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Finding Holmes Away from Home

Sherlock Holmes isn’t everywhere; it’s just us.

I’m kidding, of course. He really is everywhere. Recently we saw him at an eclectic gift shop in wonderful Beaufort, S.C., called Finder’s Keepers. The iconic image of the Master appears on a sign outside the building, on the manager’s business cards, and on this front door:

We were visiting South Carolina on vacation, staying on Fripp Island. While there, we picked up a paper called Low Country Weekly. In that particular mid-March edition was a story about Gracyn Kenyon, an 18-year-old senior at John Paul II Catholic School near Beaufort. She’s the school’s first National Merit Senior Finalist. And the story notes:

At the Kenyon’s home, Gracyn had access to a collection of Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

“It was there, something I could grab off the shelf,” she said. “It would draw me to it, the fact that it was prevalent in popular culture.”

The Sherlock Holmes books struck a chord with Gracyn Kenyon, beginning her love for legal history.

We couldn’t even avoid Holmes on the beach. Something I saw there reminded me of “The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane.”

Where have you found Holmes away from home? 



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