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Rose Festival in India

In the month of February end the biggest Rose Show is held at the famous the Zakir Hussain Rose Garden at Chandigarh (North India). During this three-day festival you can see different varieties of roses and basking in there sweet fragrance.

Types of Roses:

ALBA: It is mostly white flowered that only bloom once.

BOURBON: These types of roses are very fragrant and they repeat bloomed

CENTIFOLIA: It is also known as the Cabbage Roses it looks like cabbages, usually it have over 100 petals and bloom once only.

DAMASK: Damask come in red, white and pink color.

HYBRID CHINA: Repeat flowering

HYBRID GALLICA: These roses are totally thornless, and they come in red, pink and purple color and have a strong fragrance.

HYBRID PERPETUAL: Come in red or pink color, Very fragrant and repeat flowers

MOSS: A moss rose blooming once they can be yellow, orange, white or multicolored.

PORTLAND: They are in pink color and repeat flowering

TEA: Come in pink, light yellow or white colors and are repeat-blooming.

Please also have look at some pics:


2011 Cenevre otomobil fuarının basın açılışından sizin için derlediğimiz
muhteşem otomobilleri resimleri,tabiki herkesin alıcağı fiyat aralığında değiller ama onları izlemesi bile insana keyif verebiliyor doğrusu.



Avrupa’da süzme bal tüketiminin yaygın olduğunu, Türk halkının ise genellikle, “peteklisi kalitelidir” düşüncesiyle hareket ettiğini ifade eden Cahit İleri, şöyle konuştu:
“Petek bal tüketimi Anadolu’da daha yaygın. Halk arasında özellikle karakovan balının kalitesinin yüksek olduğu şeklinde yaygın bir anlayış ver. Oysa petek bal tüketimi insan sağlığı açısından çok uygun değil. Peteğin yapımında kullanılan bal mumu 65 derecede erir. Balla vücuda giren petek, erimeden sindirim sisteminde dolaşır.”

1 kilogram petekli balın 300 gramının petekten oluştuğunu kaydeden İleri, şunları söyledi:
“Dolayısıyla petek bal aldığınızda yüzde 30 gramaj kaybınız var demektir, yani daha pahalıya gelir. Hem pahalı, hem sağlıksız olan petek bal yerine süzme bal tüketimi yaygınlaştırılmalı. Balın kalitesi petekle ölçülmüyor. Balı siz karakovana da koysanız, beyaz kovana da koysanız, siyah kovana da koysanız çok önemli değil. Balın kalitesi yöredeki çiçek ve bitki örtüsüyle alakalı. Balın, peteğin içine konması onun çok kaliteli olduğu anlamını taşımaz.”

Cahit İleri, arıcıların, arıları sakinleştirmek ve kovandan çıkarmak için körükle püskürttükleri dumanın, peteğin üzerinde biriktiğini, balın tüketimi sırasında petekte oluşan bu tortuların da insanın sindirim sistemine girdiğini anlatarak, “Onun için süzme bal tüketmek daha uygundur. Süzme balın tüketilmesini istiyoruz” diye konuştu.

The Best of the Great Barrier Reef Islands

Visitor come to Australia, from all over the world, and most of them plan to visit the Great Barrier Reef, but unless they are divers, their visit is usually a day trip, on one of the many boats that take visitors to the Great Barrier Reef, which gives them only a few hours on the reef. It is much better to spend a few days, at one of the Great Barrier Reef Islands, enjoying the diversity of what they have to offer. Let me introduce you, to what I consider the best of the islands of the Great barrier Reef.

Hamilton is the largest of Queensland's 74 Whitsunday Islands and is located on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. It's azure waters, awe inspiring coral reefs, fascinating flora and fauna and sandy beaches, makes it an experience you'll long remember. The island is used almost excluisively for tourism and has the only airport in the Whitsunday Islands. The beautiful weather, many land and sea activities, too many to mention here, and fine food and wines are just a few of the reasons so many visitors, both from Australia and other countries, spend their vacations here.

Hayman Island is the most northern Island of the Whitsunday Islands, and is renown for its elegance, service and great location. Besides providing easy access to the Great Barrier Reef, it has lush tropical gardens, a variety of bird species and Australian Flora and Fauna. Guests can enjoy the many pools including the famous Hayman pool that is 7 times an Olympic pool.

Green Island is north of both of the above Islands it is a 600 old coral cay and national park, located right on the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can explore its emeral rainforest, visit the coral reefs in the semi submarine, ride the Big Cat Reef Cruiser, walk on the smooth clean sand of the sea floor with Seawalker, or just relax with your favourite book.

Dunk Island is a tropical rainforest island, just 4 kilometers off the north Queensland's coast. It is part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and the largest island in the Family Islands National Park. Because of a lack of predators and the ample supply of food from the reef waters it is an ideal nesting site. For visitors there are luxury accommodations, fine dining and endless things to do.

Lizard Island, is one of the northernmost islands right on the Great barrier Reef. The private resort is in a National Park with 24 white sandy beaches and a lagoon. It is rated as one of the top ten island resorts with only 4o luxury suites, the perfect get-a-way from it all vacation.

Brampton Island located at the southern entrance to the Whitsunday Passage is surrounded by reefs, twelve beautiful beaches, coral gardens and spectacular views from the walking and jogging tracks. It has less rooms than many of the other island resorts and no day trippers making it the ideal spot for uninterrupt peace and solitude.

Fraser Island lies at the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef, it is the world's largest Sand Island and the only place where tall rainforests are found growing on sand dunes. The white sandy beaches are flanked by coloured sand cliffs and there are over 100 freshwater lakes. 4WD Safaris are the best way to explore the islands spectacular beaches.

Magnetic Island is the only island, in the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef with a combination of untouched National Park and Resident population. There is also a variety of holiday resorts offering the guests much to choose from, such as secluded beaches which can be reached only on foot or by boat, rocky headlands, scenic walking tracks and native wildlife. It is only 20 minutes by fast "CAT" from Townsville and boasts 320 days of sunshine per year.

Depending on your personal life style, these islands offer a variety of of accommodations, choice of activities that vary between islands, proximity to the Great Barrier Reef, and different topography and scenic views. Staying at one or more for a few days will give you the opportunity to enjoy a vacation, not easily found elsewhere in the world, and one you will not soon forget.



Modernism Week: Krisel House

This next Palm Springs Home Tour brings us to a house designed by the architect Krisel.  Known for translating mid century modern designs from custom to tract homes; he brought modernist living to the masses.  

While subdivisions in Palm Springs famously showcase his designs, his work spans from L.A. to San Diego.  This was news to me, as many homes and buildings in San Diego that I must have driven by hundreds of times were designed by Krisel.

Here we can see an example of his work.  Unlike the custom home I featured before, this home invariably lacks some of the original touches, but has some very tastefully done updates.  The current owner attempted to retain the authentic character of the home, keeping in line with the mid century modern furnishings and decor.

This oven has been updated.  The owner purchased a retro Viking oven to blend in with the surroundings.

Clean lines and open living, that easily transition from indoor to outdoor is evident.  This home is very livable.  Krisel is old school in his philosophy, believing that to be among the best you must start drawing at least by High School otherwise you missed your window.  

His prolific portfolio may reveal this to be true or there may be some room for talented architects that are otherwise late bloomers.  As someone who neglected my creative side for some time, I tend to strongly favor the latter--it's never too late to follow your passions, and perhaps even be very talented at whatever that may be.  You be the judge?