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kitchen etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
kitchen etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Progress Photos of the Bathroom and Kitchen

Here they are! What we have all been waiting for, Progress!
The kitchen grew once we had the cabinets back in! There of course is still a few things to do; counter tops, sink, tiling and trim. Do you see those yellow wires hanging out of the walls? That is the new electrical! Just a few outlets wired in and we are good to go.

 And here is the bathroom with WALLS!!
 It is such a strong green, it makes the bathroom look small! The white round pipe in the floor is where the toilet is going and the pipes sticking out of the wall is for the sink.
 I love how the view from the hallway is the window. Though once all the fixtures are in it won't so uncluttered. (Bathtub to the left.)
A new coat of plaster! In keeping with the style of the house I am skim coating all the bathroom walls with wet plaster. (I started in the closet for practice.) So nice to have the walls back to white! I have about half the walls done with the first coat!

Where did June go?!?

My goodness! Where did June go?!? The last update I gave you, we were packing and moving out of the lower part of the big house. All while furiously working on my house. Well, plan A didn't work out to, so we moved on to plan B. We moved upstairs in the little four room apartment. It has certainly been an adventure! We don't have a stove up there and the refrigerator is a temporary small one. All our cooking is in the microwave or an electric fry pan. As Dad says, we are camping in!
The brothers hard at work in the bathroom.
 So, progress in the past month? (I am not even sure I remember where I left off! But here is the latest accomplishments.) The bathroom has plumbing and the bathtub is framed in. Unfortunately the plumbing doesn't function yet, but it is progress! The plumbing hasn't gone as fast as I hoped, as brother Phil (plumber extraordinaire) has been crazy busy with other jobs this year. There is also a new window installed in the bathroom with rain glass. I have finished painting the baseboards in the living and dining rooms. My bedroom upstairs is almost done, just a bit more trim painting and then on to shellacking  the floors.
Mandy and I primed the kitchen last night. It was speed painting as we only had an hour, but we got it done! The cupboards are all painted (makes such a difference, doesn't it?) and ready to go back in. And then the kitchen plumbing can be installed. We have kitchen appliances on order, so should be getting them some time next week. I am hoping to get my room done this weekend. There might be a possibility the bathroom will get dry walled next week, if the electrical gets finished up this weekend.
 I was really only planning on taking a week or so off of blogging until things settled a bit more... But then allergy season hit and the month was away before I knew it! Now that all of that is behind me I am looking forward to showing you what has been happening around here! As soon as I take a few pictures I will be back with more updates!
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! Here in Wisconsin it is a typical summer. The weather is bouncing around like a Ping-Pong ball. A bit of rain, a few hot days and then back to perfect weather. I going to try not to miss it all!

Tile Floors

 Aren't they pretty? I absolutely love how they turned out!!
 I wanted the floor to have a warm-old-fashioned-sort-of-flagstone-English-cottage-look.
 I think it certainly give the room a bit of that feel. (Don't look at those walls around the floor. We haven't had a chance to prime in here yet!)
The view of  the "construction zone"!

House Update-Tile Floor

This past weekend we finally got the sagging joist fixed! I am so excited and still in shock. It seemed like the project wasn't going anywhere, it had stalled out. Then all of the sudden the joiste was fixed and concrete board down in the kitchen. And now I need to decide what tile I want! That is the hard part.....

I originally wanted to paint my wood floors. But it just wasn't going to work out. The floor boards were in terrible shape and once I really really thought about it, I decided we do too many projects in our kitchen. I have visions of having to re-paint the floor every year! So I am contenting myself with painting the porch floor, the basement steps and the kick plates of the main staircase.

The picture above is what I am envisioning the kitchen to look like. Envisioning is the key word here. I know it really isn't going to turn out to close to it. But this is the look and feel I want.
I am going to go with a lighter color counter top, the cabinets are going to be white and the walls will probably be a light blue.
Should I go darker tiles, like these? To give the kitchen a bit of warmth.
I like the almost flagstone look here.
White or light colored tile?
Traditional Kitchen design by Seattle Kitchen And Bath Sadro Design Studio Inc.
Even though this picture isn't tile, it does have a light colored floor. Come to think of it. The layout is very much like my kitchen! I am even thinking of putting in rounded shelves on the end of the cabinets.
What would go with? Light and bright and clean? Or more of a cozy farmhouse look?
P.S. All the fabulous pictures are from Houzz. A wonderful site filled with pictures of houses!