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Back on the run
Feets don't fail me now.
I ran back in my 20s, back when my body was more tolerant of the physical toll of running 25 to 35 miles a week. I ran 10Ks (pr of 40:04) and a smattering of 5Ks (20:02 pr). Toward the end of my 29th year my knees and back had had enough. Do something else, my doctor advised. I drifted to the more joint-friendly swimming and cycling, my staples for the next 22 years.
Last fall, I began trail running once a week at Umstead. I can’t recall what prompted me to start — curiosity over how my body would react, perhaps. It went well and I gradually increased my distance. Currently, I run six miles at a pace of just over 10 minutes per mile. Well off the 6:30 pace of my peak years, but acceptable to someone simply glad to be running again.
I’ve been able to resume running because, curiously, running on uneven, bumpy, rooty, rocky trail is easier on the body. Running on pavement, your foot strikes the consistent surface roughly the same way every time. (By my calculations, for my stride that’s roughly 4,400 times per foot on a typical five-mile training run. Which, again by my crude calculations, would be more than 1.1 million strikes per foot a year running 25 miles a week.)
Trail running, on the other hand, is the snowflake of the sport: No two foot strikes are alike. You’re constantly dodging stuff, which affects your stride and thus where and how your foot lands. I’ve been trail running once a week for a year now, with few physical repercussions. I’m happy to be running again. But of course, I want more.
Last year, as the health and fitness writer for The News & Observer, I followed a group of runners through the Fit-Tastic running program offered by The Athlete’s Foot. The program’s goal: Take folks who don’t know a waffle trainer from a Waffle House and, in 12 weeks, transform them into 5K runners. I followed a mom trying to get back into shape after her first child, a young married couple eager to not repeat the mistakes of their sedentary parents, and a family who wanted to get into better shape together. Their final for the program was a Halloween 5K, the Monster Dash. It was during that race that my urge to run was rekindled. Or, more precisely, my urge to run in a race. For while I experienced the euphoric runner’s high any number of times, the real high was the races: the pounding music, the hundreds of competitors (or thousands, in the case of the Bolder Boulder where I was one of 16,000), the pushing to pass just one more person, the free T-shirt. If I could do it one more time, I thought.
Of course, doing a 5K this time around would mean doing it in a lot more than 20 minutes. To approach that time would require more road-pounding training than my body can handle. But for someone whose goal was to constantly finish in the top 10 percent, it doesn’t mean run-walking, either. I need to run the race and I need to run it in a respectable, to me, time. Arbitrarily, I’ve decided that breaking 24 minutes, or sub 8 minute miles, is a worthy goal.
I’m doing the Fit-Tastic program myself this year. Thursday night will be my first training session. Already, coach Tim Clark has sent me some training guidelines, which we’ll discuss on Thursday. Part of the allure of the program is access to experienced running coaches such as Clark, who listen to your goals then devise a training strategy to help get you there.
Over the next nine weeks I’ll report periodically on the program. I’ll update my progress, but I’ll also talk about the other folks in the program, about why they’re here, about what motivated them to run, about what they hope to accomplish and about how they’re progressing. And I’ll take you along on our final exam, the Monster Dash on Oct. 25.
See you back here after Thursday evening’s run.
* * * *
Officially, the Fit-tastic training program launched with a kick-off meeting Aug. 6, but TAF’s Mike Zimmerman says you can still register. “Reality is,” says Zimmerman, “if they are not in decent shape, they may have a hard time catching/keeping up.” You be the judge. You can find out more about the program here, you can register here. Fee is $50. And yes, among other things that includes a T-shirt.Back
Fitness 4 Seniors
Aging is a natural process, and with it comes many fringe benefits. For example, living the retired-permanent-holiday life, a gained respect from youngsters, and you can’t forget the senior discounts. However, with aging also comes an immense amount of responsibility. This responsibility not only includes influencing the future generations, but also extends to the need of taking care of yourself. One of the common reasons why many young people dread growing old is because it is associated with being brittle, weak, dependant, and ill. Seniors need to prove to everyone that they are a vibrant and vital part of the population, and being fit is the first step.
Now I’m not asking everyone to tell his or her elderly family members to hit the gym for three hours every single day. But let’s face the facts: a significant percentage of older adults do not get the physical exercise they need, lack of physical activity combined with a poor diet is the second most common reason for death in the USA, and being fit can reduce the risk of many diseases. Seniors are quickly becoming the fastest growing demographic in both Canada and the USA, and we cannot afford to have such a large percentage of the population to be of poor health.
Before diving into an intense regime though, seniors should consult medical professionals on any physical problems they may have that could inhibit exercise. They should also ensure to use the required safety equipment, such as helmets, or eye protection. Stretching before exercising is also recommended. One of the most important things is to know your own limit – do not overstrain yourself.
Many people today put off exercising because it seems like a chore to some. Fitness should not be forced activities that your doctor pushes you to complete. It should be FUN. You can make it an enjoyable social occurrence, by getting away from traditional methods. Instead of running on a treadmill watching Oprah reruns, and lifting weights listening to a looped playlist, make exercising more interesting. Seniors should take advantage of the retired lifestyle, and use their newfound time to go hiking on trails with beautiful scenery, or biking along the lake. Make healthier lifestyle choices to encourage physical activity – take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away from the mall entrance. Exercising should not be just another addition to your daily To Do list; it should be viewed as a transition into a healthier, longer, and more fulfilled life.
