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Hate Crunches?

Then you are going to love this post!

- EVERYONE is obsessed with having flat, toned abs but most people have no clue how to get
them (e.g. the cover of fitness magazines)

- Spot reduction doesn’t work and in the case of crunches and sit-ups, it HURTS!

- Research from Youngstown State University in Ohio tested the effects of sit-ups on 71 men
and women split up into three groups. One group did no sit-ups, another did three sets of 20
reps three times a week on non-consecutive days, and the last one did the same exercise six
days a week. The difficulty of the exercise was increased every four weeks.

- While researchers didn't expect any amazing gains in strength by the sit-up groups, they were
surprised by how little impact the exercise actually made. Not one of the three groups showed
any strength gains or reduction in waist size or body fat. So in the end, doing ZERO sit-ups was
the same as doing 60 sit-ups per day, six days a week. "This finding suggests that training the
abdominals with resistance levels short of fatigue is inadequate to produce strength gains," said
the study authors, indicating that a more challenging ab exercise needs to be used in order to
effectively work your abs.

- Furthermore, research from the University of Waterloo shows that sit-ups can cause back
problems. "Realize that the spinal disks can bend only so often before damage ensues," said
professor Stuart McGill in a January 2010 article published in the IDEA Fitness Journal. In other
words, the act of a crunch or sit-up is literally replicating the exact cause of bulging or herniated 
discs of the lumbar spine. Now perform that movement for hundreds upon hundreds of reps and
it’s clear that your lower back is at grave risk!

- The true function of your core is stabilization in all 3 planes of motion: anti-flexion, anti-
extension, anti-rotation, anti-lateral flexion.  Research has proven greater abdominal muscle recruitment with the plank and anti rotation exercises.

- You want a STABLE core, MOBILE hips, and a STIFF lower back

- Best way to train core stability is via pillar stability holds like front and side planks, hip
extension holds, and birddog variations

- 6 sets of 10-second holds is the best way to build strength SAFELY.  Performing these exercises with too long of hold before you have the strength can compromise your back!  Start slowly with GOOD form and build up to longer duration holds.

Thy these exercises for 6 sets of 10 second holds.  You will see stronger and more defined abs and strengthen your back!

1- Front Pillar/Push-up Hold Variation
2- Left Side Pillar Hold Variation
3- Right Side Pillar Hold Variation
4- Hip Extension/Back Pillar/Bird Dog Hold Variation



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