- website for TheRaghuDixitProject - The Indian Rock star's first album can be heard here. His big hits "Mysore se Ayi", "gudigudiya sedi nodo", "hey bhagwan" will definitely rock you. Raghu's biography, concerts, blog all can be reviewed here.
As the founder-front man of his band Antaragni for more than eight years, and now of The Raghu Dixit Project, Raghu has performed more than 250 concerts all over India. Raghu's music is a seamless amalgamation of Indian ethnic music and styles from different parts of the world. His lyrics though intense, are simple and speak about every common man's emotions and experiences, therefore, making his songs extremely popular among his fans. Read more Raghu Dixit project here ..
Kannada, Hindi Rock music: Raghu Dixit - listen mp3 songs
By Bc youTube Blog at 12:28
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