at 19:39
Animal Research Institute, Beersheba, Israel, Kibbutz Lahav, Negev, pig farm, pigs, volunteers
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August 1-17, 2011 -- The whole reason for my trip abroad this past summer was to work at a kibbutz in Israel. After traveling by train across Europe and spending some time in Tel Aviv, I was assigned to Kibbutz Lahav near Beersheba in southern Israel.Lahav, founded in 1952, has the unique distinction...
Photos: Israel Tent City Protests
By bayramcigerli at 22:23
Beersheba, Israel, Jerusalem, Mitzpe Ramon, Tel Aviv, tent city protests
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This Friday I passed by the growing Occupy D.C. demonstration encampment at McPherson Square in downtown Washington and was amazed to see that since last weekend the park has been transformed from a few sleeping bags into a tent city. It is amazing how similar it looks to the tent cities I saw across...