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Sinir Otu Hakkında Genel Bilgiler

Sinir otunu genelde yol kenarlarında, rutubetli topraklarda yetiştiğini görebilirsiniz. Mayıs ve eylül ayları arasında toplanabilen sinir otu son derece faydalı olan

şifalı bitkiler


Sinir Otu Yararları (Faydaları)

Sinir otu bedende var olabilecek her türlüiltihapları durdurarak belli biraz zaman sonra tamamen temizlenmesine fayda sağlar.

Deri kaşıntılarına karşı etkili bir çözümdür.

Böcek sokmalarına karşı, deride meydana gelen açık yaralara karşı onarıcı, iyileştirici etkisi vardır.

Ağız ve diş sağlığına son derece faydalı olan sinir otu, özellikle diş eti iltihaplarına karşı büyük fayda sağlar.

Böbrek taşlarının düşürülmesine yardımcı olur.


Sinir Otu Kullanımı

Sinir otu, şerbet, çay yapılarak veya sinir otu tohumu olarak da kullanılabilir.

Sinir otunun sadece tohumunu tüketilmesi halinde Böbrek taşı ve mesane taşları düşürülebilir.

Sinir otu çayı: 1 çay kaşığı sinir otu 1 su bardağı kaynamış suyun içine atılarak demlenmeye bırakılır ve ılık olarak içilebilir.

Sinir Otu Zararları

Düşük tansiyon hastalığı olanların doktor tavsiyesi olmadan kullanması sakıncalıdır. Zira tansiyon düşürücü etkisi görülebilir

HPV VİRÜSÜ NEDİR ( Human Papillomavirüs )

HPV nedir?

Human Papillomavirüs (yani HPV), hem kadınları hem de erkekleri etkileyen; oldukça bulaşıcı, yaygın ve belirti göstermeyen bir virüstür.

HPV' nin birçok farklı tipi vardır. Bu tiplerden bazıları rahim ağzında bulunan hücreleri etkileyebilir ve bu hücreler tedavi edilmediğinde rahim ağzı kanserine dönüşebilir. HPV' nin bazı tipleri ise kadın ve erkeğin genital bölgelerinde siğillere neden olabilir.

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'ne göre, her 10 kişiden 1'inde var olan bu virüs, çoğu zaman vücut tarafından kendiliğinden temizlenir. Ancak virüsün kimde kendiliğinden temizleneceğini ve kimde hastalığa yol açabileceği bilmenin bir yolu yoktur.

HPV virüsü çok kolay bulaşan bir virüstür. Bulaşması için deri teması yeterlidir, cinsel ilişki şart değildir. Bulaşması için deri teması yeterli olduğundan prezervatifler HPV' ye karşı tam olarak koruma sağlamaz.

HPV genelde belirti göstermez. Bu nedenle HPV' li olan kişiler bunun farkında olmayabilir ve partnerlerine HPV bulaştırabilir. HPV çok kolay bulaşabildiğinden, 50 yaşına kadar her 10 kadından 8'ine hayatının bir döneminde HPV bulaşacağı öngörülmektedir.

Genellikle herhangi bir belirti göstermediği için, bu virüsü taşıyan kadın ve erkekler uzun süre durumu fark edemeyebilir. Hatta virüs bulaştıktan yıllar sonra bile kişiler hiçbir şikayet ortaya çıkmadan yaşayabilir.

Jinekolojik muayenenin bir parçası olan PAP veya diğer adıyla SMEAR testi ile rahim ağzı kanserine yol açabilecek anormal hücreleri olup olmadığını öğrenebilirler. Erkeklerin ise herhangi rutin bir test ile HPV taşıyıcı olup olmadıklarını öğrenme şansları yoktur.

Virüsün kadınlar üzerindeki en önemli sonuçlarından biri dünyada kadınlarda en sık görülen 2. kanser türü olan rahim ağzı kanseridir. Rahim ağzı kanseri rahim ağzı anormal hücre çoğalmasıdır ve buna tamamen HPV neden olur.

Tedavi edilmezse bu anormal hücreler rahim ağzı kanseri öncüllerine ve kansere dönüşebilir. Çoğunlukla bu uzun yıllar alır; ancak nadir durumlarda bir yıl içinde de gelişebilir. Rahim ağzı kanserinin en önemli sonucu ölüm olabileceği gibi, tedavi edilse dahi doğurganlığı engelleyebilir. Bu kanserden dünyada her 2 dakikada bir kadın hayatını kaybetmektedir.

