Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Farewell from an Old Friend

If you felt a disturbance in the Sherlockian Force last evening, it was the announcement from R. Joel Senter that he has discontinued his monthly Sherlockian E-Times and Baker Street Bulletin.

Joel and his wife, Carolyn, for many years operated Classic Specialties, purveying all things Sherlockian. It was a business, but also a labor of love. They transitioned out of that into the non-profit E-Times, a monthly cornucopia of news, scholarship, and quizzes.   

The Senters are good friends of ours, with whom we vacationed many times. We were sorry to get this news by e-mail:  

Well, Loyal Readers, it is time for me to be composing the May issue of the Sherlockian E-Times, however circumstances have conspired such that I find that I can no longer rise to the occasion. Hence, the April 2018 edition will be our final issue. I thank you for your readership and I also thank those of you who helped fill our pages by sharing your Sherlockian scholarship with us. It has been a pleasure serving you first through Classic Specialties and the Sherlockian Times and then through the Sherlockian E-Times during these past three decades. Farewell and so-long.

Very sincerely yours,
R. Joel Senter
(Carolyn joins me, of course, in this "Farewell.")

I will this monthly e-publication. If you’ve never seen it, go to the last issue, Vol. 18, No. 4, and see what you’ve been missing.   



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