Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Saturday Adventures

 Yes, we had a little adventure today. Mom and I decided to go to Trader Joe's. We don't have one locally, but there is one about an hour away. Or so we thought. Since we were going in the general direction, I also persuaded Mom we should stop at a small fabric store. I didn't have very specific directions but knew it was around an intersection of two main roads. We found it with out too much difficulty and had to turn around only once.
 After we browsed around and I found a few fabrics for my Hexagon quilt, we were on our way once more. Don't you think they will go nicely?
 What should of taken 30-40 minuets to get to our next stop, took an hour and a half! Yes indeed, we made quite a few little detours, turned around three times and finally resorted to calling my sister at home for directions. It all boiled down to this: I accidentally punched in the wrong address when I printed out the directions and we were on the wrong side of town!! We were a very hungry pair by the time we got to our destination. On the way home we decided to try a different route, Not sure why?? And of course we got off to a wrong start and had to turn around and then were not sure which road we wanted to take back......
We finally made it back home, but I think we ended up zig zagging around the entire county! Six hours and a gazillon miles, all for a bit of fabric and a few groceries!! But it was worth it.
For an apron, don't you think? Which one........that is the question!

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