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10 Home Exercise Tips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
10 Home Exercise Tips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Ten Exercises You Can Do At Home

Here are 10 exercises that you can do at home to keep your body active and nimble. The exercises focus on specific muscle groups that will help to tone your body more than the general house chores exercises such as cleaning, lifting or climbing up and down the stair. They are:
  1. Abs workout. Watch this great video for a 8-minute abs workout you can do at home. More information on abs workout can also be found at "Firm & Flatten Your Abs".

  2. Curl can be done by lying on your back, putting hands behind your head, and raising the upper body.

  3. Leg exercises can be achieved by standing while holding on to the back of a chair or lying down on your side and lifting each leg repeatedly for 15-20 times.

  4. Work-at-home people who sit for hours at the computer desk can perform this simple exercise to keep the circulation flowing in their legs. Simply press down on your toes in an up and down motion. Any activity that can be accomplished while sitting down will prevent muscular pain later.

  5. Stretching exercises. Stand with both hands against a wall and move your right leg back so that your foot is flat against the floor. Hold for a few seconds; then repeat with the left leg.

  6. Arm exercises. This is important to improve muscle tone. Use an exercise band and place both feet on one end and with each hand raise and lower the band; first with your palms up then down.

  7. Put on a CD and dance for about 20-30 minutes. This is a great cardiovascular workout.

  8. Use 5 or 10 lbs. weights to exercise your arms. You can even do this exercise sitting in a chair.

  9. Incorporate sit-ups, jumping rope and push-ups into that daily routine.

  10. Another great stretching exercise to perform is to lie on your back, bring up your right knee to your chest with your right hand and roll the knee to your left side so that it touches the floor. Keep it in place with your left hand.
NOTE: Always stretch before starting any exercise routine to prevent injury.

For more great tips on exercise at home, check out "home Turbulence Training".