Advertise on - Text Ads and Banner Ads is a popular website among Indians and Non Resident Indians who live outside of India. This site is targeted for Indian entertainment and for valuable information that is generally relevant for Indian community. Indiaholic gets more than 100,000 page views from over 50,000 unique visitors a month.
Indiaholic offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to our large readership. Ads are sold on a per month basis via Paypal.
The Stripe ad is a text ad appearing on the top of the blog. It’s the first element to load and the first thing readers see when visiting the site. Price is $20 per month.
The 125x125 Banner ad appears on the Left hand side Navigation and at the top. It appears on each page and since it is on the leftmost corner, the ad catches the readers eye first. Price is $30 per month.
The 300x250 Banner ad appears on the Right hand side Navigation and at the top. It appears on each page and its bigger size should catch the attention of the reader. Price is $50 per month.
Indiaholic offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to our large readership. Ads are sold on a per month basis via Paypal.
The Stripe ad is a text ad appearing on the top of the blog. It’s the first element to load and the first thing readers see when visiting the site. Price is $20 per month.
The 125x125 Banner ad appears on the Left hand side Navigation and at the top. It appears on each page and since it is on the leftmost corner, the ad catches the readers eye first. Price is $30 per month.
The 300x250 Banner ad appears on the Right hand side Navigation and at the top. It appears on each page and its bigger size should catch the attention of the reader. Price is $50 per month.