SMEAR testi, Rahim Ağzı Kanserinin erken evrelerde tespit edilmesine yardımcı olabilir. Fakat HPV' nin yol açtığı Vajina Kanseri, Vulva Kanseri ve bunların öncesinde oluşan kanser öncesi oluşumları SMEAR testi ile tespit etmenin bir yolu yoktur. Bu nedenle HPV' nin SMEAR'le tespit edilemeyen diğer kanserlere de neden olabileceği bilinmelidir.

HPV' nin en önemli sonuçlarından biri de genital siğillerdir. Her yıl 30 milyon kadında görülen genital siğillerin %90'ına HPV Tip 6 &11 sebep olur.

Genital siğiller kadınlarda ve erkeklerde çoğunlukla dış genital organların üzerinde veya anüs civarında ortaya çıkan yumuşak ve pembe-beyaz renkli oluşumlardır.

Genital siğillerin tedavisi yakma, dondurma ve kesme gibi acı verici ve sıkıntılı uygulamalar gerektirebilir, tedavi edilse bile sık
sık tekrarlayabilir.

Asia's Newest Beach Resort Sihanoukville Cambodia

In Cambodia, Angkor Wat is the main draw for tourism today, and rightly so, called the Crown Jewel of South East Asia the temple complexes' 40 Sq Kilometers' of temples is famous the world over, but now, more people are visiting the rest of Cambodia and the word of mouth is that the rest of the Cambodia is worth a visit as well. The Beach resort of Sihanoukville is fast becoming a holiday destination in its own right, with lots of islands and parks and things to do from hiking and exploring, scuba diving & snorkeling and boat rides, water falls, jungle treks and chilling in a hammock in a quiet beach park reading a good book. Culturally there are the markets, the local wats and the schools, where many come to donate time and money towards educating the kids.

Sihanoukville has a 5 star resort on its own kilometer long private beach. The pool could be classified as a small lake and is almost visible from space, complete with a bridge to its own little island. The hotel is only 2 years old and has a staff to guest ratio of 4/1. The prices for comparable hotels in South East Asia would be substantially higher.

If you are a budget traveler then Sihanoukville is your place as well, there are many rooms available with air con, hot water, refrigerator and Cable TV for $10 - $20 a night and if you want a place to stay for 6 months or more, you can get a business visa at the border on demand and stay as long as you like, works out to around $1 a day for the visa extensions, making the town attractive to pensioners and semi retired people.

Backpackers also like Sihanoukville with a few places offering 50 cent tall cold beers and cheap food starting at $.50. Some are also finding work as bar tenders and working the restaurants. Backpacker hostels start as low as free, Yup free, all you have do is buy one of your meals at the lodging and the price for the food is still cheap $1.50 to 2.50 a plate.

One local expert expat's guess's that there are more western owned business per population in Sihanoukville than any other place in Asia! Many are coming and starting guesthouses & hotels, small bed and breakfast places, restaurants and bars and small resorts with a few starting to pop up on the islands off the coast. Want to rent your own fantasy island for a week check out Magic Island?

Logistically everything that you will need is here including reliable electricity, internet, and western restaurants as well as a lot of Asian European specialty foods prepared with the western travelers tastes in mind including Khmer seafood, Thai, Vietnamese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Indian, Sri Lankan and more coming soon. English languages schools are many in Sihanoukville, so you can almost always find someone to speak English when you need it.

Money use to be a problem as you had to go inside the banks to get cash and with 26 holidays on the Cambodian calendar, you could get stuck with out cash for a few days, now there are ATM locations in Siem Reap- Angkor Wat, Phnom Penh, Battembong and Sihanoukville. You can change just about every currency including Yen, Euros, Baht, Kip, Dong, and Sing Dollars. US Dollars and Cambodian Riel are the two most common currencies in use.

Sihanoukville is getting easier to get to with cheap international flights into Bangkok and really cheap regional flights into Phnom Penh. Flights into Sihanoukville are very close to being a reality as well. Regularly scheduled busses from Phnom Penh will get you to Sihanoukville in 4 hours on a excellent American built road. You can also arrange taxis and vans for moving groups of people, and an established over water route form Bangkok to Trat to the Had Lek - Klang Yai border to Sihanoukville. You might even arrive here via a cruise ships, as more are placing Sihanoukville on their itineraries.

