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Thanksgiving Feast: RB Inn

I know this post may seem a little late being that Thanksgiving was almost a week ago, but I am feeling a bit nostalgic.  I can't help but notice that it was quite fitting that Thanksgiving coincided with our impending move.  It was nice to spend Thanksgiving and the extended weekend with my family and reflect upon what I am thankful for.  

Our tradition for Thanksgiving is having no set tradition at all.  I have spent Thanksgiving everywhere from a ship on the High Seas, to Australia, to Palm Springs, to family friend's, and my parent's home.  

This year we had our Thanksgiving feast at the Rancho Bernardo Inn.  The RB Inn is famous for it's dining, golf, spa, and the resort itself, is like an oasis in the middle of San Diego, with it's manicured gardens, it's a popular wedding location.

images via RB Inn

It was a Thanksgiving to remember, one that I am truly thankful for.



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