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"Cow Killing in India", "Holy sacred Hindu religious slaugher video"

If you are thinking that Cows in India are living happily without being slaughtered for their flesh, then you got it all wrong. Most states have banned killing cows, but there are 2 states that have not done that and as a result, all cows from other states are transported (needless to say, inhumanely) to these 2 states for killing.

Kerala and West Bengal are two of the Indian states that still promote Cow Killing in India. Why have these two states not banned cow killing while the rest of the country has strongly opposed killing cows? One common factor among these states is that they are mostly ruled by Communist parties like CPI/CPM. The other reason could be that there is some influence of Muslims and Christian influence in this part of the country.

Even while the cows (still talking about cows in India) are alive, they are tortured, abused and ultimately killed brutally for few pounds of flesh. The pictures of these poor helpless animals tortured to death is unbearable. Why do we need animal flesh so badly that we have to torture & kill them so much?

Folks, become vegetarians and promote vegetarianism. You will give life to those animals and give yourself a healthy diet. Order your Vegetarian starter Kit today!

"Cow Killing in India", "Holy sacred Hindu religious slaugher video"

If you are thinking that Cows in India are living happily without being slaughtered for their flesh, then you got it all wrong. Most states have banned killing cows, but there are 2 states that have not done that and as a result, all cows from other states are transported (needless to say, inhumanely) to these 2 states for killing.

Kerala and West Bengal are two of the Indian states that still promote Cow Killing in India. Why have these two states not banned cow killing while the rest of the country has strongly opposed killing cows? One common factor among these states is that they are mostly ruled by Communist parties like CPI/CPM. The other reason could be that there is some influence of Muslims and Christian influence in this part of the country.

Even while the cows (still talking about cows in India) are alive, they are tortured, abused and ultimately killed brutally for few pounds of flesh. The pictures of these poor helpless animals tortured to death is unbearable. Why do we need animal flesh so badly that we have to torture & kill them so much?

Folks, become vegetarians and promote vegetarianism. You will give life to those animals and give yourself a healthy diet. Order your Vegetarian starter Kit today!


Balerin hangi tarafa dönüyor

Bakın bakalım balerin hangi tarafa doğru dönüyor,eğer saat yönünde dönüyor olarak görüyorsanız beynin sağ tarafını kullanıyorsunuz demektir ki buda sizin yaratıcı bir kişi olduğunuza işaret eder,
eğer balerini saat yönünün tersi istikametinde dönüyo görüyorsanız buda sizin beyninizin sol yanını kullandığınızı ve logical yani mantıklı bir kişi olduğunuza işaret eder
yorumlarınızı lütfen bizimle paylasın.


Ağız içinde oluşan, bazen tekrarlayıcı olan yaraların, basit bir vitamin eksikliğinden kaynaklanabileceği gibi kanser, behçet ve frengi gibi ciddi hastalıkların da başlangıcı olabilir

Ağız yaraları, ağız içerisinde derin veya yüzeysel doku kaybına neden olan çoğu ağrılı ve sızılı belirtilerdir ve hepsinin de ciddi hastalıkların belirtileri olarak dikkate alınmaları gerekir. Ağız içerisindeki derin yaralar
özellikleağız içi kanserlerini düşündürmelidir. Genellikle daha önceden varolan kırmızı veya beyaz belirtiler üzerinden çıkarlar ve hızla yayılırlar. Erken tanı ve cerrahi çıkarma kesin sonuç verebilir. Çok sık olmamak üzere tüberküloz, frengi, bazı özel mantar hastalıkları gibi mikrobik hastalıklar da böyle derin yaralara neden olabilirler. Ayrıca çok seyrek görülen özel hastalıklar vardır. Daha sık görülen ve çok karışan grup yüzeysel
yaralardır. ”Aft” bunların en sık görüleni olup, ”ağız yarası” sözcüğünün en çok kullanıldığı hastalıktır. Etrafı kırmızı, ortası sarımsı yara şeklinde olup, aniden ortaya çıkar ve 8 – 10 günde geçerler. Ağrılı olan hastalık, birden fazla sayıda ve sık yineleyerek seyrettiğinde çok rahatsız edici olabilir. Ayrıca çok sık yineleyen aftlar ”Behçet Hastalığının” da belirtisi olabilir. Frenginin ağız içi belirtileri yara halini aldığında aftlara çok benzer sıyrıklar yapabilir ve çok yanıltırlar. Basit yanıklar, ağız içerisinde kabarcıklar ve sonra sıyrıklar yaparlar ve pek çok hastalığı da taklit ederler. Bazı ilaçlara bağlı olarak, duyarlı kişilerde yanık gibi birden ortaya çıkan ve şiddetli ağrılı olan reaksiyonlar görülebilir. Bunların şiddetli şekilleri bazen yaşamsal tehlikelere neden olabilse de genellikle kendiliğinden 15 – 20 gün içerisinde geçme eğilimindedir. Benzer şekilde yanığımsı yaralarla başlayan ve iyileşme eğilimi göstermeden sürekli yayılarak ilerleyen ”Pemfigus” adlı hastalık bu grubun en önemli üyesidir. Aynı zamanda deride de benzer yaralarla süren hastalık, sürekli ağrılı, akıntılı ağız nedeniyle hastanın beslenmesini, sıvı alımını bozar ve çok ciddi yaşamsal tehlikelere sebep olabilir. Göz korkutan bütün bu hastalıklarda, bir deri hastalıkları uzmanının erken tanı ve tedavisi hayatı yeniden yaşanabilir hale getirecektir.


Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero

Rio de Janiero (River of January in English) is the second largest city of Brazil. Among the cities in Brazil, Rio gets the most number of tourist visits every year because of its abundance in wonderful tourist attractions and one of those tourist attractions is the "Christ The Redeemer". The statue is considered to be the largest Art Deco statue in the world. Below are the 10 facts you should know about the magnificent statue.
  • Build between 1922 and 1931, the Christ the Redeemer has become the symbol of Christianity in Rio and Brazil. The budget for construction clocked at $250,000.
  • Christ the Redeemer also symbolizes freedom, blessing and protection.
  • The idea was suggested by Princess Isabel but the idea was dismissed in 1889. Years passed by and the Catholic Circle of Rio organized another proposal in 1921. Among the designs, the statue with open arms on a pedestal was chosen.
  • The outer layers of the monument were built from high-quality soapstone.
  • It is located at the Peak of Corcovado Mountain in Tijuca Forest National Park and is referred to as the World’s Largest Art Deco-- standing at 130 feet and weighs 635 tons.
  • Heitor da Silva Costa was the local engineer of the monument and it was originally sculptured by Paul Landowski.
  • Christ the Redeemer was inaugurated in October 12, 1931 and welcomed numerous tourists around the world.
  • Christ the Redeemer has officially joined the list of New Seven Wold’s Wonders in July 7, 2007 along with Giza Pyramid Complex in Cairo, Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico, Colosseum in Rome Italy, Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Cuzco, Peru, Petra in Jordan and Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
  • On February 10, 2008, the monument suffered a damage caused by thunders and lightning. Restoration effort was immediately put into place, especially in the statue’s head and arms.
  • Getting to Christ the Redeemer is easy. Once you’re in Rio de Janeiro, simply go to Cosme Velho District, specifically the Rua Cosme Velho 513. This is the place where you are going to buy tickets for train. This train takes you through the Atlantic Rainforest up to the statue’s foot.