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Architecture etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Architecture etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Architecture Plan of Bab Al Bahrain from 1945

Double click for larger image.Reading through the Qatar Digital Library's massive digitised archives of British colonial files, I stumbled upon this architectural plan of a redesign of the customs square of Manama. From an administrative report of Bahrain in 1945, the plan seemingly shows the blueprints...

The Forgotten Art of Bahraini Architecture (and Coral!)

The history of architecture in Bahrain, like many other aspects, is a neglected one. At present, the Kingdom is home to an estimated 1.4 million people. In the most recent census in 2010, the number of dwellings was estimated at 140,000 buildings (an all-time high). With the trends of globalization...

Russia's Mini-Jerusalem

A lot of the feedback I've received from the previous post about Jerusalem was the 'mini-Jerusalem' I had mentioned, so instead of doing the tedious work of individually informing all of you, I'd rather dedicate a post for it.The MonasteryThe mini-Jerusalem I spoke about was built in 1656 by the Patriach,...

Singapore's Token Conservation

Ann Hills examines the reconstruction of Singapore's 19th-century buildings to accommodate tourism. - Under the arches of nineteenth-century houses along the Singapore River – only yards from where Sir Stamford Raffles landed in 1819 and founded the British colony – a barber was shaving a client. He has been in the same spot for thirty years, but within months...