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Weekend Roundup

  • Congratulations to Elizabeth Katz, Washington University in St. Louis, upon her receipt of the 2021 Harold Berman Award for Excellence in Scholarship for her article “Racial and Religious Democracy”: Identity and Equality in Midcentury Courts, 72 Stan. L. Rev. 1467 (2020). “The Berman Award recognizes a paper that has made an outstanding scholarly contribution to the field of law and religion by a faculty member at an AALS Member School with no more than 10 years of experience as a faculty member.”  
  • Sara McDougall and Felicity Turner published this in Ms. on the forced examination of female bodies--at the Doha airport in Qatar recently and in Anglo-American history.
  • On Tuesday, December 8, the Historical Society of the New York Courts is co-hosting a webinar on the history of the state's Puerto Rican and Latino lawyers and judges.
  • The American Historical Association has joined the Society for the History of Foreign Relations and other groups in this suit to force the Trump Administration to preserve its records.
  • Owen Fiss, Yale Law School, the author of, among many other works, the Holmes Devise history of the Fuller Court, has received the American Philosophical Society’s Henry M. Phillips Prize (Yale Daily News). 
  • If you'd like to catch up on October's virtual meeting of the American Journalism Historians Association, here are the panel abstracts. 
  • Working on an op-ed? Check out this pitch database at The Open Notebook.
  • Filippo M. Sposini has published "Confinement and certificates: Consensus, stigma, and disability rights," Canadian Medical Association Journal, 192(48), pp. E1642-E1643 (2020).  The article "investigates the connection between contemporary mental health documents used in Canada and certificates of insanity employed in Victorian England."
  • ICYMI: Former US Senator Christopher Dodd on his father Thomas J. Dodd at Nuremberg (NYT).  The history of presidential pardons (NatGeo).
  • Update: We know this isn't, or at least shouldn't, be a thing, but still: Watch Electoral College results here, with state certificates of ascertainment!
 Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.

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