Asked any woman and man you know if they would like to lose excess stomach fat and have a well-toned flat stomach, I am sure the answer is a resounding "YES!". Most men would dream to have a firm and ripped six pack abs. And most women would dream to have a tight sexy stomach and waistlines. All these are of course achievable with the right diet and exercise programs.
As you are doing physical activity, you are consuming energy measured in calories. When enough amount of calories are depleted through exercise, your body will start to burn energy in the form of fat stored in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue or fat is loose connective tissue, its main role is to store energy in the form of fat.
There is a common myth that doing abdominal exercises alone can give you a six pack abs. But, the truth is that you can't 'spot reduce' your body fat as the fat burning process takes place non-selectively; meaning that you can't choose which fat deposits in your body you want to target and burn off.
However, when you are targeting your exercises on the abs, you will build strength in that area because of an increase in muscle mass. As a result, it keeps a strong layer of muscle that makes the stomach looks trim and flat.
Exercises that target on abdomen have another positive effect too. Since the abdominal areas have large muscles, and will consume considerably larger amount of energy, more energy need to be supplied to move through the range of the exercise. As a result, more calories will be depleted resulting in losing some excess body fat; which is good for weight loss.
There is simply no shortcut, supplement or drugs that can give you the ripped six pack abs and sexy waistlines you want, it can only be done through proper diet and regular exercise. The effect is also limited by gender, genetics and age. Some people gain weight more easily than others.
Some people are lucky and are born with faster and more efficient metabolism, hence they are able to burn more calories when they exercise. If you tend to gain weight easily, you really need to pay attention on your diet, amount of food you eat and make sure you exercise for at least 1 hour daily.
Here is a great warm up exercise that targets on your tummy:
Lie straight on your back, with your knees raised and put your hands at the back of your head. Then, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor and hold for 30 seconds (don't use your hands to lift your head). You should feel the strain on your abs. Do this warm up for 10-15 minutes daily and you will start to see a firm abs very soon.
More information about Abdominal Exercises can be found at our site. You can also download a FREE exercise ebook at

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