Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.The American Council on Exercise (ACE), America's non-profit fitness advocate, today announced its top 10 fitness trend predictions for 2006. Through its research, "workout watchdog" studies and worldwide network of certified fitness professionals, ACE continues to accurately monitor America's growing interest in fitness... click link for more info.Athlete's foot, the dreaded "fungus among us," is a common bane of warm locker rooms at schools and fitness centers. UAB dermatologist Sarah M. Boyce, M.D., warns that the condition also occurs in cold weather, when feet may be swaddled in boots and heavy socks for longer hours. "The treatment is straightforward, and over-the-counter or prescription anti-fungals usually are effective," she said... click link for more info.Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.
One-Third Of Teens, 14% Of Adults Have Poor Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.The American Council on Exercise (ACE), America's non-profit fitness advocate, today announced its top 10 fitness trend predictions for 2006. Through its research, "workout watchdog" studies and worldwide network of certified fitness professionals, ACE continues to accurately monitor America's growing interest in fitness... click link for more info.Athlete's foot, the dreaded "fungus among us," is a common bane of warm locker rooms at schools and fitness centers. UAB dermatologist Sarah M. Boyce, M.D., warns that the condition also occurs in cold weather, when feet may be swaddled in boots and heavy socks for longer hours. "The treatment is straightforward, and over-the-counter or prescription anti-fungals usually are effective," she said... click link for more info.Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.
Poor Fitness Associated With Increase In Prevalence Of Cardiovascular Disease
Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.
Fitness Trend Predictions For 2006 - American Council On Exercise
Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.The American Council on Exercise (ACE), America's non-profit fitness advocate, today announced its top 10 fitness trend predictions for 2006. Through its research, "workout watchdog" studies and worldwide network of certified fitness professionals, ACE continues to accurately monitor America's growing interest in fitness... click link for more info.
Athlete's Foot Prevention
Approximately one-third of adolescents and 14 percent of adults (aged 20 to 49 years) in the U.S. have poor cardiorespiratory fitness, with an associated increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as higher total cholesterol and blood pressure levels, according to a study in the December 21 issue of JAMA... click link for more info.The American Council on Exercise (ACE), America's non-profit fitness advocate, today announced its top 10 fitness trend predictions for 2006. Through its research, "workout watchdog" studies and worldwide network of certified fitness professionals, ACE continues to accurately monitor America's growing interest in fitness... click link for more info.Athlete's foot, the dreaded "fungus among us," is a common bane of warm locker rooms at schools and fitness centers. UAB dermatologist Sarah M. Boyce, M.D., warns that the condition also occurs in cold weather, when feet may be swaddled in boots and heavy socks for longer hours. "The treatment is straightforward, and over-the-counter or prescription anti-fungals usually are effective," she said... click link for more info.
Exercising When You're Older
As you age, the maximum pumping capacity of your heart declines, resulting in less oxygen to exercising muscles and a decrease in your cardiovascular fitness.
Declines In Exercise Capacity May Be Due To Lack Of Training, Not Just Age
As you age, the maximum pumping capacity of your heart declines, resulting in less oxygen to exercising muscles and a decrease in your cardiovascular fitness.Older people generally have to work harder than younger people to walk as fast or do other exercise, but some of the difference may be due to reduced exercise efficiency, which can be reversed with training, according to a new study in the Mar. 7, 2006, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology... click link for more info.
Ironman Study Redefines Fine-tuned: Balance Training Time With Blood Pressure Variability
As you age, the maximum pumping capacity of your heart declines, resulting in less oxygen to exercising muscles and a decrease in your cardiovascular fitness.Older people generally have to work harder than younger people to walk as fast or do other exercise, but some of the difference may be due to reduced exercise efficiency, which can be reversed with training, according to a new study in the Mar. 7, 2006, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology... click link for more info.BETHESDA, MD (March, 2006) -- With thoughts of the Winter Olympics waning, perhaps it's time to turn athletic training preparations toward the November Kona (Hawaii) Ironman competition, the 2008 Summer Olympic triathlon, or your local marathon or 10K.Worried about the training time commitment involved? Concerned how long it might take you to stand up without fainting afterwards? Fear not... click link for more info.
Strong Reasons to Start Strength Training
As you age, the maximum pumping capacity of your heart declines, resulting in less oxygen to exercising muscles and a decrease in your cardiovascular fitness.Older people generally have to work harder than younger people to walk as fast or do other exercise, but some of the difference may be due to reduced exercise efficiency, which can be reversed with training, according to a new study in the Mar. 7, 2006, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology... click link for more info.BETHESDA, MD (March, 2006) -- With thoughts of the Winter Olympics waning, perhaps it's time to turn athletic training preparations toward the November Kona (Hawaii) Ironman competition, the 2008 Summer Olympic triathlon, or your local marathon or 10K.Worried about the training time commitment involved? Concerned how long it might take you to stand up without fainting afterwards? Fear not... click link for more info.Strength training, whether you use weight training machines, elastic resistance bands, dumbbells, barbells or simply the weight of your body, offers many health benefits.
ACE Recommends Strength Training to Address Obesity
As you age, the maximum pumping capacity of your heart declines, resulting in less oxygen to exercising muscles and a decrease in your cardiovascular fitness.Older people generally have to work harder than younger people to walk as fast or do other exercise, but some of the difference may be due to reduced exercise efficiency, which can be reversed with training, according to a new study in the Mar. 7, 2006, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology... click link for more info.BETHESDA, MD (March, 2006) -- With thoughts of the Winter Olympics waning, perhaps it's time to turn athletic training preparations toward the November Kona (Hawaii) Ironman competition, the 2008 Summer Olympic triathlon, or your local marathon or 10K.Worried about the training time commitment involved? Concerned how long it might take you to stand up without fainting afterwards? Fear not... click link for more info.Strength training, whether you use weight training machines, elastic resistance bands, dumbbells, barbells or simply the weight of your body, offers many health benefits.One more way to steer the overweight children toward an active lifestyle is through strength training.
New Target For Obesity And Related Metabolic Disorders
A new study reveals an attractive new target for therapies aimed at the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders, researchers report in the March Cell Metabolism. A novel compound, when delivered to rats on a high-fat diet, acted on the target receptor to suppress appetite and weight gain in the animals, they found... click link for more info.