The Islands of Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand are mostly uninhabited; you will find isolated Spartan fishing villages with populations normally fewer than 100 people. One Island, Koh Tang, has only 7 residents and would take the better part of a day to hike around, so if you are looking for that deserted island to strand yourself on, to work on your coconut carving and ship in a bottle skills there are many here to chose from, bring your own hammock and Gal Friday or they can be acquired here in Sihanoukville.

The Cambodia of the past always seemed to bring up horrific images of the past misfortunes that the Khmers suffered at the end of the Vietnam War. Even today, the genocide in Cambodia is still in the news as the country has its tribunal to hopefully put the events behind them,
One of the few backhanded benefits of the recent past history was that Cambodia missed out on all of the heavy industrialization, that the other countries in the region experienced, notably Thailand and Vietnam; which means that they missed out on the pollution that goes with it. A UN survey of the waters in Asia, that included Cambodia, found only 3 areas of concern for ocean water quality near shore, where as Vietnam and Thailand, had allot problem locations, mostly from the industrial pollutions and shrimp farms. This may change, unfortunately, as oil has been found in Cambodia and the drilling of exploration holes has begun. So now is a really good time to come.
As Cambodia moves forward towards the future, it is obvious to most that the future in Cambodia is tourism. And for Cambodia's beach resort of Sihanoukville, to misquote the tune "the futures so bright, in Sihanoukville, that your gonna need shades"

"Adult Hindi movie - Hot Malaika - Amit Kapoor, Ashquea, Vinod Tripathi, Purvi Vedant"

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online
Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online Informations :

Cast: Amit Kapoor, Ashquea, Vinod Tripathi, Purvi Vedat
Language : Hindi

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online : Big Flix Video Link :

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online

"Adult Hindi movie - Hot Malaika - Amit Kapoor, Ashquea, Vinod Tripathi, Purvi Vedant"

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online
Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online Informations :

Cast: Amit Kapoor, Ashquea, Vinod Tripathi, Purvi Vedat
Language : Hindi

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online : Big Flix Video Link :

Hot Malaika 2005 Hindi Movie Watch Online

"Malayalam movie - Mandhya Venal - Manoj, Shwetha, Sabitha"

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online
Genre : Drama
Language : Malayalam
Director : Madhu Kaithapram
Cast : Manoj K Jayan, Shweta Menon, Sabitha Jayaraj

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Full Movie

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online : Megavideo Link : Alternative Link :

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2


Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2


Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2

"Malayalam movie - Mandhya Venal - Manoj, Shwetha, Sabitha"

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online
Genre : Drama
Language : Malayalam
Director : Madhu Kaithapram
Cast : Manoj K Jayan, Shweta Menon, Sabitha Jayaraj

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Full Movie

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online : Megavideo Link : Alternative Link :

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2


Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2


Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 1

Madhya Venal 2009 Malayalam Movie Watch Online Part 2

Rain Rain Go Away...

I know fall just began and I'm very spoiled here in Southern California, but there is nothing like a few days of rain to make me start longing to go back on a sunny vacation to Palm Springs.

I have been visiting Palm Springs for as long as I can remember.  It's an easy get-away from the Southern California coast, and there is something calming about the desert air when you just need a break.

A visit is never complete without a trip to the Tina Turk boutique with the added plus of the adjoining residential store.  Her fabrics, to me, feel quintessential Palm Springs, with their bright and bold patterns, capturing the Southern California resort style.  Not to mention that her stores are designed by Kelly Wearstler, making it a go-to destination for the fashion and design obsessed.  

My last visit was in August, and I spotted this rug...
I had been searching for something affordable for my small entryway and this rug had a fun pattern and encompassed all the muted color of my house with a little more pop.  I walked out of the store without it....

But I just couldn't stop looking at my naked entryway and knew the rug would be the perfect addition, so I found it here a few weeks ago .  I knew that Amazon had products other than books but never expected to find Trina Turk rugs for 20% off the listed price (plus the added bonus of free shipping).  They even had more to choose from, styles both old and new...

Arriving at my house to find the box on my front door step felt just like my birthday.  I think it found its perfect home.

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"Black Friday Sale" - "Thanks giving deals, websites and discount coupons"