2009 Astrology - Chinese, Yahoo, Indian, Google, MSN, Horoscope
Want to know what is in store for you in 2009? It may depend on your star alignment when you were born and also the way stars influence you this year. The eclipses, the retrogrades and the angles each stars make to your birth star affects you, your behavior and your luck! Watch how year 2009 going to be for you. I have collected few good links of well known astrology websites below. Know your sun sign before you start. For Chinese astrology you may want to know your birth year animal and for Indian astrology, you may need to know your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign too. You can look at 2009 Calendar and Panchanga with predictions for Indian Astrology here.
- Monthly forecasts & Horoscopes by Astrologyzone - Susan Miller
- Chinese astrology and Horoscopes 2009
- Chinese astrology forecast for the year of Ox (2009)
- Indian vedic astrology Horoscope for 2009
- 2009 Vedic Astrology report - Monthly, weekly - Career, marriage, health reports
- 2009 Yahoo Astrology - compatibility reports, Famous Horoscopes and Love/sex
- High Google Pagerank list of Astrology websites
- Vedic, Tarot, Feng Shui and Vastu Astrology reports