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1900s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
1900s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1900s Photo Inspiration

Don't you love old Photos for inspiration? I love looking at the clothing, the faces, the backgrounds and of course the Aprons! The 1900s are a little boring in apron fashion, mostly plain styled waist aprons. They are also very hard to find photos of! The home camera was not widely used at this point, so if a photograph was going to be taken everyone wanted to look their best!! Here are a few I found on Etsy.
 I love this Mother/Daughter pair, such lovely aprons! This picture is probably on the laer side, closer to 1918.

 Isn't that a grand house? More full aprons and a waist apron.

She is such a cutie, had to share her too! Did you notice? Her apron is striped!

If you would like to see other views and purchase information, please click on the link under the photo.