Food Blogging: Week 2
Today marks the conclusion of my second week of daily food blogging. If you’re new to the blog, I’m trying out daily food blogging for 3 weeks! I enjoyed it this week. I really like seeing my day unfold in pictures, and I’m finding it really helps me to make my food day healthy and balanced.
I’m also finding it very interesting to see how much of a story unfolds related to what I eat. Sometimes the day was uneventful, and perfectly planned. And other days life was crazy, and the food was too
Breakfast today was a new favorite – one egg scrambled with 2 T of 1% cottage cheese, with some red pepper flakes. The cottage cheese gave it a cheesy feel, and packed in some extra protein!
I also had about 1/2 C of raspberries. They’re almost tart they’re so ripe!
After breakfast ( a while after breakfast… I love lazy Sundays!) I went for a run. It went awesome! The first part was all uphill, so I did some running some walking. But the last part was all downhill. Much more fun!
After my run, I had a much better veggie sandwich than the FAIL for lunch the other day.
Spinach + Tomato + Onion + White Bean/Red Pepper dip + Whole Wheat Bun. It was excellent – the tomatoes are from the Farmer’s Market and so fresh and tasty!
I also had an iced coffee .
I had some more dip with crackers this afternoon ( I love this dip! 2.99 at Superstore )
And then we headed down to my parents house for dinner. I had a small glass of red wine while we chatted. (about half of the glass shown)
Dinner was great! A green salad, with romaine + tomato + carrots + cucumber + green onion + feta + ranch (about 1/2 T)
Turkey (I like the dark meat best!) + Mashed Potatoes (made with FF sour cream) + Corn on the Cob
A small glass of white wine with dinner (again, about half of shown)
And a teensy slice of cake for dessert.
I had made this cake from Smitten Kitchen – delicious! I subbed the rum for Kahlua (there may have been a leetle tasting of icing this afternoon!)
This is the view from my parent’s house – isn’t it gorgeous?!
Overall healthiness of today? Pretty good. A small slice of cake, but we were celebrating. It looks like I had more wine than I really did
I’m so glad I went for a run this morning though – I think it helped balance the day!
Well here goes nothing...
I’m not exactly sure what sparked this in me or what to expect from this experience but I do know this…I am so ready. Having struggled for many years with not knowing what to do with my career I have finally found that answer and have loved every minute of it. Unfortunately many other important aspects of my life got left in the wake of this search including my health both physical and emotional parts. I have decided to try and conquer the C25K program with a combination of healthy eating and swimming 2 days a week. The truth is I have been depressed and coming through this fog I finally feel ready to make a big change.
Tomorrow will be a scary day, I am going to weigh myself. I hope I have the strength to do this and to post the number. Once its out there then there is no turning back.
Got my shoes, iPod and blog…let’s get this started!!!
"Durga Pooja", "Navratri SMS, Greetings", "Dasara Wallpaper", "Saraswati Songs", "Ayudha puja"
Hereare the links for Navratri Pooja Process:
- Durga Sahasranama in Hindi PDF document
- Durga Pooja - Bengali Egreetings, ecard and SMS messages
- Navratri Puja Ecards, Greetings, wishes and SMS texts
- Significance of Navratri Saraswati pooja, Durga puja
- "How to do Navaratri Durga pooja"
"Durga Pooja", "Navratri SMS, Greetings", "Dasara Wallpaper", "Saraswati Songs", "Ayudha puja"
Hereare the links for Navratri Pooja Process:
- Durga Sahasranama in Hindi PDF document
- Durga Pooja - Bengali Egreetings, ecard and SMS messages
- Navratri Puja Ecards, Greetings, wishes and SMS texts
- Significance of Navratri Saraswati pooja, Durga puja
- "How to do Navaratri Durga pooja"
Be a Man of Fitness
Fitness is the essence of a man. Fitness is the ability of a person to do his normal everyday tasks with full alertness and vigor without worrying about fatigue afterward and with extra energy in reserve which can be useful when emergencies arise or during leisure and recreation. Overall fitness must be the primary goal every man must try to achieve. In fitness, no one is ever too young or too old for improvement.
One’s fitness can be improved by engaging in aerobic exercises and through strength training. There are three components of overall fitness that every man must focus on working out in order to be in healthy, tip-top shape. These are cardiovascular work, strength training and of course, these should be coupled with a healthy diet.
Staying strong by building muscles. Man’s fitness regimen should include a work out routine which aims to build the muscles. Aging causes a decrease in muscle mass of five to seven pounds (2-3.2 kgs) of muscle for every ten years in one’s adult life given that he lives an inactive lifestyle. Truly, the saying “use it or lose it” is very applicable to the muscles. Fortunately, there is a good solution to this. Loss of muscle mass can be replaced by engaiging in strength training.
To read the full article at www.healthyfamilylifestyles.com click here
Healthy Family Lifestyles